IMEMC News Human Supporters UJFP - Union Juive Francaise pour la Paix Bi'ilin village Un observatoire pour surveiller les "attaques de colons" en Cisjordanie [Le Monde] Afin de faire face à la recrudescence des attaques perpétrées par les colons israéliens en Cisjordanie, des militants palestiniens et des sympathisants israéliens et étrangers ont lancé, lundi 19 septembre, une campagne visant à répertorier ces actes. Cette initiative, organisée par des comités populaires locaux, sera conduite par des groupes de volontaires qui, à l’exemple d’un observatoire, établiront des rapports détaillés sur les agressions et les actes de vandalisme commis par des colons, a affirmé leur porte-parole, Jonathan Pollak. Manifestation du 9 septembre 2011 Jamal Juma’: L'Autorité palestinienne est en train de "tuer la résistance populaire" [Electronic Intifada] Peu de Palestiniens sont aussi étroitement identifiés à la lutte contre le mur d’Israël en Cisjordanie que Jamal Juma’. Manifestation du 29 juillet 2011 A Bil'in, haut lieu de la résistance palestinienne Bil'in I love you Livre d'or France
Palestine poster project Liberation Graphics began actively collecting Palestinian posters in 1974 and now houses what many experts believe to be the world's largest and most comprehensive collection of Palestinian-published and Palestinian solidarity poster art. In 1999 Liberation Graphics was awarded an Arts Grant from the Ruth Mott Fund, of Flint, Michigan, to establish the Palestine Poster Project. The core objectives of the Palestine Poster Project are to: Conserve and document the poster art legacy of the Palestinian people; expand the collection via grants, gifts and access; mobilize this unique cultural patrimony in the United States as a resource for promoting broad-based community involvement in the search for a just and lasting peace in the Middle East. The posters exhibited here are but a small sampling from the LG collection, which numbers in the thousands, and includes Palestinian poster art from hundreds of agencies and scores of countries, including Israel.
AUB Jafet Library - Political Posters Arabic Detailed version Poster Collection Political posters collected between the 1960s and the 1980s (Ps:1960-1980s/1 to 364) These posters were collected from their original sources or from the American University of Beirut campus where they were posted. This collection covers two main topics: The Palestinian Question Lebanon and the Lebanese Civil War They include the following sections: Created by the Digital Documentation Center at AUB in collaboration with Al Mashriq of Høgskolen i Østfold, Norway. 980603 pa - Email: