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Awesome CSS3 generators to simplify front end development

Awesome CSS3 generators to simplify front end development
CSS3 Generator This generator is definitely one of my favorites, as it allow you to generate more than 10 different CSS3 effects, such as border radius, text shadows, transitions, and more. Visit CSS Gradient generator CSS gradients are cool, but it’s also a bit tricky to remind all the possibilities. CSS button generator In my opinion, this is the most advanced CSS3 button generator available on the internet. CSS3Gen CSS3Gen is a nice generator which allows you to easily create useful snippets of CSS3 and copy them straight into your projects. CSS3 Please CSS3 Please is a very effective tool to test your CSS3 code: Just edit the CSS rules from the editor, and a special container will receive instant changes so you can have a preview of what you’re doing. Layer Styles If you’re familiar with Photoshop, there’s no doubt that you will love Layer Style, a CSS3 generator which replicate the look and feel of the popular software from Adobe. Border image generator CSS3 Pie

20 Methods for Upping Your Current Web Design Skills Design All great designers are constantly improving their skills. There has never been a successful designer, or anyone of another profession for that matter, that has stopped at a certain point and said, "Good enough". Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to always be learning new things, and to always be improving. In this post we're looking into 20 different ways a web designer can improve their skills at any time. 20 Great Improvement Methods 1. Check out websites like to explore the best user interface patterns for the web. User Interface Pattern Websites: 2. Look at the detail in everyday objects, and actively look at detail in other web designs. 3. Many clients love a designer that offers SEO services. 4. Trends are never something a web designer should solely rely on, but learning new trends is a great way to keep up with technology, and to keep you as a designer out of a rut. 5. 6. Image credit: Dey 7. 8. 9. Image credit: Jakob Montrasio 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

Adobe Makes Web Site Creation Even Easier Adobe made a big splash in May by releasing their highly anticipated Creative Suite 6. They also released Creative Cloud, their first foray into cloud-based storage and software. One bit of software exclusive to Creative Cloud customers is Muse, a program that allows graphic designers to build Web sites without knowing any code. It was already easy enough to use, but Adobe is making it even easier. Adobe announced on Monday that Muse has received a substantial upgrade. The major change in the update is support for built-in contact forms. Here’s a video on how to create contact forms in Adobe Muse: Another welcome addition is the ability to link to downloadable files. There’s a slight bonus for Creative Cloud subscribers versus those who pay for just Muse. As for new languages, Adobe has added localizations for Japanese and Italian. To se all the changes that were added to Muse, check out the release notes. Adobe Makes Web Site Creation Even Easier

Page Peel Effect Using MooTools Soh Tanaka release a great script back in May titled Simple Page Peel Effect with jQuery & CSS. The idea is that you place a "peel" image on the upper-right side of an element which, when hovered, "peels" open and peels close. I thought this was a quality, flexible idea so I've ported the jQuery code to MooTools. The XHTML A wrapper DIV containing an image and a "message" DIV. The CSS These initial CSS is important as we'll be modifying this initial CSS with MooTools. The MooTools JavaScript The peel effect is triggered by mouseenter and mouseleave events on the outter DIV element. What do you think about this effect? Be Heard Tip: Wrap your code in <pre> tags or link to a GitHub Gist! Older Select Dropdowns, MooTools, and CSS Print Newer Create Commands in TextMate Using PHP

15 sites web developers and designers should know Creating a good website isn't an easy task, but there's a few tools that can definitely make your developer or designer life easier. In this article, I have compiled 15 extremely useful website that any web developer or web designer should have bookmarked. ColorCombos When designing a website, one of the firsts (and most important) steps of the process is to choose a color scheme. LIpsum Who doesn’t know the extremely popular Lorem Ipsum text? What the font? You just saw a logo or website using a particular font and you enjoyed it. ConvertIcon Favicons are a must have for any website, mostly because on modern browsers as such as Firefox, it is displayed along with the site name in tabs. BgPatterns background Patterns is definitely one of the current webdesign trends. HTML Encoder Do you display code on your website? Test Everything Sprite Generator CSS Sprites is definitely a great technique to use, mainly because it reduces the number of HTTP requests. Load Impact IconFinder TypeTester CSS Tidy

CSS Layouts: 40+ Tutorials, Tips, Demos and Best Practices Jul 28 2008 The main idea behind CSS-based layouts is offering more flexibility and enhancing the visual experience of visitors. Some important tips and related key-factors can help to learn basics and keep essential techniques in mind. And this is what this article is all about. Finding the perfect Layout that have Total Flexibility, Equal Height Columns and just works fine. So we’ve decided to take a deep look at articles about CSS-based layouts and the result was a list of 40 tutorials, resources and best practices offering gorgeous and valid CSS-based Layouts. You might be interested to check other CSS related posts: CSS Layout Tutorials 1-Three column fixed layout structure using CSS- This post explains how to realize an HTML/CSS basic structure to design a simple three column fixed page layout with standard elements (logo top bar, navigation bar, text stage, center column for post categories and right column to insert Google AdSense 120X600 ads), to use in your projects. Best Practices

Circle Hover Effects with CSS Transitions From our sponsor: Get started on your Squarespace website with a free trial In today’s tutorial we’ll experiment with hover effects on circles. Since we have the border radius property, we can create circular shapes and they have been appearing more often as design elements in websites. One use that I especially enjoy seeing is the circular thumbnail which just looks so much more interesting than the usual rectangular. And because the circle is such a special shape, we are going to create some special hover effects for it! Please note: the result of this tutorial will only work as intended in browsers that support the respective CSS properties. We will omit vendor prefixes in this tutorial. So, let’s get started! The HTML For most of the examples, we’ll be using the following structure: Although we could use images here, we’ll give ourselves a bit more freedom by using background images instead. Now, let’s make some hover effects! The CSS Example 1 And now, the interesting hover action!

10 Useful Web Apps for Designers DesignWoop welcomes this guest post by Tomas Laurinavicius. Since the iPhone and iPad entered the market you can hear lots of news about apps for these devices. Tons of apps available today and you can find everything you want. Invoice Bubble Invoice Bubble is free invoice software that lets you create an invoice and send to your client in seconds. Gridulator Tell Gridulator your layout width and the number of columns you want, and it’ll spit back all the possible grids that have nice, round integers. Browize Useful tool for resizing current browser window size to set or custom resolutions. Screenr Screenr is a web-based tool that lets you create screencasts without installing any software. Launchlist Launchlist is intended to help and encourage web designers and developers to check their work before exposing it to the world at large. Kuler Explore, create and share color themes.Adobe Kuler – the web-hosted application for generating color themes that can inspire any project. Favigen Fillerati

Web development tips: Ten (or a few more) files every Web site needs Introduction There are a few standard files that every Web site should really have, but that most neglect. Most of these are matters of convention, not of technical requirement, but you are doing your site wrong not to provide them. Let users who make a wild guess about what they want to find usually succeed when they guess URLs. This tip discusses each of these standard files briefly. Exactly how a given resource is provided depends on the Web server and Web application layers you use. 404.html When users use your Web site, they will inevitably seek resources that do not exist. A warning when you create a custom 404.html (or whatever mechanism your Web server uses to deliver a custom "not found" message): Far too many Web sites are misconfigured to deliver "soft 404" messages. about.html So why did you create your Web site, anyway? contact.html So who are you? copyright.html To whom does this stuff belong? Obviously, different pages or resources might have different copyright information.
