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For Back to School, Reimagine Classroom Design

For Back to School, Reimagine Classroom Design
Teaching Strategies Lenny Gonzales By Therese Jilek As the school year begins, most classrooms across the country will mirror traditional class design: rows of desks with passive children sitting quietly listening to a teacher in the front of the class. But not at Hartland-Lakeside. Across the Hartland-Lakeside school district in Hartland, Wisconsin, teachers have transformed their Industrial Age classrooms into innovative, state-of-the-art learning spaces. The innovative spaces were a product of teachers changing how they taught and viewed student learning. Teachers realized that they needed to do more than rearrange the room; they needed to start over. As teachers transformed their roles into facilitators of learning, they found that standing in front of the classroom or lecturing was no longer prudent. Students and teachers work together throughout the day in many different ways. This change also reflects the increased use of mobile technology to personalize learning. Therese Jilek

Curation: How the Global Brain Evolves | Underwire By Eliot Van Buskirk, “Those who can, do. Those who can’t, review. Those who can’t review, tweet. Those who can’t tweet retweet.” That quote is zinging around the internet this week. [partner id="evolverfm"] The sentiment expressed above is funny, in a mocking sort of way. Unfortunately, it makes as little sense as the quote upon which it is based: “Those who can do. This is what people have always done: pass along things we find worthwhile. Plenty of person-to-person sharing goes on these days, obviously. There’s too much stuff. An academic librarian recently asked me to comment on what it means when people “curate” content for an upcoming article in a search-oriented publication. When we curate, we are enhancing a connection in the global neural network we are inadvertently creating. “Content curation is the natural evolution of our globally networked consciousness. is about music apps and digital music.

The 50+ Best Ways to Curate and Share Your Favorite Social Media and News Content There’s so much information online just begging to be curated: news, social media, images, video, websites… the list goes on. Reading great content from my favorite blogs and websites is one of my favorite down-time activities. It’s also an important part of my job as an IT Director because I need to stay on top of the latest trends, announcements and tech news. Just a few years ago, the tools I used to use for reading and consuming content were Google Reader, StumbleUpon, Digg, Delicious… you know all the big names. More recently I’ve discovered some great new tools to read and share my favorite content which I’ve included here in this list. Whether you are a person who just likes to stay on top of the latest news, a blogger like me who needs a way to organize the vast amount of information that comes my way or a person who just enjoys sharing what they find with others you’ll love this list. Content Gathering and Personalized Newsfeeds iPad Curation There’s more to this article!

Index Card For iPad Gains Another Stack Of Improvements In June, DenVog released Index Card v3.1, an update that added Dropbox integration, but primarily included tweaks to previously implemented features based on user feedback for efficiency. Today, DenVog performed another round of tidying and fixing things up through the release of Index Card v3.2 for iPad. Indeed, iPhone and iPod touch owners can skip this announcement. Originally, Dropbox access for importing Index Card projects was placed within the Settings menu. Another new feature of the Project popover is project renaming, just tap Edit, then a project name. Speaking of visual efficiency, there are two other notable, along with a few minor, UI modifications that will help make things a little easier to spot and adjust. Helping both new and current users, DenVog is now providing a “What’s New” and FAQ list within the Information “i” area. To wrap things up, here is the maintenance log listed by DenVog:

Put multiple links into one - Oops! The bunch is either not defined or has been blocked. If you followed this bunch link from another website, you should notify the site owner. Smart Searching Just Got Smarter with instaGrok - Getting Smart by Adam Renfro - instaGrok, Knowledge Graph, smart searches Content used to be difficult to find, behind closed doors, and very proprietary. Those days are long over. Now it’s just the opposite. We now have so much content, we don’t know where or even how to start. We went from trying to find a needle in a haystack to trying to find a needle in a needle stack. This all happened in a fairly short time, so short that some instructors are still teaching like most of the world’s knowledge is not just seconds away. One complaint about smart searches is that they don’t let you totally explore all of the possibilities on the web. Search Strategy So how do teachers provide safe, targeted searches that result in content-appropriate results for their students? Google’s Custom Search Engine is a place to start if you really want to control the content students see. Google made a big announcement about their Knowledge Graph last week. “We can use the Knowledge Graph to answer questions you never thought to ask and help you discover more.” instaGrok
