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Start - Bedömningsportalen För att undervisningen ska kunna anpassas till en elevs förutsättningar och behov behöver skolan göra en pedagogisk kartläggning av elevens kunskaper. Skolverkets kartläggningsmaterial för bedömning av nyanlända elevers kunskaper steg 1 och 2 är från den 15 april obligatoriskt att använda i det här arbetet för grundskolan, grundsärskolan, sameskolan och specialskolan. Materialet är avsett att användas för elever i de obligatoriska skolformerna, men kan även användas i gymnasieskolans språkintroduktion. Resultatet av kartläggningens två första steg, tillsammans med elevens ålder och personliga förhållanden i övrigt, ligger till grund för rektorns beslut om placering i årskurs och i undervisningsgrupp. Det tredje steget är frivilligt för skolan att använda, men ger ett gott stöd för ämneslärare i att planera undervisningen utifrån var eleven befinner sig i sin kunskapsutveckling i respektive ämne. Läs mer om materialet genom att välja Handledning i vänstermenyn. Gå direkt till webbkursen
7 Must-Have Tools For The Flipped Classroom 7 Must-Have Tools For The Flipped Classroom by first appeared on gettingsmart.com The flipped classroom uses technology to allow students more time to apply knowledge and teachers more time for hands-on education. It’s a continually changing strategy that evolves with technology. Innovative educators are usually on the lookout for the latest technology breakthroughs that will help them better organize and conduct flipped classrooms. The following tools are listed from most basic to most sophisticated and can be used alone or in tandem to make flipped classrooms more engaging. Google Drive Google Drive (Docs) has many advantages over traditional word processing programs, including real-time automatic updates visible to all users, a feature that enables robust discussion and sharing. YouTube Ideal for first-time flippers, YouTube offers a user-friendly, universally understood platform for taped lectures and other educational videos. Teachem The Flipped Learning Network Camtasia Studio
Klurigt, lurigt och roligt i skolan 10 Tools to Help you Flip Your Classroom Two years ago I "flipped" my high school Anatomy & Physiology class. Read my previous post for the full story. I learned by trial and error. 2. : from the makers of Camtasia ( TechSmith ), this screen capture tool allows you to quickly capture a still image of all or part of your screen. 3. : You will be creating lots of presentations and handouts in your flipped classroom. 4. : After creating your recorded lectures and hand-outs, you will want somewhere to post them sot that your students can access them. The commercial version of wikispaces includes advertising. 5. : The internet has enabled like-minded people, scattered across the globe, quick and easy access to each other. 6. : created by the fathers of flip, Jon Bergman and Aaron Sams, the Flipped Class Network is a social community for teachers interested in and currently using the flipped classroom model. 7. : the cousin of Camtasia Studio (see #1 above), Jing is a light-weight screencasting tool.
Five Ways to Flip Your Classroom With The New York Times Jim Wilson/The New York TimesSalman Khan in the offices of his company, Khan Academy, in Mountain View, Calif. His math lessons are popular on YouTube.Go to related article » What is a “flipped classroom”? It’s an “inverted” teaching structure in which instructional content is delivered outside class, and engagement with the content – skill development and practice, projects and the like – is done in class, under teacher guidance and in collaboration with peers. A flipped class swaps explanation and lecture, which are usually given in the classroom, with homework activities like math problem sets or writing practice activities. Homework becomes classwork and vice versa. Usually, teachers flipping their classrooms convey content using technology tools like videos, podcasts or PowerPoint presentations, which students explore on their own time. Sometimes teachers create lectures and other resources themselves using resources like Teacher Tube, the Show Me app or a voice recording tool.