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Free Energy Magnet Motor (Engine)

Free Energy Magnet Motor (Engine)

Schools of Fish Inspire New Wind Farms that Will Increase Energy 10X Every now and then you come across an article and concept that makes you really smile and feel good on the inside. Typically they are "feel-good" stories that you see online or on the news, but today I came across this story about how scientists have designed new wind farms based on how schools of fish swim. So not only are we creating technology to help the environment but we are looking at nature for help. The new vertical-axis wind turbines are designed by Caltech and are currently being tested in the California desert. Based on early tests, the new design actually helps increase energy output by 10X and could be the wave of the future for wind technology. Here is a little statement from a Caltech engineer: Additionally here is a statement from the author of the study: Read more about the new advance over on the BBC

Les Artifices d'Énergie libre, l'énergie de point zéro et l'eau comme le combustible Les informations principales sur ce site Internet ont été rassemblées dans un format de livre standard dans l'anglais. Vous pouvez télécharger l'ensemble principal des informations, en incluant les brevets, comme un eBook, en utilisant ce lien eBook la Libération 25.4 . Le document contient environ 2,600 pages et a une grandeur de dossier d'environ 42 Mb qui signifie qu'il prendra un temps pour télécharger. Il est aussi possible d'utiliser un téléchargement de base de fileFactory. Autrement, vous pouvez choisir des chapitres individuels comme vous voulez. Peux je suggérer que vous conservez n'importe quoi que vous téléchargez sur votre trajet local comme les sites Internet ne restent pas dans l'endroit pour toujours. eBook Chapitres 1 à 16 Tous les chapitres comme un document simple (Édition 25.3: le 10/3/14). grandeur 25 Mb Introduction Introduction: Un guide rapide à que l'Énergie libre est tout de, en expliquant les principes fondamentaux.

Strange Attractor: Magnetism Science Project Strange Attractor The attraction and repulsion of magnets produces entrancing, unpredictable motion. Patterns of order can be found in apparently disordered systems. This pendulum - a magnet swinging over a small number of fixed magnets - is a very simple system that shows chaotic motion for some starting positions of the pendulum. The search for order in the chaos can be very engrossing. A ring stand and a clamp. 4 to 6 ceramic magnets (available at Radio Shack). (15 minutes or less) Put all the magnets together in a stack so that they stick together magnetically. Use the string or fishing line to hang one magnet from the ring stand so that it is a free-swinging pendulum. Arrange the other magnets on the ring stand base in an equilateral triangle measuring a couple of inches on a side. Adjust the length of the pendulum so that the free-swinging magnet will come as close as possible to the magnets on the ring stand base without hitting them or the base itself. (15 minutes or more)

Magnets 4 Energy - Build Your Own Magnetic Generator and Never Pay For Electricity Ever Again! Wind Turbine Output Boosted 30% by Breakthrough Design Clean Power Published on April 29th, 2009 | by Timothy B. Hurst Passive structure design of “Wind Energizer” by Leviathan Energy reportedly increases wind turbine efficiency 30% in field tests. Technological advancements in wind energy efficiency have generally come incrementally and usually made via a process of increasingly large wind turbine blades. But that pattern of incremental improvements may be a thing of the past if Leviathan Energy has anything to say about it. The principle theory at work is that by placing passive objects around a wind farm it will change the circulation around a large wind turbine. “This is a disruptive technology,” Leviathan Energy CEO Dr. Farb is a bit of a modern day renaissance man. The Wind Energizer is a donut-shaped structure made from steel and plastic, but the exact dimensions of it depend on site-specific data, like the tower height, length of the blades, prevailing wind direction and intensity, etc. Images courtesy of Leviathan Energy Timothy B.

inventeurs et leurs inventions "Encore quelques générations qui passent, et nos machines seront conduites par la force obtenue à n'importe quel point dans l'univers... C'est une simple question de temps et les hommes réussiront à connecter leurs machines aux rouages mêmes de la nature." - Nikola Tesla En effet, il a été démontré que le vide contient une énorme quantité d'énergie, proche du zéro absolu (le point zéro), une énergie utilisable en abondance : L’énergie libre, ou énergie du vide (éther). C’est une source d’énergie renouvelable disponible gratuitement appelée aussi « énergie du point zéro ». Les recherches révèlent que cette source d’énergie peut être partiellement convertie en énergie utilisable. Imaginez-vous que cela existe depuis 20 ans: en avez-vous déjà entendu parler? Il existe beaucoup d’inventeurs indépendants qui ont construit des machines à énergie libre et dont les résultats ont été publiés au grand jour et vérifiés Viktor Schauberger R.

Schematic of How to Build a Magnetic Motor There also is this so-called “free energy”, the zero-point energy, proven mathematically by many scientists. My duty as a green optimistic is to collect everything I see someone has struggled explaining and demonstrating, put it in one place and let the people see and comment. Such is the example of this magnetic motor. But there are also “green pessimistic” websites. I took such an article today as an inspiration because it talks about a magnetic motor, one of my favorite subjects, about which I haven’t heard much lately. Here is the whole process of transforming the magnetic energy into mechanical energy, explained by the invention’s author (Sandeep Acharya): “Think of Two Powerful Magnets. Now there is another magnet at 30 angular distance on Rotating Disk on both side of the magnet M1. The space between two disk is just more than the width of magnets M0 and M1 and space needed for connecting gear G0 to rotating disk with a rod. What do you think?

Torresol Energy - Gemasolar thermosolar plant Gemasolar is the first commercial-scale plant in the world to apply central tower receiver and molten salt heat storage technology. The relevance of this plant lies in its technological uniqueness, since it opens up the way for new thermosolar electrical generation technology. Characteristics of Gemasolar: Rated electrical power: 19.9 MWNet electrical production expected: 110 GWh/year Solar field: 2,650 heliostats on 185 hectaresHeat storage system: the molten salt storage tank permits independent electrical generation for up to 15 hours without any solar feed. The prolongation of the plant's operating time in the absence of solar radiation and the improvement in efficiency of the use of the heat from the sun makes Gemasolar's output much higher than that which is delivered by other technologies in a facility with the same power. The notable increase in the plant's power efficiency guarantees electrical production for 6,500 hours a year, 1.5 to 3 times more than other renewable energies.

Electricité - Principes de base et notions
