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The Extrasolar Planet Encyclopaedia — Catalog Listing

The Extrasolar Planet Encyclopaedia — Catalog Listing

A S T R O L A B O . com | Yatoutskifo pour l'astro Les dix vortexs de notre planète Il y a déjà mille ans que les Japonais ont conscience de cette zone dangereuse. Elle sont appelés Main Umi : la Mer du Diable. Pendant des années les marins ont attribué les pertes de bateaux de pêche répétées à des démons marins, des dragons qui montent à la surface de l’océan pour entraîner les bateaux ainsi que leurs membres d’équipage dans les fond sous-marins. Le Triangle du Dragon suit une ligne qui va depuis l’ouest du Japon, au nord de Tokyo, jusqu’à la pointe du Pacifique et elle retourne par l’est, en passant par les Îles Ogasawara et Guam pour monter, de nouveau, vers le Japon. tout comme celui des Bermudes, il forme une zone triangulaire. world VORTEX Il s’agit d’une zone de grande activité séismique, avec un fonds marin dans lequel la transformation continue et tombes à 12.000 mètres de profondeur. Des îlots et des masses de terre émergent et disparaissent avant de pouvoir être dessinées sur des cartes. Il y aurais de nombreux témoins d’ovni dans cette zone du Pacifique. 1.

Detailed age map shows how Milky Way came together -- ScienceDaily Using colors to identify the approximate ages of more than 130,000 stars in the Milky Way's halo, Notre Dame astronomers have produced the clearest picture yet of how the galaxy formed more than 13.5 billion years ago. Astrophysicist Daniela Carollo, research assistant professor in the Department of Physics at the University of Notre Dame, and Timothy Beers, Notre Dame Chair of Astrophysics, along with research assistant professor Vinicius Placco and their colleagues published their findings in Nature Physics, including a chronographic (age) map that supports a hierarchical model of galaxy formation. That model, developed by theoreticians over the past few decades, suggests that the Milky Way formed by merging and accretion of small mini-halos containing stars and gas, and that the oldest of the Milky Way's stars are at the center of the galaxy and younger stars and galaxies merged with the Milky Way, drawn in by gravity over billions of years.

Exoplanet and Candidate Statitics On this page we have assembled statistics for various categories of confirmed exoplanets, TESS candidates, and Kepler candidates. The values here come from the Confirmed Planets and KOI Cumulative interactive tables; TESS Project Candidate counts are from ExoFOP-TESS. The Exoplanet Archive's collection of known exoplanets were discovered using a variety of methods, and many have been detected using multiple methods. The following tables show the number of planets contained within the Exoplanet Archive whose discovery can be attributed to a particular technique. Clicking on a link returns a pre-filtered interactive table for that particular data set. For a list of published, refereed papers that derive planet occurrence rates, please see our Planet Occurrence Rate Papers page. Summary Counts

7 Space Simulators That Let You Explore the Universe Why should Mars rovers have all the fun? If you're tired of standing by while Curiosity rolls around up there, it's time to head out on the open exosphere and explore the universe for yourself — digitally, of course. SEE ALSO: 10 Must-Follow Tumblrs for Science Lovers A handful of excellent space simulators use real astronomical data to re-create the known universe in three dimensions. Fly through the galaxy at ludicrous speeds, map out humanity's best hope for extrasolar colonization, or mess with physics to create your own cosmic recipes. Some of these simulations stick to our own solar system, while others push the boundaries of our cosmological projections, procedurally generating star systems far beyond our galactic neighborhood. If you take any of these for a spin, let us know in the comments where you traveled.

Constellations disparues L'Abeille ( Apes )Cette constellation a subi plusieurs métamorphoses avant de disparaître. C'est l'astronome néerlandais Petrus Plancius qui, en 1612, permet à l'insecte de voler entre le Bélier et le Triangle. En 1624, Jakob Bartsch la transforme en Guêpe. Puis Johannes Hevelius en fait une Mouche (voir à ce nom).A noter que l'actuelle constellation australe de la Mouche s'est d'abord également appelée l'Abeille ! L'Aérostat ( Globus Aerostaticus ) Dessiné par l'astronome Joseph Jerôme Lefrançois de Lalande en 1798, cet aérostat a volé entre le Capricorne, le Microscope et le Poisson Austral. Antinoüs( Antinoüs )Cette constellation, que l'on trouve dans l'Almageste de Ptolémée, était étroitement associée à celle de l'Aigle, dont elle empruntait les étoiles australes. L'Atelier de Typographie ( Officina Typographica )Placé entre la Licorne et le Grand Chien par Johann Bode. CerbèreouLe Rameau et Cerbère ( Cerberus ou Cerberus et Ramus )Nommé ainsi par Hevelius. La SirèneVoir Ceneus.

Exploriments: Weight, Mass and Force of Gravity - Effect of Altitude and Comparison across Multiple Planets on the App Store RV Planet Resources in the Exoplanet Archive This page describes the resources available in the Exoplanet Archive for planets discovered using the radial velocity (RV) technique. Technique Overview The radial velocity (RV) method (sometimes referred to as the "Doppler wobble" method) is an indirect method for detecting exoplanets which depends on measuring the small reflex motion of a star caused by an exoplanet companion as the two orbit their common center of gravity. Since the star is so much more massive than the planet, this reflex motion is very small, typically on the order of a few to hundreds of meters per second. Confirmed Planets Planets discovered via the transit method which meet the Archive's exoplanet criteria are included in the Confirmed Planets table. To see only the planets discovered by the RV method, enter radial velocity in the filter box under Discovery Method.Often planets will be followed up with RV observations after being discovered by alternate methods (e.g. the transit method). Contributed Data

No One Wants to Live in My 'Elysium'-Style Simulation Orbital Space Colony They will also be a pain in the ass to run. And I speak from experience on this because I briefly governed my own orbital colony. My time in command did not end well. Joe Strout gave me the opportunity to fail. Strout, who describes himself as “space nut,” was a childhood member of the L5 Society, an organization dedicated to advancing technology essential for building and launching orbital space colonies in the L5 orbit. Strout wasn’’t cool with that so he started programming. Part 1: Building your colony You start out by choosing whether or not to create something in low Earth orbit (which is better protected from radiation damage) or high Earth orbit (from which materials can be important from the moon for cheap). Deciding between LEO and HEO. This last part is important — because it can potentially throw your entire design into disarray. Gravity can be incredibly difficult to recreate in space. Oh — and all this also affects your budget. And that’s just the exterior. What a kingdom

Back-to-back flybys: Asteroids buzz Earth - Technology & science - Space - Two small asteroids zipped close by Earth in back-to-back flybys of the planet Monday and Tuesday. While both space rocks came well within the moon's orbit, they posed no danger to our planet, NASA scientists say. The newfound asteroid 2012 KP24 zoomed by Earth Monday, coming within 32,000 miles (51,000 kilometers) on its closest approach, according to astronomers at NASA's Asteroid Watch at the agency's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif. "We'll have a close but very safe pass of asteroid 2012 KP24 May 28," scientists with NASA's Asteroid Watch program assured via Twitter. Asteroid Watch is part of the Near-Earth Object Office at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif. The NEO office oversees the agency's efforts to detect, track and characterize potentially dangerous asteroids or comets that could zoom close to Earth. But this space rock is not the only one that paid a close visit to our planet this week.

Educational Resources « Astronomical Society A Sampling of Hands-On Astronomy Activities from the ASP Jump into hands-on astronomy with these classroom tested activities from a variety of ASP programs Surfing the Solar System Surf the web to find the answers to a fun solar system puzzle for the whole family K-12 Online Astronomy Activities Navigate the tangled web of activities on the internet with this annotated list, organized by subject Night Sky Network Astronomy Activities & Resources The Universe in the Classroom, a newsletter for teachers. Articles on Education from Mercury Magazine Hunt down some good ideas and resources in these archived articles from the “Education Newswire” and “Black Holes to Blackboards” departments of our membership magazine, Mercury. Other Articles on Education Selected Resource Guides Gather some great background reading from these annotated astronomical resource guides: Selected “Astronomy Beat” Columns Available to the Public Astronomy Education Review Looking for research in astronomy education?

Bulk Data Download The NASA Exoplanet Archive serves a variety of spectra, time series and other exoplanet-related data, and has generated a set of wget scripts to enable users to download these data in bulk. To use these scripts, you must have wget installed and included in your environment path before executing the scripts. For more information about installing and using wget, please read the wget help page. If you are looking for specific data sets for UKIRT, MOA, or SuperWASP, see their respective bulk data download pages: For best performance, do not run more than 4 wget scripts in parallel. Kepler Pipeline Scripts These reports were generated by the Kepler Team during the evaluation of TCEs and KOIs. Kepler Time Series Scripts Light curves were generated by the Kepler pipeline and are archived at MAST. Exoplanet Transit Survey Service Complete Data Sets A variety of other download scripts for SuperWASP data sets can be found here. Time Series Data

Astronomie & Astrophysique Que se passe t-il réellement dans l'espace? ce que la NASA ne vous dira jamais! Le mécanisme à l'oeuvre dans la rotation et la forme des galaxies est un Trou Noir Super Massif, localisé directement au centre de la Voie Lactée qui contient environ 3,7 millions de masses solaires appelé Sagittarius A. Ces trous furent l’objet de nombreuses controverses jusqu’à ce que le télescope Hubble commence à en trouver au centre de chaque galaxie. À la surprise de la communauté scientifique, plusieurs Trous Noirs super massifs furent trouvés dans certaines galaxies. Aujourd’hui, nous savons que ces Trous Noirs tournent à une vitesse incroyable vu leur masse gigantesque. Qu’avons-nous découvert à leur sujet jusqu’à présent ? Ces Trous Noirs sont des points ayant des propriétés inhabituelles, appelées « Points de Singularité ». Une autre importante chose à connaître sur les Trous Noirs est qu’ils traversent des cycles qui durent des milliers d’années. Les images et vidéos montrent clairement ce jet cosmique, provenant du centre galactique. Est-ce que quelque chose a été détectée ?
