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Etienne Mineur archives Cet été, j’ai un peu le temps d'écouter les nombreux PodCasts stockés dans mon iphone durant cette année, et je (re)découvre toutes une série de Podcasts vraiment intéressants et très variés. • Je vous conseille avant tout le l’émission de l’Agence tous Geeks n° 07, vous allez avoir Monsieur Post Carbone qui va vous expliquer le fonctionnement de nombreuses inventions, (du gramophone de Thomas Edison, au disque dur, en passant par la souris, le CDRom, et la disquette 3,5 pouces). Ce monsieur est un pédagogue de génie, il arrive à vous expliquer des choses très compliquées très simplement et avec passion, bref je vote pour que Post Carbon soit notre prochain ministre de l’éducation nationale (et de la recherche). • Il y a aussi une émission passionnante du nom de Pendant les travaux le cinéma reste ouvert concernant le cinéma. Cette émission est diffusée sur France inter avec comme animateurs l’excellent Jean-Baptiste Thoret et Stéphane Bou. • Proxi-jeux, sur les jeux de sociétés

Pretentious Is Not A Sexual Orientation ‘Sapiosexual’ has to be one of the stupidest sexual ‘identities’ to come along in years. New words with the suffix “-sexual” are like catnip for trendy straight people. In the late ’90s and early aughts, we collectively endured the “metrosexual,” a completely unnecessary term for a man who shaves and dares to have a few pastels in his wardrobe. And in the past year, we have watched the rise and fall of the “lumbersexual,” a completely unnecessary term for a man who doesn’t shave and wears flannel. Enter the “sapiosexual,” which Urban Dictionary defines as “one who finds intelligence the most sexually attractive feature.” Unfortunately, we might not get that lucky. NPR reports that it has since become one of the site’s “most popular new terms.” The history of “sapiosexuality” is as unclear as its legitimacy. Apparently “bisexual guy who’s into smart people” was too many syllables for him to not invent a bogus sexual orientation instead. Thank You!

Décapage mpany presses your ashes into vinyl when you die Music lovers can now be immortalised when they die by having their ashes baked into vinyl records to leave behind for loved ones. A UK company called And Vinyly is offering people the chance to press their ashes in a vinyl recording of their own voice, their favourite tunes or their last will and testament. Minimalist audiophiles might want to go for the simple option of having no tunes or voiceover, and simply pressing the ashes into the vinyl to result in pops and crackles. The company was founded by Jason Leach, who co-founded the techno group and record label Subhead in the 1990s and has since founded a number of other labels, including House of Fix, Daftwerk and Death to Vinyl. Leach explained to that there were a number of factors that made him launch the service, including thinking that he was "getting a bit old" and "might not be invincible". How does it work? The site has a very irreverent style and operates under the strapline "live on from beyond the groove".

MYKROMAG French Blast French Blast a French selection of blasts Archive Subscribe to RSS August 11, 2013 forfranzkafka: Hélène Fillières by Jan Welters AMICA Italia November 2002 (Source: mariah-do-not-care-y) 7,967 notes Leave Note / Reblog oliverbarrett: 'W.W. 28,307 notes Leave Note / Reblog August 10, 2013 (Source: gifbomb) 16 notes Leave Note / Reblog (Source: probs99) 4,433 notes Leave Note / Reblog August 9, 2013 visualgraphic: My little astronautby Diana Barbu / Tumblr 259 notes Leave Note / Reblog August 8, 2013 designaemporter: Caroline Andrieu 86 notes Leave Note / Reblog February 17, 2013 eatsleepdraw: Work by Andrea Boroš 491 notes Leave Note / Reblog January 29, 2013 visualgraphic: One life live it 531 notes Leave Note / Reblog January 24, 2013 eatsleepdraw: Skate or Die.Print available at Society6. 582 notes Leave Note / Reblog July 10, 2012 krismukai: PERMANENT COLLECTION group show opening this Thursday (7/12 from 6-8pm) at the Nancy Margolis Gallery 523 W 25th Street NY NY 10001this is screenprint and watercolor March 22, 2012

The Awl - Be Less Stupid larevueschnock DIY Holiday: Crayon Chip Wrapping Paper A thoughtful gift requires really special wrapping to give it a homemade touch. This is a really fun DIY that allows you to way to design and your own colorful wrapping paper with just tissue paper and crayon shavings! The fininshed product os gorgeous with a beautiful watercolor-like finish to adorn your Christmas gifts, or birthday presents. Materials: crayons kitchen peeler iron tissue paper wax paper paper towel or old cloth towel ironing board Instructions: Step 1: Set up your ironing board, and Unfold a piece of tissue paper on to the ironing board. Step 2: Using the kitchen peeler, scrap small curls of each of the crayons onto the tissue paper. Step 3: Don’t overdo it with the crayon curls—a little goes a long way. Step 4: Place another piece of tissue paper on top, sandwiching the crayon curls betweeen two pieces of tissue paper. Step 5: Place wax paper underneath the two layers of tissue paper, so it protects your ironing board. Step 6: The wax will get on your iron.
