Gruener Consulting LLC | Positive Discipline Parent and Classroom Education, Presentations and Seminars Teachers' Bag of Tricks Bloom's Taxonomy - UCF Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning Introduction Bloom's taxonomy was developed to provide a common language for teachers to discuss and exchange learning and assessment methods. Specific learning objectives can be derived from the taxonomy, though it is most commonly used to assess learning on a variety of cognitive levels. The table below defines each cognitive level from higher- to lower-order thinking. The goal of an educator using Bloom's taxonomy is to encourage higher-order thought in their students by building up from lower-level cognitive skills. Knowledge Definition Rote factual knowledge of specific terminology, ways and means (i.e., conventions, trends, classifications and categories, criteria, methodology), universal axioms and/or abstractions accepted by the field or discipline (principles and generalizations, theories and structures). Comprehension Definition Understanding the meaning of information and materials. Application Analysis Synthesis Evaluation Learning Objectives Applications of the Taxonomy Bloom, B.
Positive Discipline Association - Home EBD Blog Puzzle | AIMS Education Foundation This week’s Puzzle Corner activity is a magic trick with a mathematical, as well as a slight-of-hand, component. I first came across this trick in one of Martin Gardner’s many books on recreational mathematics. I liked it so much that I have been stumping students, friends, and family members with it ever since. You will need at least three cups to perform this trick. Begin this trick by explaining that the goal is to get all three cups facing up after making exactly three moves. Next, invite one of the students who was watching to get all the cups facing up in three moves. What students realize at this point is that when they try the trick, the cups are set up differently than they are when you do the trick. The reason for this is quite simple once you think about it. At this point, students are ready to talk about the mathematics involved in the trick. Below are questions about why the trick works and how it can be explained. Performing the trick: Move One: Flip right and center cups
SENG AT Cubed:: Thinking about Relationships... Anyone who has been around education knows that there are always initiatives....always. Some make sense while others don't. I have the privilege of working with a number of different future and practicing education professionals in helping them understand the role that technology could - or should - play in the education of students with disabilities and other diverse learning needs. About three years ago, I was invited by a colleague, Dr. Maureen Angel, to do a guest presentation in her class. The class was comprised of future special education administrators and schools psychologists and focused on technology applications in special education. Let me see if I can break this down. UDL cannot be accomplished without access to universally designed materials. So what about Response to Intervention? Now...some disclaimers. This representation of relationships is one that is in constant development.
Observation of Learning, Teaching and Assessment 2012-13 | Leeds City College Vision for Learning Please find the resources and information to support the 2012-13 Observation of Learning, Teaching and Assessment (OLTA) detailed below. Practitioner OLTA Briefing PowerPoint. The PowerPoint plays quite quickly, to pause the show ‘hover’ the cursor at the bottom left hand side of the viewing window and pause as necessary. The screen can also be maximised by clicking the [ ] symbol at the bottom right hand side of the screen. Link to the PowerPoint which can be downloaded and saved. Observation briefing 2012-13 OTL Practitioner Guide OTL Guide 2012-13 Final 1.0 without hyperlinks Contents: Introduction 1. 2. 3. Criteria for Outstanding Learning, Teaching and Assessment The following grid is based on the Ofsted 2012 Common Inspection Framework (CIF) and is a handy reference tool for assessing the quality of learning, teaching and assessment. Observation of Teaching LCC Revised Observation Form Supporting Documents 1. Support Document 1 – Eg Session Plan 1 2. Support Document 2 – Eg Session Plan 2 3. 4.