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NSTA News Even though much has been written about cooperative learning in recent years, busy high school teachers contending with heavy curricular and teaching demands might not know much about the instructional method. Equipped with only a partial understanding of cooperative learning, some teachers may view it as a series of forced artificial constructs while others may view it as simply separating students into groups for an activity. Cooperative learning definition Cooperative learning is an instructional method in which students work in small groups to accomplish a common learning goal under the guidance of a teacher. Learners positively depend on each other in a team to achieve a mutual learning goal. Cooperative learning research Three primary purposes of using cooperative learning are to develop students’ social and communication skills, increase tolerance and acceptance of diversity, and improve academic achievement. Linking cooperative learning to science Using cooperative learning
Super Teacher Tools Interactive Notebooks - Joseph Hill's English Classes at Carlmont High School The interactive notebook serves you, the student of literature and language, as a library, a laboratory, and a journal. Like a library, the interactive notebook serves as a storehouse of accumulated knowledge; like a laboratory, it serves as a means to pose meaningful, authentic questions and to seek their answers; like a journal, it serves as a medium both for personalizing knowledge and for reflection and as a means to foster intellectual and social growth and to develop excellent habits of mind. The interactive notebook will prove an invaluable tool in your quest to meet the goals of the course as they are articulated in the California standards for English and language arts and in the course description. How and why does the interactive notebook work? In short, the interactive notebook serves as a means to become an active and independent thinker and learner, to become, in fact, the best active and independent thinker and learner you can be. Materials 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Resources - IASCE - Cooperative Learning Manchester, England 2002 Conference Presentations and Papers. Conference theme: Cooperative Learning and Responsible Citizenship in the 21st Century Plenary presentations: Other Organizations IAIE: International Association for Intercultural Education Co-sponsors of the 2008 Torino, Italy Conference. The United Kingdom Co-operative College Co-sponsors of the 2002 Manchester Conference. Syntiro.org Provides personalised technical assistance and innovative professional learning opportunities designed to enhance organisational and individual capacity The Center for the Collaborative Classroom The Center for the Collaborative Classroom is a nonprofit educational organization dedicated to providing continuous professional learning for teachers and curricula that support the academic, ethical, and social development of children The Schools Co-operative Society The Schools Co-operative Society is the networking body of the educational co-operative sector in England.
ClassroomScreen Interactive Notebooks ESL Jigsaws | What Is A Jigsaw? The jigsaw method could be described as "info gap squared." As the father of jigsaws, Professor Eliot Aron says, it promotes positive interdependence and also provides a simple method to ensure individual accountability. From the language learner perspective, it creates a genuine communication situation. Watch this video to get a 3 minute explanation of the method: Watch this 9 minute video to learn how to use the jigsaw most successfully and how to make your own jigsaws: In the jigsaw form of instruction, the target material is divided, usually into four parts, and distributed to small groups to learn. When these homogeneous groups have mastered their material, students regroup into heterogeneous groups to present material and complete a task. Peer teaching and group problem solving are used to complete the jigsaw. Initially, your classroom would look like this: Once students have mastered their material, your classroom would look like this:
AnswerGarden » ...- Plant a Question, Grow Answers! Generate a live word cloud with your audience. LEARN NC: Search results Defining risk: A search for theme in Fahrenheit 451 Students explore their understanding of the notion of risk in relation to their own experiences and in response to a variety of quotes. This exercise serves as a springboard to themes in the novel Fahrenheit 451. Format: lesson plan (grade 9 English Language Arts) By Leatha Fields-Carey. Where do I begin? Picking a good beginning helps you to focus your story on just one main event. Format: lesson plan (grade 3–5 English Language Arts) By DPI Writing Strategies. Finding your audience: a primer In Writing for the Web, page 3 Before you sit down to write something, ask yourself some questions about the people who will read it. Format: article By David Walbert. Literature biography project Students will learn to develop the various processes used in researching and writing a biographical research paper, including brainstorming, note taking, outlining, creating a bibliography, and writing the final draft. By Sandra Dail. By Kim Bowen. By Sally Watts.
Extremely comprehensive professionally-presented language arts website that offers everything from lesson plans to graphic organizers (fpr a taste of the website scroll down to "Graphic Organizer Tools" and click on "Literature and Reading"). by wiscojulie Sep 15