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5 Urban Design Proposals for 3D City Farms: Sustainable, Ecological and Agricultural Skyscrapers 3D City Farms: 5 Urban Design Proposals for Green Towers Article by Urbanist, filed under Cities & Urbanism in the Architecture category. (Check out our complete collection of Green Art, Design and Technology.) Imagine the world in 2050 with almost 80% of the planet’s population living in urban centers and our fruit, vegetables and even animals are grown in … skyscrapers? One of the first designs of its kind, the compelling vertical farm project above was undertaken by Chris Jacobs in cooperation with the grandfather of skyscraper farm concepts: Dr. Architect Pierre Sartoux of Atelier SOA has gone a step further and put some serious design talent behind his proposal for a vertical farming skyscraper. Given that most urban cores are already densely built, one designer has proposed an auxiliary series of structures to be attached to existing structures in downtown areas.

On Agrarian Urbanism An opportunity for point-counterpoint on the topic of Agrarian Urbanism - one that, with the recent explosion of discussion and interest in urban agriculture - is vital to discussing the place of food in the city, and what impact this will have on the form and function of our urban agglomerations. The topic is poignant here in Portland, as it is both a hotbed of urban agriculture, as well striving for density through urban growth boundaries (UGBs) to protect adjacent farmland. The question becomes one of spatial configuration - as space within cities can be allocated in whatever configuration we choose - but this does have implications on the overall spread. I'm amazed with the ability to drive 10 minutes and find working farms - (while also looking around my neighborhood and finding working produce, poultry and other small-scale productive urban gardens). :: image via OregonLive More on this urban/rural - inside/outside dichotomy, but for now a few bits of related reading.

Evacuated Tube Transport Technologies : et3 Network : Space Trav Top 20 Logical Fallacies - The Skeptics' Guide to the Universe Introduction to Argument Structure of a Logical Argument Whether we are consciously aware of it or not, our arguments all follow a certain basic structure. They begin with one or more premises, which are facts that the argument takes for granted as the starting point. Then a principle of logic is applied in order to come to a conclusion. Premise1: If A = B, Premise2: and B = C Logical connection: Then (apply principle of equivalence) Conclusion: A = C In order for an argument to be considered valid the logical form of the argument must work – must be valid. Also it is important to note that an argument may use wrong information, or faulty logic to reach a conclusion that happens to be true. Breaking down an argument into its components is a very useful exercise, for it enables us to examine both our own arguments and those of others and critically analyze them for validity. Examine your Premises As stated above, in order for an argument to be sound all of its premises must be true.

Spiraling Wind Tower Produces Energy for 2000 Homes The Wind Tower is a spiraling mega-structure designed by British architects David Arnold and Alexa Ratzlaff as a twisted steel and concrete diagrid aerodynamically shaped to take advantage of the prevailing wind currents. At the center of the tower is the core which contains the main vertical circulation and storage areas. Spiraling around the core is a series of platforms that will accommodate a variety of programs including commercial, residential, institutional, and recreational facilities. Located above the program, turbines measuring 45 meters will generate enough power for 2,000 residences. To commemorate the 9th Annual Skyscraper Competition, eVolo is publishing the Limited Edition Book "eVolo Skyscrapers 2" which is the follow-up to its highly acclaimed book “eVolo Skyscrapers”. -> EVOLO SKYSCRAPERS 2 - Limited Edition Book

The Venus Project The Peace Revolution Podcast Project Constellation: Connect the Dots, See the Big Picture. A Message to the Future of America by Richard Grove; published by Meria Heller ( on the Meria Heller Show, May 31, 2006. Wall Street Whistleblower Richard Grove's first publication- a message to media hosts and their audiences- to inspire them to look beyond the veil of illusion and inspect the actual facts regarding some of the biggest myths of our time. To play, click the "pod" icon at the top left, or right-click and "save as" to download. For more information, includes an archive of more than 500 hours podcasts in the form of a curriculum which instills the tools of Intellectual Self Defense.

torres en la niebla – coastal fog tower Coastal fog tower (mid-size prototype) Huasco – Chile (2010). Arquitectura, Alberto Fernández González en colaboración con Susana Ortega Gómez. Fotografías, El proyecto resuelve un sistema de torres que condensan las partículas de agua contenida en la niebla costera, destinado a obtener agua potabilizada para la actividad agrícola del valle del Huasco. Con el objetivo de evaluar y optimizar el sistema, se ha construido una torre a escala 1:10, de 15.00m de altura y 71.00m2 de superfície, que permite obtener entre 140 y 700 litros de agua en un día. + Coastal fog tower – Holcim Foundation (descropción con ilustraciones y fotografías, en formato html y en formato pdf) + Coastal fog tower – Alberto Fernández (paneles del concurso en formato pdf) + Coastal fog tower – Tectónicas Digitales (artículo de texto con ilustraciones) vía plataforma arquitectura

Frets On Fire Wiki: Custom Songs This is a work-in-progress list of songs that can be found on the forums. The list is sorted by Artist, then Title. If you would like your song(s) added, feel free to register on here so that you can edit the pages. *For all those who help in anyway with songs or updating the song database, we really appreciate all the hard work! If you are a fretter, please take a minute to sign the Fretters page to show off your profile, your current projects, and what you have done for the FOF Community." How to *PROPERLY* add songs to the database: 1. If you are going to be adding songs, please organize your song(s) by artist, then title. 2. 3. 4. **To save room: If you fret an ENTIRE album or come across one, please add it to the "Albums" page instead of posting every link in the db. 5. 6. Rule that must be followed - Do NOT add direct links to songs from file storage sites (e.x. If you are still lost, please read this In-Depth Tutorial, with pictures for extra guidance. :)

Denying Science: Conspiracy Theories, Media Distortions, and the War against Reality Denying Science: Conspiracy Theories, Media Distortions, and the War against Reality by John Grant [978-1-61614-399-2] - $25.00 : Prometheus Books "A timely and intelligent dissection of all that is wrong with popular responses to science. This articulate and impassioned account of the workings of the world should be required reading for decision-makers everywhere. Hang on: that's all of us." —Keith Brooke, PhD, author, The Accord, Genetopia, and alt.human “Packed with damning facts and deadly wit, this book shows how we're being lied to on an industrial scale. —Ken MacLeod, author, The Restoration Game “John Grant is the living heir of Martin Gardner. —Gregory Frost, author of Shadowbridge Is global warming just scaremongering by climatologists conspiring to protect their jobs? The answer to all of these questions is, of course, no. As prolific popular science and science fiction writer John Grant shows in this witty book with a very serious message, our culture has in recent decades been characterized by a widespread antagonism toward science and the not-always-welcome messages it brings. "This is the book you've been waiting for.

En el futuro podríamos respirar líquidos en ALT1040 (Ciencia) De las escenas/ideas más famosas y recordadas del cine de ciencia ficción: The Abyss y la respiración de líquidos, que en el futuro podría ser posible. En un posible futuro podríamos hacer algo parecido por medio de un traje de buzo patentado por Arnold Lande, un cirujano de corazón y pulmones junto a un líquido con características especiales que permitirían respirarlo. El líquido en cuestión es una versión altamente oxigenada de perfluorocarbono o PLC el cual tiene la capacidad de almacenar grandes cantidades de gas. Este estaría dentro de un casco que reemplazaría la totalidad del aire en los pulmones, nariz, oidos y todos los conductos respectivos. Todo el CO2 que pueda ser emitido en el proceso de respiración sería eliminado de nuestra sangre por medio de una branquia artificial en la pierna que está conectada a la arteria femoral en una pierna. Arnold Lande dice que no encuentra financiamiento para el proyecto pero parece una idea demasiado buena para dejarla atrás.

Frets On Fire
