Find People | People Search Pro Before you start to find someone on the Internet, where is the best place to hunt? He or she could be an expert in their field, and could be active participants in discussion groups and mailing lists. What kind of contact information are you trying to find? When you begin to find people, you can often find contact information such as phone number, email address, and website address. As a journalist, it can sometimes be difficult to track down contact information of people you need to find. Our Journalism Net pages provide excellent quality, up-to-date resources on how to find people, get in contact with them, and locate the resources you need to complete your journalism report. Finding People The Internet has multiple tools that you can use to find people. Find People: Find experts: How to Find People After you find the person you are looking for, you need to know how to find their contact information. Find phone numbers: Finding email,web addresses: Search for People
Content Creator? Make Sense Of Google AuthorRank If you’re a content creator, you’re aware of Google’s AuthorRank. It’s a way to build your authority online. To assess your “authority,” do a Google search for a piece of content you’ve written. If your image pops up next to your content in the results, you’ve got authority, in Google’s eyes. All you need to do to get the magic image is join Google+, then associate your name with your content. There’s a lot of discussion about whether or not Google takes AuthorRank into account in its search algorithm. In a sense, it doesn’t matter. I’m convinced that if you’ve properly set up Google Authorship; and you’re creating memorable, well-targeted, authoritative content; and you’re building effective networks of fans and key influencer relationships to help spread it, you’re well in position for whenever “AuthorRank” comes calling.” Got AuthorRank? Virante has created a free Author Rank tool, currently in beta. Just enter your Google+ account ID, and click GO. I tried it. Here are mine:
101 Google Tips, Tricks & Hacks Looking for the ultimate tips for Google searching? You've just found the only guide to Google you need. Let's get started: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23, In fact, you can combine any Boolean search operators, as long as your syntax is correct. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. untitled Every single person, organization and business using Facebook Pages will be forced on March 30, 2012, without choice, to use a timeline that is not necessary, impedes communication, and affects privacy and malfunctions. The Facebook timeline has been put in place for business, organization and community pages. The timeline hampers communication, is technically faulty, graphically heavy, and is not user friendly. Regardless of how the technology functions, users do not have a choice EPIC [Electronic Privacy Information Center] is asking the FTC [Federal Trade Commission] to look further into Timeline because Facebook is already under scrutiny for privacy issues of the past. As an IT Tech, business owner, and public relations, I am currently test driving Timeline profossionally and personally. I fail to see how Timeline will help brands, businesses and organizations when people do not wish to visit the pages due to Timeline and the interface malfunctions. To complain about the Timeline to FB