Feed43 (Feed For Free) : Convert any web page to news feed on th
XoXxXEmo and Proud Of ItXxXoX
A study by Harvard University found that when a person gets a job, 85 percent of the time, it is because of their attitude. Only 15 percent of the time, because of how smart they are and how many facts and figures they know. As a university or college student, what is your attitude towards your future? Your attitude will always be a determinant of your altitude in life.
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Viridian Note
Key concepts: Web 2.0, nomenclature, neologisms, archaeologisms, spimes, blogjects, fabjects, blobjects, thinglinks, everyware, FlickR, Wikipedia, Jimmy Wales, Caterina Fake, ubiquitous computation, Marc Weiser, Tim O'Reilly, Alan Liu, Adam Greenfield, Ulla-Maaria Mutanen, Julian Bleecker, O'Reilly Media Emerging Technology Conference 2006 Attention Conservation Notice: it's a Bruce Sterling speech at a California technology conference. Delivered at alpha-geek central, it may include indecipherable techie in-jokes. Well over 6,000 words.
3 Tools To Monitor Google’s “Past 24 Hours” Search Results Pages
Google offers quite a few options to monitor recent news and updates. We have Google Alerts (that allow you to subscribe via email and RSS) and various ways to have fun with the tool. We also have Google News that can deliver news results to your email address or feed reader.
1 Signup to create your own newsradars using mySyndicaat. MySyndicaat is a personalized aggregator built on the idea that it should be easy to collect, filter and share web content that is important to you and others.
bopuc/weblog: A brief history of Podcasting
The first Podcaster The first Podcast Celebrity. Coca Cola anybody? Most ironic thing heard on a Podcast Today: "Indie nine one one, the best in unsigned, independant and undependant music...
(2,396) NewsBlur
Mary Ellen Mark, chronicler of society’s sad underbellies, died last month, aged 75. An ugly world she photographed limps on. Altamont and Falkland Roads are just a couple of miles away from one another in downtown Bombay. However, they seemed to belong to different worlds. Magnates, celebrities, and ambassadors live in the upscale residential neighborhood around Altamont Road.
and SciTE
SciTE is a SCIntilla based Text Editor. Originally built to demonstrate Scintilla, it has grown to be a generally useful editor with facilities for building and running programs. It is best used for jobs with simple configurations - I use it for building test and demonstration programs as well as SciTE and Scintilla, themselves.