10 Tech Tools To Engage Students Websites, apps and devices help teachers teach and kids learn in new ways. Check out these 10 great education tech choices. 1 of 11 Information technology has become so tightly woven into our workday and personal lives that it's hard to imagine life without it. Technology is also driving the way teachers teach and students learn. In other words, what works for the business world should work in the classroom. This is true now more than ever as the Common Core State Standards are adopted across the country. The Common Core State Standards are vague about what technology should be used, and that is more than likely intentional: Any specific technologies recommended today are sure to be outdated five years or even a year from now, as new and intriguing technologies pop up. The good news is that there are many options to choose from. In this slideshow, take a tour of 10 tools that can help you create an engaging learning environment, as well as accommodate tight education budgets. More Insights
Essential Resources for Integrating Technology in the Classroom | Student Guide Incorporating technology in your classroom has the potential to motivate a wired generation of students. However, beyond simply providing a way to engage the tech-savvy students in front of you, classroom technology at its best can improve and streamline assessment, enrich and enhance traditional classroom experiences, and help teachers to create individualized interventions for all types of learners at all levels of proficiency. Though the advantages are clear, successfully integrating technology into the classroom can be a daunting task. General Educational Technology Resources The Center for Implementing Technology in Education: offers a wealth of resources for implementing technology in the classroom. Technology Initiatives and Grant Funding Computers for Learning: helps teachers who have trouble getting adequate access to technology. Equipment for Integrating Technology Web 2.0 Tools Lesson Plans Using Technology to Enhance the Learning of Special Needs Students
English Lessons, Games, Videos, Worksheets, Songs, Apps, For Children For Teachers Technology is a powerful tool to support teachers. The following resources are available to help teachers transition to using technology to enhance learning activities as well as collaborate and engage with other educators. Featured Resource Future Ready Schools: Professional Learning Toolkit November 2014 The toolkit provides rubrics, checklists and examples to assist district teams as they develop, refine, and evaluate professional learning plans that align with their capacity, learning goals, and standards of professional learning. Innovation in the Classroom Games for Learning Video games are important learning tools that provide immersive, interactive, and creative spaces for students to learn and explore in the 21st century classroom. Featured Initiative Connected Educators Project The Connected Educators project is designed to help educators leverage online communities of practice to connect around improving teacher and leader effectiveness and enhancing student learning. Learn more
50 resources for using tech in the modern classroom The aim of technology may be to make processes more efficient and to expand our horizons, but unless used appropriately, it can also make life unnecessarily complicated. In the classroom, teachers are more and more often expected to show innovative and progressive thinking by integrating technological solutions into their lessons — but starting out isn't easy. From learning how to scour YouTube for clips to working out which photos and files can be used under fair copyright terms, while trying to keep up with standard workloads, invigorating lessons with technology can fall by the wayside. To help teachers out, and given the popularity of ZDNet's last iPad in the classroom roundup, here is an updated, fresh list of tutorials, apps and software to transform your work-life balance and the student experience in today's modern classroom. Tutorials: 1. 2. 3. 4. 12 easy ways to use tech in the classroom 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 6 considerations when launching a class Twitter account 11. 12. 13. 15.
Educational Games and Resources | Fuel the Brain Five Ways Teachers Can Use Technology to Help Students The Huffington Post By: Darrell M. West and Joshua Bleiberg Thomas Edison once said, "Books will soon be obsolete in the public schools...our school system will be completely changed inside of ten years." Advances in information technology have revolutionized how people communicate and learn in nearly every aspect of modern life except for education. Technology has failed to transform our schools because the education governance system insulates them from the disruptions that technology creates in other organizations. To overcome these obstacles, we must persuade teachers that technology will empower them and help their students learn. Schools must use technology that empowers teachers. Teachers should treat the adoption of technology as part of lesson planning. Teachers should not fear open-source technologies. Use online education portfolios to evaluate students. Teachers should embrace the Common Core State Standards.
10 Reasons Today’s Students NEED Technology in the Classroom Technology is everywhere, entwined in almost every part of our lives. It affects how we shop, socialize, connect, play, and most importantly learn. With their great and increasing presence in our lives it only makes sense to have mobile technology in the classroom. Yet there are some schools that are delaying this imminent future of using technology in the classroom as the valuable learning tool it is. Here is a list of ten reasons your school should implement technology in the classroom. 1) If used correctly, will help prepare students for their future careers, which will inevitably include the use of wireless technology. 2) Integrating technology into the classroom is definitely a great way to reach diversity in learning styles. 3) It gives students the chance to interact with their classmates more by encouraging collaboration. 4) Technology helps the teachers prepare students for the real world environment. 5) Integrating technology in education everyday helps students stay engaged.
Educational Videos and Games for Kids about Science, Math, Social Studies and English School of Education at Johns Hopkins University-Education Technology Resources EdTech Database Educational Technology Reviewer Call Articles on Education Technology Innovations and Programs for Teachers and Students JHU CTYOnline Mobile Learning Videos In today's world, technology is ubiquitous. We are just beginning the process of developing this Educational Technology Resource Database.As we develop and evaluate resources,turn to this page for up-to-date, valuable ways to incorporate technology into your classroom. Educational Technology Resource Database Volunteer Opportunity Help us help you.Our users visit this site from all over the globe and bring a wealth of experience. Educational Technology ReviewerNew Horizons for Learning is in need of reviewers in six subject areas: English, Fine Arts, Foreign Languages, Math, Science and Social Studies. For more information, please email nhfl.edtech@gmail.com with your desired position, subject area, and educational background. Articles on Education Technology: The Weak Signal of Mobile Governance by Dr.
12 Easy Ways to Use Technology in the Classroom, Even for Technophobic Teachers Everyone wants teachers to use technology in the classroom. But you're busy -- meeting standards, prepping students for tests -- and maybe you’re not too fond of computers, anyway. Never fear – there are easy ways to bring your classroom up-to-date, technologically. Do you have a iPad in your classroom for your use? What kind of Internet access is available at your school? What do you have to do to get Ipads for your students? Also try to find a technology “mentor” on campus – the computer teacher or just another teacher who uses technology more than you do. Perfect Ed Tech Activities for Beginners Do a PowerPoint “Game Show Review” Many tech-savvy teachers have used Microsoft PowerPoint to create review games based on famous game shows, including “Jeopardy! Have students complete a written classroom activity as if it was online. Ever have your students write a diary from the perspective of a character or famous person? Want students to summarize information? Try a Webquest