Current State of Sea Ice Cover | Earth J. C. Comiso, C. L. Parkinson, T. Markus, D. The sea ice cover is one of the key components of the polar climate system. Figure 1: 10-year averages between 1979 and 2018 and yearly averages for 2007, 2012, and 2022 of the daily (a) ice extent and (b) ice area in the Northern Hemisphere and a listing of the extent and area of the current, historical mean, minimum, and maximum values in km2. Figure 2: Color-coded map of the daily sea ice concentration in the Northern Hemisphere for the indicated recent date along with the contours of the 15% edge during the years with the least extent of ice (in red) and the greatest extent of ice (in yellow) during the period from November 1978 to the present. Figure 3. Figure 4: Color-coded animation displaying the last 2 weeks of the daily sea ice concentrations in the Northern Hemisphere. Figure 7. Figure 8: Color-coded animation displaying the last 2 weeks of the daily sea ice concentrations in the Southern Hemisphere. J. Figure 3. Figure 7.
World Glacier Monitoring Service For more than a century, the World Glacier Monitoring Service (WGMS) and its predecessor organizations have been compiling and disseminating standardized data on glacier fluctuations. Thereto, the WGMS annually collects glacier data through its scientific collaboration network that is active in more than 30 countries. More... In close collaboration with the U.S. photo: participants of the WGMS General Assembly 2010 (by F. Arctic sea ice falls to fifth lowest level on record | Environment Arctic sea ice remained on its death spiral on Wednesday, with the amount of winter ice cover falling to its fifth lowest on the satellite record, scientists at the National Snow and Ice Data Center said. The scientists said Arctic sea ice extent for March averaged 14.80m sq km. That's 730,000 sq km below the 1981-2010 satellite average. The latest findings reinforce a trend that could see the Arctic losing all of its ice cover in the summer months within decades. The world's leading scientists this week admitted that Arctic sea ice was disappearing much faster than expected. “The decline of Arctic sea ice in summer is occurring at a rate that exceeds most model projections,” the United Nations' intergovernment panel on climate change said in releasing its first report since 2007. The report said the loss of sea ice and the melting of permafrost on land were already having knock-on effects in the form of severe storms.
Lifestyle changes may combat a dementia that strikes people in their 40s and 50s The first symptom is likely a loss of interest in life and the well-being of others. A person might ignore their spouse or children's feelings, get uncharacteristically frustrated and say or do inappropriate things -- such as laugh at a funeral. Even worse, they'll likely have no idea they have changed. "It's a pretty devastating disease that impacts people in the prime of their lives," said neurologist Kaitlin Casaletto, an assistant professor in the Memory and Aging Center at the University of California, San Francisco. Science has struggled to provide interventions to help these patients. Casaletto and her colleagues followed the activity levels of 105 people with the inherited form of the disease, the first study to do so in this population. "This is an extremely important study providing the strongest evidence yet that lifestyle factors can positively impact brain health, not only for Alzheimer's disease, but frontotemporal lobar dementia as well," said neurologist Dr.
SOTC: Introduction NSIDC's State of the Cryosphere provides an overview of the status of snow, ice, and permafrost as indicators of climate change. This site provides time-series data for Northern Hemisphere snow cover, mountain glacier fluctuations, sea ice extent and concentration, changes in ice shelves, and global sea level. It also provides a snapshot of current permafrost conditions. Image credits clockwise from top left: Formosat image of icebergs © 2008 Dr. Cheng-Chien Liu, National Cheng-Kung University and Dr. An-Ming Wu, National Space Organization, Taiwan; photo of ptarmigan tracks by Andrew Slater, NSIDC; photo of James Ross Island by Rob Bauer, NSIDC; International Space Station astronaut photo of Pared Norte Glacier courtesy NASA. Introduction: Are global temperatures rising? Northern Hemisphere Snow: What satellite sensors are telling us about snow cover Glaciers: Mountain glacier fluctuations Permafrost and Frozen Ground: Insights from a Northern Hemisphere map and field observations
Ainsi font font font… la glace Arctique (en 1 minute chrono) | Mécaniques du ciel Ce qui est bien avec la vidéo "en accéléré" ("time-lapse" in english), c'est que si vous avez raté des épisodes, on vous résume l'histoire en quelques secondes. Alors la glace Arctique, font-elle ? Affirmatif ! Cette séquence décrit l'évolution de la banquise Arctique entre 1987 et 2013. la vidéo ICI . Quelques conséquences climatologiques et géopolitiques de la fonte des glaces Cette fonte des glaces devrait avoir, à terme, un impact sur la faune, la flore, mais aussi certainement sur le climat régional de l'Arctique, et, par voix de conséquence, sur la géopolitique de l'Arctique. On lit parfois que l'océan Arctique serait bientôt "libre de glace". Pour plus d'informations, vous pouvez consulter le site du glaciologue français Sylvain Coutterand ICI . On peut lister quelques conséquences d'une fonte de l'Arctique: - Une possible modification des courants océaniques, notamment le Gulf Stream. La fonte des glaces nous réserve aussi quelques surprises, et ce n'est peut-être qu'un début:
Alzheimer's Found To Be Mostly Genetic: Largest Twin Study Ever Undertaken Confirms Highest Estimates Of Genetic Risk -- ScienceDaily Alzheimer disease has a genetic cause in up to 80 percent of cases, according to a University of Southern California- led study of nearly 12,000 twin pairs. The study appears in the February 2006 issue of Archives of General Psychiatry, a journal of the American Medical Association. Margaret Gatz, professor of psychology in the USC College of Letters, Arts, and Sciences, led an international team of researchers from Göteborg University, Jönköping University and Karolinska Institutet in Sweden, as well as from USC, the University of California at Riverside and the University of South Florida. Past estimates of Alzheimer's risk varied widely, with the highest numbers sometimes greeted with skepticism. "Our finding confirms the higher estimates that have been suggested previously. The study raises doubts about the widely held view that Alzheimer's has two forms: the "familial," with genetic roots, and the "sporadic," with environmental causes.
Arctic sea ice delusions strike the Mail on Sunday and Telegraph | Dana Nuccitelli | Environment When it comes to climate science reporting, the Mail on Sunday and Telegraph are only reliable in the sense that you can rely on them to usually get the science wrong. This weekend's Arctic sea ice articles from David Rose of the Mail and Hayley Dixon at the Telegraph unfortunately fit that pattern. Both articles claimed that Arctic sea ice extent grew 60 percent in August 2013 as compared to August 2012. While this factoid may be technically true (though the 60 percent figure appears to be an exaggeration), it's also largely irrelevant. For one thing, the annual Arctic sea ice minimum occurs in September – we're not there yet. And while this year's minimum extent will certainly be higher than last year's, that's not the least bit surprising. "Around 80% of the ~100 scientists at the Bjerknes [Arctic climate science] conference thought that there would be MORE Arctic sea-ice in 2013, compared to 2012." Regression toward the Mean When Will the Arctic be Ice-Free? Continuing Global Warming
Terms and Conditions | Costco Iceland Aðildarkort Aðild er í boði fyrir 18 ára og eldri. Aðildarkortið má aðeins sá nota sem kortið er stílað á. Ljósmynd af meðlimi verður að fylgja svo kortið sé gilt. Ljósmynd er tekin í versluninni. Costco áskilur sér rétt til að neita umsækjanda um aðild. Aðildargjöld Aðildargjald fyrir Fyrirtækjameðlimi er 3.800 kr (m. vsk) og innfalið er ókeypis heimiliskort. Endurnýjun aðildar Aðalmeðlimurinn verður að heimila endurnýjun og allar breytingar, þ.á.m. þegar kortum er bætt við eða sagt upp. Týnd/stolin kort Tilkynna skal týnd eða stolin kort eins fljótt og auðið er við aðildarborðið. Greiðsla Við tökum á móti reiðufé og öllum debet- og kreditkortum. Ýmislegt Meðlimir mega gjarnan koma með börnin sín og bjóða allt að tveimur gestum inn í vöruhúsið en eingöngu meðlimir Costco mega kaupa vörur. Costco ábyrgð Við munum endurgreiða árlegt aðildargjald ykkar ef vöruhúsið stenst ekki fullkomlega væntingar ykkar. „COSTCO“ er skráð vörumerki.
World of Change: Arctic Sea Ice : Feature Articles Layers of frozen seawater, known simply as sea ice, cap the Arctic Ocean. Ice grows dramatically each winter, usually reaching its maximum in March. It melts just as dramatically each summer, generally reaching its minimum in September. These image pairs show Arctic sea ice concentration for the month of September (left) and the following March (right) for a time series beginning in September 1999 and ending in March 2014. The yellow outline on each image shows the median sea ice extent observed by satellite sensors in September and March from 1979 through 2000. Since 1978, satellites have monitored sea ice growth and retreat, and they have detected an overall decline in Arctic sea ice. The new lows, combined with poor wintertime recoveries from 2004 to 2007, heralded a sharpening in the rate of decline in Arctic sea ice. In the summer of 2007, Arctic sea ice extent set a record low in early August—more than a month before the end of the melt season.
Families sending relatives with dementia to Thailand for care | Society British families are sending elderly relatives with dementia overseas to Thailand in a small but growing trend. Researchers visiting private care homes in Chiang Mai have found eight homes where guests from the UK are living thousands of miles away from their families, because suitable care in their home country was impossible to find or afford. “Thailand already has a long history of medical tourism and it’s now setting itself up as an international hub for dementia care,” said Dr Caleb Johnston, a senior lecturer in human geography at Newcastle University. Some of the facilities are British-run; some are Thai-run but with substantial investment from British citizens; and some are Swiss-run. There are an estimated 850,000 people living with dementia in the UK. In Thailand, in contrast, 1:1 around-the-clock residential care with fully-qualified staff – in award-winning facilities that look like four-star hotels – costs around £750 a week. “So then we moved again to the north of England.
Interview with Karen Dolva, previous Smart Ageing Prize winner - aal How did winning the Smart Ageing Prize affect the development of KOMP? Winning the Smart Ageing Prize was a milestone for us. We had a good feeling that we were on to something and the user testing was proving positive, so when the AAL Programme gave us the prize, it was the external validation we really needed. I’m sure the prize made it easier for partners and stakeholders to get on- oard as well – it was proof that our idea was needed and valuable. What is the real challenge in preventing social isolation among the elderly; in what areas does the technology need to develop going forward? The technology we are using today is quite complex and society is increasingly depending upon it. This year is the third edition of The Smart Ageing Prize. First of all, I want to say thanks to all the entrepreneurs developing technology for seniors. Yes, for sure! How can our increasingly ageing society take advantage of the know-how of its older members?