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26 Internet safety talking points

26 Internet safety talking points
Related:  learning design

Formal, non-formal and informal learning: The case of literacy and language learning in Canada This new research report is freely available in e-format (.pdf). Executive Summary This research report investigates the links between formal, non-formal and informal learning and the differences between them. Philosophical underpinnings of this research are: There is value in learning of all kinds.Learning is a lifelong endeavour.An interdisciplinary approach is valuable. Notions of formal, non-formal and informal learning may be briefly outlined as: Formal learning – This type of learning is intentional, organized and structured. - (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development / Organisation de Coopération et de Développement Economiques (OECD), n.d.; Werquin, 2007) Examples are given for literacy and essential skills, as well as second and other languages for each of the categories mentioned above. Finally, the examples of systems developed value different types of learning using asset-based approaches are given. Copies of the report may be accessed through: or New! Related posts:

eLearning basado en escenarios: ¿qué, por qué y cómo? eLearning basado en escenarios: ¿qué, por qué y cómo? La industria del eLearning se encuentra en la búsqueda constante de nuevas estrategias y herramientas interactivas que permitan mantener la atención y el interés de los estudiantes. Es así como han surgido los juegos, simulaciones y escenarios… ¿Quién no ha escuchado hablar acerca de los escenarios, situaciones o casos o bien, eLearning basado en escenarios? En este post le enseñamos como los escenarios son la clave para darle personalidad y vida a sus cursos eLearning. Aquí le explicamos el qué, el por qué, y el cómo de los escenarios de aprendizaje. ¿Qué es un escenario? Los cursos basados en escenarios utilizan situaciones de la vida real para transmitir los contenidos. Una estrategia enfocada en el uso de escenarios es muy eficaz, especialmente en el desarrollo de “soft skills” y “software training”. ¿Por qué usar escenarios? Algunos consejos para tener en cuenta a la hora de crear escenarios de aprendizaje:

Thinkuknow - home Keeping children safe online and protecting them from sexual abuse and exploitation CEOP's Thinkuknow programme provides a range of free educational resources - films, lesson plans, presentations, practitioner guidance, games and posters - to professionals working with children and young people. Through the use of our educational materials you can help to empower and protect young people from the harm of sexual abuse and exploitation, both online and off. To access these resources you will need to register on the site. Exploited - preventing sexual abuse through education Our latest resource, Exploited, aims to help young people, aged 12 and over, to stay safe from sexual exploitation by recognising the signs. Guidance to schools and other organisations CEOP provides training and education resources for practitioners to use with children and young people to increase their understanding of online safety.

Can Foreign Languages Go Digital with Online Education? Professionals question whether students can learn foreign languages online.Today, enrollment in online courses is growing at a faster rate than that of overall higher education, and more schools are striving to increase their web-based programs. However, while many courses made an easy transition to online education, some schools have struggled to create high-quality foreign language degree programs that are offered exclusively over the Internet. Professionals Have Their Doubts Today, online education has largely become accepted as an integral part of learning; however, some professionals question whether foreign languages in particular can be studied exclusively online. Learning a new language requires a great deal of speaking, hearing and social interaction, these individuals say, which simply cannot be provided through the internet. The partnership forced many academic professionals to consider whether foreign language can and should be taught online.

15 consejos para formadores Tiempo estimado de lectura: 1 minuto Fuente: morgueFile Pídeles consejos a los viejos y a los jóvenes, pero sigue tu propio sentido común. Proverbio árabe. Cualquiera que sea la modalidad formativa pueden identificarse una serie de puntos críticos que determinarán el éxito o el fracaso en nuestra labor docente. Desde mi experiencia, y sin ánimo de ser exhaustivo, permíteme que comparta contigo algunos de ellos: Lograr la participación de los alumnos. A buen seguro pueden incorporarse otros elementos críticos a tener en cuenta durante la formación, ¿cuáles añadirías? Me gusta: Me gusta Cargando... 12 Things Students Should Never Do on Social Media The last thing young people want is another set of rules. But these days, social media comes with great responsibility, whether you're just starting high school or finishing up college. The fact is, irresponsible social media conduct could potentially ruin your education and negatively impact your career, not to mention hurt others in the process. (And we're not just talking kids, either.) We've pinpointed 12 social media mistakes that students should avoid at all costs, because after all, it's never as simple as "be responsible." Please head to the comments below to add your own contributions and advice for young adults on social media. 1. Granted, high school and college students experiment with many activities and substances. Once or twice per year, perform a thorough review of the information and content accessible on your social media profiles. 2. Bullying is one of the most serious problems in schools today. SEE ALSO: Why You Should Talk to Kids About Cyberbullying [INFOGRAPHIC] 3.

The Curious Case of the Flipped-Bloom's Meme (This is the sequel to 'Anatomy of a (Flipped) Meme') rss / email subscribe / follow Steve Last post I dug up the history of the Flipped Classroom idea. Do a google image search for Bloom's and see what shapes you get: The very first image has been FLIPPED upside down! Never Meant to Be One Way Of course, Bloom's taxonomy was never meant to be linear or sequential. The version I always knew was a pyramid: But as with the general flipped learning meme, if you look you can find plenty of examples dating back years. This looks like a flipped pyramid right here, dating from 2001: And the taxonomy was revised in 2000 by Loren Anderson, who also appears to have turned it upside down, although I can't get a really good reference for this. Much criticism has been levelled at Bloom's, but although "a more radical approach would be to have no taxonomy at all" (2003), human beings LOVE a taxonomy, especially one with a one-syllable name and a nice stable pyramid under it! May 15 - Enter Shelley Wright

Crea folletos para imprimir con My Brochure Maker My Broucher Maker es una herramienta para crear trípticos y otro tipo de folletos para imprimir. A los docentes nos resultará muy útil para anunciar eventos, conciertos, publicitar actividades, páginas web, etc. Puede que ya hayamos creado estos trípticos con un programa de ordenador pero, como siempre aconsejamos en este laboratorio, es práctico tener una alternativa online por si tenemos que trabajar en un ordenador que no es el nuestro o para que nuestros alumnos puedan realizar trabajos sin instalar programa alguno. Cómo utilizarla Accedemos a la web My Brochure Maker , nos registramos como usuarios completando los datos que nos piden. Elegimos Panel Brochure, por ejemplo. Utilidades didácticas Ejemplo Este ejemplo es un tríptico de muestra sobre Educa con TIC. Para saber más Hay varios artículos en internet sobre esta herramienta aunque aconsejamos recorrer su página web y su blog, ya que tienen amplia información sobre el servicio y las posibilidades que ofrece la herramienta.

Raising good digital citizens At a glance Today's kids need new skills to behave safely and responsibly online. Good digital citizenship follows the same basic rules as good citizenship in the offline world. Filters only prevent some kinds of unsuitable material being accessed via your computer; parents still need to be vigilant. It's important for parents to model good online behaviour – such as courtesy, obeying the law (not downloading something illegally) and protecting yourself. We're always reminding our kids to "pick up after yourself" and "cover your mouth when you cough", but lately many parents have had to add rules like "don't bring your mobile to the dinner table" and more importantly, "don't use my credit card to shop online". We're the first generation of parents responsible for equipping our children with ‘digital citizenship' skills – how to use technology safely and responsibly, and how to evaluate, manage and use the information and tools they find online. Being PC on the PC (or Mac) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Does Curiosity Guide Children's Learning? Suppose you observe this unlikely scene: A warm-blooded six-year-old is offered a plateful of droopy steamed broccoli or a luscious chocolate cupcake, and he chooses the broccoli. This curious incident violates our collective expectations about children’s food preferences, our “Childhood Taste Theory,” if you will. According to CTT, chocolate cupcakes trump everything green or cruciferous. So Broccoli Boy’s behavior suggests that CTT needs to be seriously revised. There's a third option, especially if your curiosity has been piqued, and that's to seek additional information. Now you have a way to preserve your Childhood Taste Theory in light of the curious observation. This pattern of reasoning is sometimes referred to as “explaining away.” This may sound pretty sophisticated, but a new paper published in finds that children as young as 6-year-old Broccoli Boy can carry out this kind of reasoning. Image from Bonawitz et al. (2012) How did the researchers pull this off?
