Online Games, Best Avatar Game Online, Play Avatar Game, Free Avatar for Facebook and Twitter, Talking Avatar Game Looking for a good avatar game? It's right here. Our Avatar Game lets you completely customise the look and feel of your avatar. You can then post your avatar on Facebook, Twitter, or even to your forum. Food'Amour Nouvelle rentrée avec des espoirs... Je sais bien qu'il faudra du temps avant que des réformes et des décisions lourdes de sens soient prises mais il est frustrant de constater que : des élèves ayant besoin d'un AVS (assistant de vie scolaire) se retrouvent sans personne ou avec quelques heures seulement... les effectifs sont toujours chargés (et on s'étonne ensuite que les élèves ne cartonnent pas à l'oral) le nombre de surveillants ou d'assistants pédagogiques est toujours risible... Surveiller 400 gamins quand on est deux dans la cour... mais bien sûr... pas assez de sous pour des dotations de TBI ou de vidéoprojecteurs... des élèves avec des besoins particuliers qui se retrouvent noyés dans la masse du collège unique alors qu'ils auraient besoin d'une structure plus adaptée... les zones sensibles n'ont toujours pas de conseiller d'orientation psychologue, d'assistante sociale ou d'infirmière à temps plein... Il est de bon ton de dire que les profs râlent tout le temps...
The Ultimate List of 50 Free Mac Games With the recent release of Steam for the Mac, the platform is receiving some great press for becoming a far more usable gaming platform. But what if your Mac isn’t quite powerful enough to run the latest releases? Or maybe you don’t have the money to splash out on the latest blockbuster titles? Today we’re rounding up over fifty games in a variety of genres, ranging from shooters to strategy. Best of all, they are all completely free. Who said the Mac wasn’t for playing games?
I Went on a Wizard Quest A few months ago, I had the most fun I have ever had in my entire life at a place called Wizard Quest in Wisconsin. I've been trying to explain exactly what it is to people ever since, but haven't had much luck. According to their website, it's a "13000-square-foot fantasy-themed labrynth (we call it the quadrasphere)." But that doesn't make it sound anywhere near as awesome as it actually is, so here's a blog about it. If you intend to visit this place in the near future, maybe don't read this blog. Philly Teacher: Free Kid-Friendly Avatar Creators This seemed to be the most popular site that was sent to me. It is hosted by the Wildlife Conservation Society and the New York Zoos and Aquarium. Students can choose their gender, their skin tone, and add eyes, hands, feet and 'backsides' that are all animal parts. To use this as an avatar, students would have to click 'I'm Done' and then save the image to their desktop to use. It is free and does not require a login account. The only downfalls are that you can't link to the image unless you email it to someone, there is no embed code, and the image includes a fairly large background since it's intended as a desktop image.
virelangues virelangue trompe-oreille exercices elocution pronon Jouez avec ces chères phrases ! - Bafouillages à gogo - Phrases à piège Un chasseur sachant chasser doit savoir chasser sans son chien. Awesome Indie Games for Free - TheFreeBundle Color Theory 101 - DesignFestival First impressions are everything. How you look and how you present yourself can determine how you are perceived. The same goes for our design work. The impression that our work gives depends on a myriad of different factors. One of the most important factors of any design is color. Color reflects the mood of a design and can invoke emotions, feelings, and even memories. humour - Psssttttt l'autre… - Même pô peur - Accident de blonde… - La poule et le… - C'est le brasseur… - Rien de tout Mercredi 15 décembre 3 15 /12 /Déc 07:57 Lors d'un show télévisé de Sinatra en novembre 1951 apparait un phénomène : Larry Griswold. Un burlesque hors normes qui "joue" avec un tremplin de natation. Paranoia: Whats it all about? What is Paranoia about? Paranoia is a roleplaying game with a difference. Where as other RPGs encourage players to work together towards a common goal, Paranoia encourages backstabbing, double-crossing and bare-faced lying.
Prison Architect - the game that asks, what's it like to run a jail? Think of computer game management simulations, and you usually think of aspirational jobs - or at least the things we dreamed of doing as kids. Theme parks, railroads, game development studios, farms – all have featured in this popular genre since it flourished in the '90s. But right now, there is something very different out there, something intriguing enough to attract over 10,000 players into its paid online alpha test.
Curvy in HTML5 Curvy is a HTML5 puzzle game using the canvas element. Just rotate the tiles so that like colors connect. Modernizr tells me you don't have canvas support in your browser. Sadly, this game uses technology that's only in browsers with HTML5 support. We've tested Chrome 12, Firefox 4 and Opera 11. Presented to you by FlamingLunchbox is a puzzle, originally for Android phones, using a simple idea.
Multiple Choice Zombie Apocalypse Survival Game You really aren't awake yet. You never are until at least your second cup of coffee, and this is only your first. You're having a hard time getting your eyes to focus. But it certainly looks like there's a man in your front yard, crouched down on all fours, gnawing at a leg. A human leg.