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BioDigital Human: Features for Education, Providers and Business

BioDigital Human: Features for Education, Providers and Business
Bring to life your latest products by presenting pharma or med devices within the context of a virtual body. Engaging marketing materials: Equip your sales and marketing teams with stunning visuals to spread the word about your latest products. Portable and cost-effective visuals: Access information on-the-go through our Cloud-based platform, which enables you to pull up information through a browser or mobile device without traditional software development and maintenance headaches. Connect with Providers and Patients: Demonstrate the value and proper use of your products by presenting them in the context of a virtual body. Read more » Visualize the value of your products within the human body. Related:  anatomy animationHealth

Orthopedic Patient Education download software for Mac This award winning app is an animation based patient education app for healthcare professionals to effectively communicate anatomy, conditions and treatments to patients. The app covers a variety of conditions such as joint diseases and disorders, as well as joint physiology. To see a video of the app in action - please press the video on this page : or press the support link below. BROWSE: Included within the app are over 100 beautifully detailed animations that allow users to effortlessly search via category. CONSULT: The app allows healthcare professionals to pause and then draw on any animation with the pen tool to highlight and annotate specific images. CONTENT: This app draws upon animations found in 3D4Medical’s Body Region Pro series apps as well as additional animations unavailable elsewhere. 117 animations included in the app: KNEE - (13 Animations): Anatomy: ACL, PCL, TCL, FCL.

D-vítamín mikilvægt Elliglöp og minnsleysi aukast við offitu ef marka má niðurstöður nýrrar breskrar rannsóknar. Nýjar rannsóknir danskra vísindamanna sýna að skortur á D-vítamíni getur leitt til þess að fólk fái sykursýki. Fólk sem mælist með mjög lítið D-vítamín í blóðinu er í 65 prósent meiri hættu á að fá sykursýki tvö en þeir sem eru með mikið D-vítamín í blóðinu. Lotte Husemoen, sem stýrði rannsókninni, segir að niðurstöðurnar sýni að lítið D-vítamín í blóði sé vísbending um aukna sykurssýkishættu og styrki þá aðferð að meta hættu á áunninni sykursýki með því að mæla glúkósa og insúlín í blóði. Fjöldi rannsókna hefur og sýnt fram á að hætta á sykursýki eykst með offitu. Ertu með athugasemd vegna fréttarinnar?

Medical Animation Library ©Copyright 2009 A.D.A.M., Inc. Any duplication or distribution of the information contained herein is strictly prohibited. The information provided herein should not be used during any medical emergency or for the diagnosis or treatment of any medical condition. 3D Human Anatomy | Muscle Premium for PC or Mac Download What is it? Muscle Premium is a 3D interactive dive into the muscles of the human body. It is ideal for students, instructors, and healthcare professionals who seek to learn, review, or communicate in-depth information about muscles, their attachments and actions. What does it include? 3D Atlas section that is fully interactive and includes 600+ muscles, 200+ bones, 100s of peripheral nerves and ligaments, and definitions for all structures 3D Atlas section that is enhanced by over 1,000 pins and a painted skeleton that reveal points and surface areas of muscle attachments Muscle Actions section with hundreds of moving muscles organized into dozens of common actions. Quiz section with 50 quizzes and 465 questions Dynamic search capability, drawing, and screenshot capture License for two computers/one user System Requirements For PC 2 gHz Pentium 4 processor or better 2GB RAM Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7/8 Dedicated video card with 64+ MB on-board RAM 1024 x 768 screen resolution, or better For Mac

Omega-3 sýrur auka líkur á ofnæmi og krabbameini Omega-3 sýr­ur virðast bæði auka lík­ur á of­næmi hjá börn­um og blöðru­hálskrabba­meini, sam­kvæmt nýj­um rann­sókn­um. Önnur rann­sókn­in, sem unn­in var í sam­ein­ingu af þrem­ur sænsk­um hák­sól­um, sýn­ir að unga­börn með hærra magn ómettaðra fitu­sýra í blóði sínu væru gjarn­ari til að þróa með sér of­næmi, en þau sem lægra magn höfðu í blóði sínu. „Það var þegar vitað að ómettaðar fitu­sýr­ur gætu dregið úr virkni ónæmis­kerf­is­ins. Sú vitn­eskja hef­ur komið okk­ur að gagni við öldrun­ar­lækn­ing­ar,“ seg­ir Agnes Wold, lækn­ir við ör­veru­fræðideild Há­skóla­sjúkra­húss­ins í Gauta­borg. „Ónæmis­kerfi barna þarfn­ast góðrar byrj­un­ar, en að öðrum kosti verður þróun og vöxt­ur ónæmis­kerf­is­ins ekki eins og best verður á kosið,“ sagði Wold. Eldri rann­sókn­ir hafa sýnt að þau börn sem reglu­lega fá fisk að borða væru ólík­legri til að þróa með sér of­næmi, en fisk­ur er mjög rík­ur af omega-3 sýr­um. Fisk­ur er rík­ur af omega-3 sýr­um Ljós­mynd/​Haf­rann­sókna­stofn­un

3D Human Anatomy | Products Brain & Nervous System Respiratory System Reproductive & Urinary Digestive System Go Pro - Sparkol VideoScribe What extra features are in VideoScribe compared to the free trial? Buying VideoScribe means you can use your scribes commercially, remove the logo watermark, work offline, and set resolution up to HD. You can export your videos as WMV, MOV and AVI movies and PNG or JPG sequences. Premium images in the gallery are available to buy and you can render your videos and share them easily via video website Is it worth buying VideoScribe for only one project? Yes – simply pay monthly and cancel your subscription when your project is done. So there’s no long-term contract? No. What's Tawe? Tawe (pronounced 'tour') turns photos into catchy videos or unique presentations – great for quickly animating sketchnotes or diagrams. Can I use VideoScribe on more than one computer? Yes. What payment types do you take? We accept all major credit and debit cards or you can pay via PayPal. Do you have discounts for education? Yes, big ones! I want to buy licences for my whole team. Sure!

Animal protein-rich diets could be as harmful to health as smoking | Science A diet rich in meat, eggs, milk and cheese could be as harmful to health as smoking, according to a controversial study into the impact of protein consumption on longevity. High levels of dietary animal protein in people under 65 years of age was linked to a fourfold increase in their risk of death from cancer or diabetes, and almost double the risk of dying from any cause over an 18-year period, researchers found. However, nutrition experts have cautioned that it's too early to draw firm conclusions from the research. The overall harmful effects seen in the study were almost completely wiped out when the protein came from plant sources, such as beans and legumes, though cancer risk was still three times as high in middle-aged people who ate a protein-rich diet, compared with those on a low-protein diet. The study throws doubt on the long-term health effects of the popular Atkins and Paleo diets that are rich in protein. "Spend a couple of months looking at the labels on your food.
