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PRIME Welcome to the Platonic Realms Interactive Mathematics Encyclopedia, a growing collection of articles on core topics written expressly for math students and enthusiasts at all academic levels. To begin, simply browse through the topics using the listings directory on the left side of the page. Click on a letter to browse alphabetically, and hover over any listing to see a brief definition or description. If the description ends with an ellipsis (…) then the article you get to by clicking on the listing will be longer and more detailed. Each article on PRIME was written by one or more professional mathematics educators and each is independently reviewed for mathematical and pedagogical soundness.

ESERCIZI SULLA PROPORZIONALITA' DIRETTA ED INVERSA - Classe "Flippata" ( alla fine troverete degli esercizi da stampare per esercitarvi, buon lavoro by profpelusi) Consideriamo due grandezze, ad esempio il lato di un quadrato ed il perimetro dello stesso quadrato. Chiamiamo x la grandezza variabile “lato di un quadrato” e chiamiamo y la grandezza variabile “perimetro del quadrato”. Vediamo cosa può succedere:

Problemi svolti sul teorema di Pitagora Stai per leggere un (bel) po' di problemi risolti sul teorema di Pitagora. Tutti gli esercizi sono svolti e spiegati fino all'ultimo conto, attenzione solo al fatto che non sono ordinati per difficoltà. Scegli quelli che ti interessano e...buono studio! Vuoi ripassare il teorema di Pitagora e vedere come si applica? Click! Scaffolded Math and Science: High School Math Word Wall Ideas Adding a math word wall to my classroom completely changed my teaching. A couple years before making the jump to teaching high school special education math, I taught mainstream Algebra and Algebra 2 in Boston. My classroom was right next to the classroom of a Geometry teacher who would later go on to become Teacher of the Year. Lining the bulletin boards and walls of his classroom, from floor to ceiling, were vocabulary words with drawings and examples making the most amazing display. At the time I thought it was a bit extreme. I mean, aren't these kids in high school?

Matematica con Excel: Il piano cartesiano, la retta e distanza tra due puntiMatematicapertutti In questo articolo trovate alcuni file excel sul piano cartesiano, la retta ed il calcolo della distanza tra due punti realmente funzionanti. File excel (.xls) sul Piano Cartesiano File excel (.xls) sull’ equazione di una Retta File excel (.xls) sulle rette nel piano File excel (.xls) sul calcolo della Distanza e Media tra due punti tutti-i-multipli-di-un-numero tutti i multipli di un numero I multipli di un numero sono tutti i numeri che si ottengono moltiplicando quel numero per tutti gli interi. E' chiaro che i multipli, dopo il primo, sono numeri sempre più grandi del numero di partenza e che di multipli ce ne sono infiniti.

Talking Math: 100 Questions That Help Promote Mathematical Discourse Think about the questions that you ask in your math classroom. Can they be answered with a simple “yes” or “no,” or do they open a door for students to really share their knowledge in a way that highlights their true understanding and uncovers their misunderstandings? Asking better questions can open new doors for students, helping to promote mathematical thinking and encouraging classroom discourse. Such questions help students: Work together to make sense of mathematics.Rely more on themselves to determine whether something is mathematically correct.Learn to reason mathematically.Evaluate their own processes and engage in productive peer interaction.Discover and seek help with problems in their comprehension.Learn to conjecture, invent and solve problems.Learn to connect mathematics, its ideas and its applications.Focus on the mathematical skills embedded within activities. Below are 100 questions from mathematics expert Dr.

Operare con angoli e le loro misure. « UbiMath il libro Let’s Math Aiuta il sito adottando il testo per la secondaria di primo grado "Let's Math. Matematica per il tuo futuro." (versione 2020) Home Primes numbers A prime number is a natural number which has no divisors other then 1 and itself. With this mathematical property, these numbers are the basis of modern cryptography and are often used in computer science to make our messages unreadable for outsiders and thus keep confidential all "our little secret" that passes from hand to hand (for example sending the password to our favorite social network or the payment order between the merchant and the bank). Best Websites for Teaching Math: More Than 50 Resources! We recently sent the call out on our Teacher HELPLINE! for teachers to tell us the best websites for teaching math. And wow, did you all come through! We’ve gathered all the links and a short description of each math website. The list encompasses grades K-12 and is chock-full of resources, games, freebies, and innovative programs. Not to alarm you, but, we think you’re going to want to bookmark it.

Bibliothèque virtuelle Les critères de divisibilité ​​La divisibilité est une propriété qui indique qu'un nombre peut être entièrement divisé par un autre nombre, c'est-à-dire sans reste. |54\div 6=9 \text{ reste}\ 0|, donc |54| est divisible par |6|. |22\div 5=4 \text{ reste}\ 2|, donc |22| n'est pas divisible par |5|.Il existe des critères qui permettent de déterminer rapidement si un nombre est divisible par un nombre donné. On appelle ces critères les critères de divisibilité. La tableau qui suit donne une liste des principaux critères de divisibilité. Il est important de savoir qu'il existe d'autres critères de divisibilité.

Chemistry Worksheets Home > Chemistry > Chemistry Worksheets Chemistry Worksheets Reaction Types Worksheets Chemistry Worksheets

This website offers easy access to math vocabulary and examples of problems involving that particular math term. This would be great for helping students while doing homework. by reneejernigan Apr 22
