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JOLT - Journal of Online Learning and Teaching

JOLT - Journal of Online Learning and Teaching
Related:  Learning & teaching for academic librarians

Blog | Curatr First Friday Bring Social Learning to Retail with Kaboodle A version of this post first appeared on the HT2 Blog. Earlier this year we launched a new digital learning and social collaboration platform built specifically with retailers in mind with our Partner, First Friday. 6-months post-launch and Kaboodle is starting to... read more How to Handle Your First Curatr Implementation: Advice from A Project Manager This post first appeared on the HT2 Blog. Future Tech: Proximity Beacons in Learning This post first appeared on the HT2 Blog. Popular ‘Introduction to the xAPI’ MOOC Returns to the Curatr Free Course Line-up As part of a lineup of free courses, Curatr’s parent company, HT2, have announced a revised version of the highly successful “Introduction to the xAPI” MOOC, which first ran in Summer 2015, and saw over 800 people from across the globe taking part in a 4-week... read more Curation, Copyright and the Law This post first appeared on the HT2 blog. How to Gamify your MOOCs

Cutucando o paradigma… Neste meu nono artigo no blog vou dialogar, de forma talvez um pouco provocadora, com três artigos que me vieram parar nas mãos nos últimos dias. Há, a meu ver, um tema comum a perpassar os três. E esse tema me faz lembrar de Ivan Illich e Sociedade Sem Escolas (1971 – a tradução literal do título do livro de Ivan Illich seria Desescolarização da Sociedade)… E me sugere algo do tipo: “The school is dead! Long live learning”. (O artigo é longo. O primeiro dos três artigos é um instigante texto de Rosa María Torres, educadora equatoriana, diretora do Instituto Fronesis. O texto discute sutis diferenças de ênfase entre dois movimentos iniciados pela UNESCO nos últimos anos, Educação para Todos e Aprendizagem ao Longo da Vida. Educação para Todos foi (na verdade, ainda é) um movimento iniciado pela UNESCO em 1990, na Conferência Mundial da Educação de Jomtien, na Tailândia. Entre essas metas estavam: Em primeiro lugar, fala-se agora em aprendizagem, não em educação. Concluindo…

JOLT - SPECIAL MOOC The Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Rédactrice en chef La Revue La revue canadienne sur l'avancement des connaissances en enseignement et en apprentissage (RCACEA) est une revue électronique interdisciplinaire, évaluée par des pairs dont l’accès est libre. Elle est appuyée par La société pour l’avancement de la pédagogie dans l’enseignement supérieur. La Revue accepte actuellement des propositions d’article (en français ou en anglais) de la part de professionnels du milieu de l’enseignement qui s’efforcent de comprendre et d’améliorer l’apprentissage grâce à des études scientifiques systématiques. Pour des directives supplémentaires sur les propositions d’articles et les exigences relatives à leur format, veuillez cliquer sur le lien Règles de soumission sur la barre des menus verticale. Pour toute question, n’hésitez pas à communiquer avec les codirecteurs à Introduction to the Issue Essay/Essai Research Papers/Rapports de recherche

Blended Learning Essentials: Getting Started - University of Leeds This course is designed to help anyone teaching in the vocational education and training (VET) sector understand the benefits of blended learning. You will find out how to use technology more effectively to support your learners, and understand how to better embed it in your classroom. Supported by industry experts, you’ll connect with teaching and training professionals who understand the practical challenges of using blended learning. You’ll discover the importance of being able to blend digital learning methods into your teaching, to help your learners become familiar with the digital workplaces they’ll be joining. Prepare to embed blended learning in your teaching practice You’ll learn the principles of blended learning and will review a number of case studies to see how it can be applied in different environments. Consider how your VLE can support blending learning Design blended learning options that suit your learners

Educacao&Tics Multiple pathways: Blending xMOOCs & cMOOCs I’m running a MOOC on edX in fall on Data Analytics & Learning (registration will be open soon). As part of this process, we organized a designjam recently bringing together 20 or so folks to think through the design process. I’ll post separately on this event. For now, I just want to highlight one aspect of the meeting: the difference between xMOOCs & cMOOCs and possible ways to blend them. The interest in making xMOOCs more like cMOOCs (a few silly folks have called it MOOC 2.0 – haha) seems to be growing. Where I think xMOOCs and cMOOCs can work together is as parallel tracks where learners can navigate from one approach to another. Matt Crosslin captures these concepts in his blog post (and image below):

PeDTICE (Pédagogie, Didactique et TICE) PeDTICE est un groupe de recherche et développement technopédagogique multidisciplinaire qui met de l’avant le codéveloppement professionnel et qui couvre tous les domaines au centre des questionnements de recherche de ses membres. L’acronyme PeDTICE intègre à la fois les notions de pédagogie (Pe), de didactique (D) et de technologies de l’information et de la communication pour l’enseignement (TICE). PeDTICE est un regroupement constitué de chercheures et de chercheurs, de praticiennes et de praticiens, d’intervenantes et d’intervenants œuvrant dans divers domaines tels que l’enseignement au secondaire, l’enseignement professionnel et l’enseignement supérieur.
