Audioblogs | ARTE Radio DIY Glitter Vases Inspired by many reader requests for a DIY tutorial to recreate the glittery mason jar vases from this New Year’s Eve party, today we’re playing with glitter. A whole lot of glitter! I whipped up two different versions of these glitter vasses, both of which are quick and easy. They’re perfect for parties, weddings or just to add a touch of sparkle to your dining room table. Supplies - Glass containers (preferably with smooth, straight sides)Glitter (I used Martha Stewart Crafts glitter in Wintermint and Bronze from Michaels)Foam brushPainter’s tapeModPodge For the first vase I used a small cylindrical vase and using the foam brush, applied a thin and even coat of ModPodge on the interior walls of the vase. Then I just let the vase dry. For the second version, I used a mason jar and went for a glitter-dipped look. Next up, I used a copper glitter and coated the outside of the vase. Once everything was nice and dry, I had two of the prettiest vases going!
Bruitages musique nouveautes 7701 bruitages et musiques d'illustration à télécharger Musique d'illustration Les dernières musiques ajoutées Musiques ajoutées le 02/09/2014 Musiques ajoutées le 14/07/2014 Musiques ajoutées le 13/07/2014 Musiques ajoutées le 02/07/2014 Musiques ajoutées le 28/06/2014 » Recherche avancée The Ultimate Guide to Writing Better Than You Normally Do. Writing is a muscle. Smaller than a hamstring and slightly bigger than a bicep, and it needs to be exercised to get stronger. Think of your words as reps, your paragraphs as sets, your pages as daily workouts. Think of your laptop as a machine like the one at the gym where you open and close your inner thighs in front of everyone, exposing both your insecurities and your genitals. Because that is what writing is all about. Procrastination is an alluring siren taunting you to google the country where Balki from Perfect Strangers was from, and to arrange sticky notes on your dog in the shape of hilarious dog shorts. The blank white page. Mark Twain once said, “Show, don’t tell.” Finding a really good muse these days isn’t easy, so plan on going through quite a few before landing on a winner. There are two things more difficult than writing. It’s no secret that great writers are great readers, and that if you can’t read, your writing will often suffer. - Sons gratuits WAV & MIDI - Effets spéciaux / divers, musiques, voix, animaux ... FXMania, c'est quoi ? Un annuaire gratuit regroupant plus de 12 000 fichiers sonores aux formats WAV, MIDI. Pour accéder à l'annuaire, cliquez sur le menu categories du menu. puis en sous-catégories, parfois les fichiers sont accompagnés d'une description complète et d'autres portent seulement un numéro ou un titre ce qui permet de facilement effectuer une recherche si vous recherchez un fichier ou si vous êtes déjà venu et ne vous souvenez plus de son numéro. N'oubliez pas que vous pouvez utiliser le forum en cas de problème ou pour faire appel à d'autres visiteurs si vous recherchez un fichier spécifique... IMPORTANT : Il est à noter que la totalité de ces fichiers sont légaux vous pouvez en utiliser autant que vous voulez ...
IBM's Smarter Cities Billboard Campaign - Paris Billboards are meant to distract and annoy, to draw attention and to not fit in. In its recent on-street ad campaign, IBM promotes its People for Smart Cities Program with billboards that are even more invasive. Ogilvy & Mather France took the concept of the board and bent it into shapes that could – with some effort – be seen as solutions for a somewhat smarter city, London and Paris in this case. It is still visual clutter, it is still preaching something, but at least it is doing it with a bit more imagination than just pushing a loud message.
SimplyNoise -- The Best Free White Noise Generator on the Internet. 10 Awesome Infographics for Graphic Designers As a graphic designer, you’ve probably designed at least a few infographics for your clients – or even for fun. You can create (and sell) infographics for any topic or industry, which means infographics can be a lucrative source of income. Some designers make a full-time living designing infographics alone. 1. Learn what different colors represent and what emotions they stir, and when and how to use them in your own designs. 2. This infographic serves as a quick reference for the basic elements of design, complete with tips for how and why each should be considered when creating any design. 3. A humorous look at the daily life of a graphic designer – super deadlines, tons of work, frantic environment and (hopefully) good pay. 4. Want to be a better, more successful, more inspired graphic designer? 5. Your favorite fonts, colors, and other design elements reveal a lot about your personality, goals and dreams. 6. 7. How much do other graphic designers make? 8. 9. 10. by Glantz Design
A Soft Murmur Hash Brown Wrapped Eggs It's been hard for me to switch gears from the whole "Stuffed" concept. It's too late to get this guy into the book, so here it is, Stuffed DVD special features! This is a play on a scotch egg, but also a Peruvian dish called papas rellenas. The key is perfectly soft boiling the eggs so that the yolk stays soft and comes running out when you cut into it. Roast the potatoes until tender. Mix with some flour, salt, herbs, and spices. Soft boil some eggs using this method. The potato mixture is mashed and ready. With well floured hands and surface, spread out some potato and roll it around your egg. Perfect. Fry em up until browned all around. Just another potato... With a suprise inside! Wait for it... Pop a little sriracha on this thing and it will be the best breakfast you have had in months!
13 Tech Sounds You Don’t Hear Anymore When Wikipedia Won't Cut It: 25 Online Sources for Reliable, Researched Facts Although Wikipedia is a great place to find information, it's subject to incomplete citations, biased views, and inaccuracies. And when you absolutely have to have undisputable facts, that's just not good enough. Fortunately, there are plenty of alternatives out there that can deliver with high quality accuracy, and we've listed 25 of the best here. Citizendium: This wiki focuses on credibility, using both the general public and credentialed experts. It works just like Wikipedia, but better. AmericanFactFinder: This database from the US Census Bureau is a great source for information on housing, economics, geography and population.
55 Great Websites To Download Free Sound Effects Imagine a movie or video without sound effects. Even a magnificent film like Titanic would look nothing more than a joke if there are no ‘Wham’, ‘Bam’ and ‘Smash’ sounds in it. Background music and sound effects are important for making a video (or even an audio production) engaging and in its full essence. There are thousands of online resources to download sound effects. However, not all of them can offer you high-quality material that’s also free. Read also: This platform offers more than seven thousand CC-licensed sounds and loops, which are divided into categories like drum loops, synth loops, midi files, etc. Sign-up/Log-in: Not Required SoundBible A superb site for downloading sounds, SoundBible, offers royalty-free sound effects that you can use commercially in movies, games, and other projects. Fugue Fuge has a huge library of royalty-free, high-quality music in dozens of categories. Not required ZapSplat Freesound License: Creative Commons Partners In Rhyme SampleSwap freeSFX