Le blog est mort? Quel avenir proche pour le blogging? | Blog Bu Le Blog est mort Lors d’une de mes dernières pérégrinations web, je suis tombé sur cet excellent article du Journal du Net: Les blogs ont-ils encore un avenir ? Dire que les blogs sont morts, c’est comme dire que le référencement est mort; c’est faire de l’exagération ! Mais la question est intéressante. Et « cerise sur le gâteau », la France « est au premier rang mondial en nombre de blogs par internaute. » Apparemment, les français aiment se faire entendre… Tous ! Donc en bon français que je suis, laissez moi vous exposer mon point de vue… Non, le blogging n’est pas mort ! Pionniers du web 2.0, les blogs continueront d’exister et de trouver leurs lecteurs. Le renforcement de la qualité du contenu publiéUn renforcement de l’aspect communautaire, garant de l’affinité contenu/audienceL’évolution du modèle « journalistique » basique 1 – Les blogs entrent dans l’ère de la qualité « totale » ? > Les blogs, les blogs… ou mais il y’a blog et « blog ». Oui, il existe de très nombreux blogs. Qui sait?
Recipes from Kevin & Amanda This post is in partnership with French’s Sweet Yellow Mustard and Spicy Yellow Mustard. I received compensation to write this post through the Sweet and Spicy Influencer Program. All content, photos, and opinions are my own. Thank you for supporting sponsors that allow me to create new content for Kevin & Amanda! Today I’m partnering with French’s Mustard to bring you this fabulous Honey Garlic Shrimp. How fabulous do these veggie noodles look?? Here’s all you need: Shrimp, garlic, honey, red bell pepper, zucchini, squash, parsley, red pepper flakes, chicken broth, and French’s Sweet or Spicy Yellow Mustard. You can use either one of these new mustard flavors from French’s today! First we’ll make a decadent sauce for this Honey Garlic Shrimp. Next, cut the zucchini and yellow squash into noodles (long, thin strips). Delicious yellow squash noodles! Next, dice up a couple red bell peppers and saute over medium high heat. Until slightly blackened. Garnish with chopped parsley, if desired.
Aerial Data Visualisation Reveals Life In The United States PBS is exploring the hidden patterns and rhythms that make America work. They are taking this data and visualizing it in a series being called, “America Revealed.” Visualization of internet distribution The pinpointed distribution of the unemployed Domino’s Pizza’s raw ingredients’ delivery routes in the Northeast U.S. electricity network routes The New York pizza delivery path of one Domino’s employee on a Friday night New York’s public transportation paths Patterns of planes’ flight paths Traced paths of deceased bodies being transported to their hometowns U.S. imports and exports of beef All the people in America’s towns and cities Single food outlet of a nationwide chain, such as fast food resturants, supermarkets or grocery stores, bakeries, gourmet shops and restaurants. From The Web Leave a comment comments Tags: infographic
Thierry Maillet: L'ADN de la marque : une nouvelle hérésie du langage ? Il devient difficile de ne pas assister à une réunion de gens importants sans que les personnes dites les plus sérieuses ne parlent de l'ADN de la marque. Pour toutes les personnes non averties, ADN signifie selon la définition empruntée au site Futura-Science : "Acide DésoxyriboNucléique, molécule support de l'information génétique héréditaire . .... La structure originale de l'ADN, formée de deux brins complémentaires enroulés en hélice (double hélice), lui permet de se dupliquer en deux molécules identiques entre elles et identiques à la molécule mère lors du phénomène de réplication ou duplication. C'est un des constituants des chromosomes . La lecture attentive permet de relever les mots les plus marquants : support de l'information génétique héréditaire.
LaSaGnA TiMpAnO I went to see tUnE-yArDs on Monday night with some friends, and as always we wanted to cook a meal that somehow related to the show we were heading to. Sometimes this is hard to do, but other times it seems to come naturally. Finding culinary inspiration in Merrill's lyrics seemed like it would be tough, but my sister knew what she wanted to make without hesitation. "How about something layered, because of all the vocal and instrument layering in the music?" From there we worked together to come up with this deep, colorful, and multi-flavored lasagna version of a timpano. Start by making a lasagna crust. Finally got it together. Now it's easy, just start building the layers! Alfredo sauce with some salami goes first. After 3 alfredo layers, I switched to pesto. A cheese only layer, just for fun. Tomato sauce is last. It's important to press things down as you go. In my opinion, it can't be lasagna without at least a little ricotta! I painted on some alfredo at the end as a glue. All sealed up.
Paper Symbol Of A Running Horse Stock Vector 156998948 All Images Refine Your Search Save to a Lightbox ▼ Please Login... To organize photos in lightboxes you must first register or login. Find Similar Images Share ▼ paper symbol of a running horse Stock Vector Illustration: Image ID: 156998948 Release Information: N/A Copyright: nutriaaa Vector Format This image is a vector illustration and can be scaled to any size without loss of resolution. Download Same Artist | See All Similar Images | See All Keywords abstraction, animal, antiquity, board, cut, cute, decoration, decorative, design emblem, face, farm, figure, freedom, gallop, gray, head, herbivore, horse, horse racing, illustrate, image, jumping, knead, legend, magic, mane, mare, mash, mustang, myth, outline, paper, paper silhouette, part, part kusor, pattern, picture, running, sign, sketch, speed, symbol, symbol for racing sports, tale, vector, white, wild mustang, win, year View Images by Category 35,620,688 royalty-free stock images / 221,879 new stock images added this week Not Registered?
Fidélisation client, Stratégie de marque, "Printemps : l’expérience d’achat conditionne la fidélisation à la marque", La synthèse de l’atelier - La Poste - Etude marché, Conseil en stratégie : Marketing, Communication entreprise, Relation client - La « Parfois, il n’y a plus les moyens d’avoir une politique de fidélisation, tout l’argent est parti dans les programmes de fidélisation » Au-delà des programmes de fidélité, la fidélisation du client « Le client est forcément au cœur des préoccupations d’une enseigne de distribution, » explique Phuong-Dung Dang-Vu, responsable de la Direction des Etudes du groupe Printemps. Avec un enjeu majeur : la fidélisation. « Pour faire revenir leurs clients, relate Phuong-Dung Dang-Vu, les enseignes adoptent traditionnellement la démarche suivante : d’un côté, des campagnes de communication pour travailler l’image et l’attachement à la marque et, de l’autre, des programmes de fidélisation autour de cartes. Mais sans démarche globale, intégrée. » Aborder différemment la notion de fidélité est impératif Premier constat, les programmes de fidélisation se banalisent et s’essoufflent. Mettre l’ADN de l’enseigne au cœur du dispositif Un dispositif ancré sur le magasin et l’expérience d’achat
Watermark Tee by Sweet Verbana Hello U-Create readers! I am so excited to be guest posting here today. It just so happens to be my first guest post and I'm still a little shocked that it's here at Ucreate, one of my favorite blogs! A little bit about me.. I'm from a little town called Keller, Texas. I'm a junior at Texas A&M University (whoop!). I'm working on my education degree and expect to be an elementary school teacher in just two short years. When I'm not busy studying for classes, I love to sew. I just started blogging in May and have already met all kinds of wonderful women, I hope you'll stop by and say hi too! Watermark Tee Tutorial What I love about this project is that it's completely customizable. Materials: Elmer's Blue Gel Glue (it must be the blue gel, white won't work) Fabric Dye (RIT is my tried and true brand) A white cotton Tee, Tank, Dress etc. Tutorial: If you're unfamiliar with Batiking, it's a method of dyeing fabric in which you create a design with a dye- resist. Step 1: Prepare Step 2: Design
Design Seeds® | find your palette #d9e8c3 #ced181 #7c8f50 #555e32 #bf867c #d4b9b9 Find The Palettes You Love turkey tones posted 11.24.11 comments 1 cocoa tones posted 11.23.11 comments 1 shelled tones posted 11.21.11 comments 3 berry fresh posted 11.18.11 comments 2 pink tints posted 11.07.11 comments 0 succulent tones posted 11.06.11 comments 6 vintage tones posted 11.02.11 comments 1 tulip tones posted 11.02.11 comments 0 ShareThis Copy and Paste