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Planetary Activation Organization The Manuscript of Survival – Part 230 As you are all aware, tomorrow is the beginning of that fabled month of December 2012, and we would like to give you a little update on what you have been through, and what you have in store. This is indeed a very complex process you are all a part of, so we would like to use a simple metaphor in order to make things mayhaps a little bit clearer. For what you have been working on, is indeed the same process you go through whenever you upgrade the operating system on a computer, and as such we would like to take you through the process using that image. But let us first backtrack a little bit. But if we go back to the image of the computer, this ”training program” was infected by a virus, or malware, inserted into this whole setup by beings more interested in controlling the process going on here for their own benefit than letting it all unfold in a more natural way. You have not only done yourselves a huge service, but the rest of Creation is also beholden to you. Like this:

Suzanne Spooner and Susan Thomas: An Interview with a Galactic Named Theo Suzanne Spooner of The Art of Universal Knowing (TAUK) and her friend Susan Thomas were practicing Dolores Cannon’s Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy (QHHT) when Susan contacted a nearby spaceship and spoke with Theo, a galactic from a planet called Plinta. We learn much here about Earth, other places in the galaxy, how our Ascension is viewed by others, bases in the Moon (yes, I said “in” the Moon), Plintan procreation, etc. S = Suzanne SC – Susan speaking from her unconscious self SS, T = Theo on the Plintan spaceship A Visit and Interview with an Alien Named Theo ~ A QHHT Session by Suzanne Spooner, The Art of Universal Knowing, Nov. 30, 2012 Let me set this scene; Susan Thomas is hypnotized, I am facilitating this QHHT session and Candace Craw-Goldman was observing and (thankfully) submitting questions. (S) Are people waking up faster now? (SC) Oh yes! (S) On.. (SC) In this room. (SC) Yes.

Ruth Ryden – Ruth And The Masters Of Light – December 2012 – 30 November 2012 Well, here we are. The month and year projected by the ancients as a turning point in the history of the Planet Earth. The global transformation of weather frequencies, shifting of the plates, and the incomprehensible need for greed and power all over the world tells us this is so. The gifts of the Magi created the concept of giving gifts to celebrate the Gift from God. Unfortunately, this has turned into a marketing holiday, and greed now runs rampant. When wrapping papers fly into the air as gifts are distributed, please make a gift of remembrance and gratitude to the Great Spiritual Being who brought Love into the understanding of all men. We here, in this small mountain community, have been blessed with protection from the great storms and our prayers for strength and renewal go out to those who have lost so much of their possessions and even loved ones. Give the gift of Love, understanding, and spiritual direction to the world. Prayer in its most powerful and correct form. 1. 2. 3.

After Ascension, We’ll Acquire New Spiritual Abilities So what will happen in the Golden Age, whether it begins with a sudden transformation on Dec. 21, 2012, as I believe it will, or with a gradual shift over time, as adherents of the gradual view believe it will? Our sources say that we’ll acquire new spiritual abilities. Perhaps “acquire” is not quite the right word, because we always have had these abilities, but they are dormant in the Third Dimension. When we cross over to the Astral Plane or Fourth Dimension, these same powers “return.” One of them is the ability to read thoughts and auras, which SaLuSa tells us will be ours after Ascension. He begins by telling us how we start relationships in Third Dimensionality: “There is a distinct difference between physical love and soul love. But in the Fifth Dimension and higher, nothing about a person will be hidden from us. “In the higher dimensions you see each soul as they really are and there is no hiding of the truth. Mira the Pleiadian says this will improve our communications.

2012: Dr. Martin Luther King relative, contactee, brings UFO/ET message of dimensional shift in 2012 - Seattle exopolitics This article is part of a continuing series on 2012 Anthony Kane, a black American relative of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (former recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize) and reported continuing contactee of representatives of an apparent extraterrestrial, hyperdimensional governance authority known as the “Council of Twelve,” has delivered a number of specific datelines and predicted developments concerning a dimensional shift which Earth and human consciousness is now undergoing in relation to the year 2012, according to information Mr. Kane received from the “Council of Twelve.” Mr. According to the “Council of Twelve,” humans with a consciousness anchored in fear will remain in the third dimensional Earth. Mr. In a previous interview, Mr. The content of Mr. Listen to interview with ET/UFO contactee Anthony Kane readers can listen to the interview with ET/UFO contactee Anthony Kane by clicking here. 1.

Earth Harp Sessions Vol. 1 | The Human Experience The Earth Harp is the largest stringed instrument on the planet. It was developed by William Close in 1999. The body of the instrument rests on the stage and the strings travel out over the audience attaching to the back of the theater, turning the theater / concert hall, architecture and landscape into the instrument. The giant long strings are played with violin rosin covered gloves. This is the first selection of songs by William Close and David Block of "The Human Experience". "I recorded over 4 hours of William's Earth Harp. We invite you on a sonic adventure through sounds never heard before and hope the vibrations of the Earth Harp open your heart and fill your life with inspiration and love. It is our sincere pleasure to present to you "Earth Harp Sessions Vol. 1" Love and Light David & William Find out more about WIlliam at Album Art by Android Jones Mastering by Rob Beaton at "The Pod" studios

UFO Cover-up UFO Cover-up Two-Page Summary of the Book Disclosure Government & Military Witnesses Testify on Major UFO Cover-up The Cover-up: UFOs Mercury & Gemini Astronaut, Colonel Gordon Cooper A saucer flew right over, put down three landing gears, and landed on the dry lakebed. [The cameramen] went out there with their cameras towards the UFO. It lifted off and flew off at a very high rate of speed. ... FAA Chief of Accidents and Investigations, John Callahan The UFO was bouncing around the 747. United Kingdom Chief of Defense (1971 - 73), Admiral Lord Peter Hill-Norton I have frequently been asked why a person of my background – a former Chief of the Defense Staff, a former Chairman of the NATO Military Committee – why I think there is a cover-up [of] the facts about UFOs. Director of CIA, Admiral R.H. US Navy Pilot, Frederick Fox Publication JANAP 146E has a section that says you will not reveal any information regarding the UFO phenomenon under penalty of $10,000 fine and ten years in jail.
