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SGI Teachers: Activity Links Select any unit below: Sustainability Ecology: Living on Earth Cell Biology: World Health Genetics: Feeding the World Evolution: Maintaining Diversity Chemistry: Fueling the World Chemistry: Earth's Resources Physics: Mitigating Risks from Waves Pilot Test of Electricity: Global Energy and Power Miscellaneous Activity 1 Our Global Community Planet 100 Presentation United Nations Statistics Division CIA World Factbook World Resources Institute NationMaster Activity 2 Life in Other Countries United Nations Statistics Division CIA World Factbook BBC Country Profiles

Resources for Teaching Biology The Sourcebook for Teaching Science This book provides science educators with a comprehensive selection of innovative tools, activities, and high-quality instructional resources for enlivening lessons across the science disciplines. It features over 300 classroom-ready activities ranging from word-based problem-solving exercises to hands-on laboratory experiments and includes examples drawn from biology, physics, chemistry, and the geosciences, all linked to National Science Education Standards.
