SETI Institute
15 Deadliest Beach Creatures
Keep away from any of these 15 deadly creatures when you next visit the beach. 1. Portuguese Man-of-War Jellyfish Not a true jellyfish, the Portuguese Man-of-War is a siphonophore – a colony of organisms living together. Found mainly far out in the sea, it can be seen swarming or floating with thousands of organisms grouped together. Source 2. The Marble Cone snail shell looks beautiful but the sea creature inside is deadlier than any other possible beach inhabitant listed here. Source 3. Ocean-going trawlers are where most sea snake bites occur since the snake can be hauled in along with desirable catch. Source 4. The marine snail which inhabits cone shells are found in reefs all around the globe. Source 5. The Dornorn, commonly called the “stonefish” is among the most venomous beach creatures on the planet. Source 6. Box jellyfish, known commonly as sea wasp, is probably the most dangerous beach creature listed here. Source 7. Source 8. 9. This huge hornet can reach three-inches in length.