45 Websites For Students To Create Original Artwork Online
More and more websites are coming online to give students the ability to unleash their creativity in new and innovative ways. From abstract art to pointillism, students now can click and draw their way into original works of art, and today’s freebie gives you a great list of places to begin. The sites are labeled by grade level to help guide you to those that best suit your students. In addition, I’ve added ratings to give teachers and students an idea of how much interactivity is available at each site. Some allow students to create from beginning to end, while others simply generate the final product with minimal effort. I will warn you that some of these sites will drag you in to create for long periods of time. 3D Snowflake Creator (Grades 2-12) A basic kaleidoscope tool that generates an animated snowflake. Art Kids Rule! Art.com art Pad (Grades 3-12) This virtual canvas allows the artist to change brushes and even frame the painting Dreezle: Paint, Draw and Stamp Online!
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A List of Awesome Art and Drawing Apps for your iPad
Have you ever thought about teaching art through the iPad ? Well you can do it now. There are several awesome apps that can help you teach your students about art and drawing. Many teachers think wrongly that art is a subject that can be taught only by art teachers. If your students have an iPad then here is a list of great art and drawing apps you might want to try with them. 1- Mini Painters " Dive into Mini Painters and play the coolest multiplayer drawing game ever! 2- Art Rage " Get creative with paint without the mess and expense! 3- Sketch Book " SketchBook Pro delivers a complete set of sketching & painting tools through a streamlined and intuitive user interface designed exclusively for the iPad experience. ........."4- Touch Retouch " TouchRetouch is a revolutionary application that lets you remove unwanted content or objects from your photos, using just your finger and iPhone or iPod Touch. 5- Secrets of Da Vinci HD 6- Muse Du Louvre " 100 Louvre masterpieces in your pocket.
Australian Aboriginal Paintings | Aboriginal Rugs
A piece of software, which has acquired 350,000 users in Japan for 1.5 years after the release, with outstanding drawing performance for manga. Evolve with all the functions of ComicStudio, 1.6 million copies of which have been sold around the world. You can see English subtitles by customizing settings on Youtube. CSP is really remarkable for inking and coloring my works! - Santa Fung (Malaysia) CSP is a fantastic digital painting software with a powerful brush customization system and color palette management. - Monica Galentino (Italy) I absolutely adore the natural feeling while coloring in CSP! - Melanie Schober (Austria) I've stopped using all my other graphics software, CSP has every tool I need. - Linus Remahl (Sweden) Inking in CSP is simply fabulous and smooth, as much as coloring. - MissChroma (Italy) CSP is the perfect tool for the digital painting. - Tommaso Renieri (Italy) CSP presents a comprehensive, deep, and artist-friendly tool set, while keeping the performance silky smooth!
Wikis for Everyone - Wikispaces
Kids Artists
Central Art - Aboriginal Art Store : buy Aboriginal Art Paintings from Central Art Aboriginal Art Store
Psykopaint - Create and paint amazing art from photos
Lines, Lines, and Fish Bowls Oh My!!
We are studying LINES right now and we started this project today. They are not done yet, but I just couldn’t wait! I will post some finished ones next week! We have done the crazy Hair Day project in the past but I thought this would be fun and the kids LOVED it! They had a HUGE VARIETY of materials, paint, markers, colored pencils, stamps, crayons, and, oil pastels Students had to make the lines OVERLAP by stopping and continuing on the other side when it crossed over. I can’t WAIT for them to finish! Of course we put our own twist to it. 1. glue bowl to paper 2. paint water LIGHT blue using the paint, dip in water THEN go to paper technique 3.paint rocks, and a plant 4. hand print sideways 5. decorate with oil pastels and paper scraps I got these really cool goobly eyes at Michaels in the Halloween craft section!
Dave Troy: Fueled By Randomness
Portrait - Collage
I adapted this lesson from Deep Space Sparkle about one of my most favorite artists/architects Friedensreich Hundertwasser. I have taught lessons on Hundertwasser's archtecture, but not on his paintings and prints before, so I was so excited to try this out! In 5th grade at Suffield, we talked about the representational and abstract qualities of Hundertwasser's artworks. The students kept this in mind as they worked to try to end up with both types of elements in their artworks as well. Thank you Deep Space Sparkle for great inspiration!