Related: Méditation - Cohérence cardiaque
Meditation Boosts Mood, Eases Pain & Stress While most people associate meditation with religion, this simple and powerful practiced transcends religious beliefs. Meditation is like a short vacation away from the stresses of everyday life to allow you to center your mind and create a peaceful feeling. And, the research is showing that meditation is great for your health. In one study published in Health Behavior News Service, scientists found that brain scans and blood tests showed positive effects of meditation. In this study of 48 employees at a biotechnology company, half were trained in meditation and practiced it for one hour a day, six days a week using guided meditations that had been prerecorded. Other research shows improvements in mood, pain threshold, immune system activity, and bronchial and arterial smooth muscle tone. Daily practice offers the greatest benefits. Breathing meditation is one of the easiest and most convenient forms of meditation.
Le stress - 4 méthodes anti-stress 100 % naturelles Focus sur cinq méthodes simples, à appliquer soi-même, efficaces dans le stress et l'anxiété. Dans quels cas L'EFT (emotional freedom technique) est un outil indiqué dans les états anxieux, les phobies, le trac et les traumatismes anciens. Le principe L'EFT passe par une stimulation de points spécifiques du corps, qui est pratiquée par le patient lui-même. Des études récentes ont trouvé que l'EFT apporte des bénéfices cliniques, avec des changements dans la biochimie du stress. Comment pratiquer L'EFT se pratique en tous lieux. Pour aller plus loin Un livre : Libération émotionnelle EFT, par Jean-Michel Gurret Un site : Gurret.fr Dans quel cas Pour vivre sereinement toutes les situations de stress de la vie courante et professionnelle. La cohérence cardiaque est une méthode anti-stress très simple et très rapide à mettre en œuvre. La cohérence cardiaque peut se pratiquer seul, avec l’aide d’un manuel pratique. Un livre : Cohérence cardiaque 365 par le Dr David O'Hare Un logiciel : HeartTracker
Meditation Meditation is a practice in which an individual trains the mind or induces a mode of consciousness, either to realize some benefit[1] or as an end in itself.[2] The term meditation refers to a broad variety of practices (much like the term sports) that includes techniques designed to promote relaxation, build internal energy or life force (qi, ki, prana, etc.) and develop compassion,[3] love, patience, generosity and forgiveness. A particularly ambitious form of meditation aims at effortlessly sustained single-pointed concentration[4] single-pointed analysis,[5] meant to enable its practitioner to enjoy an indestructible sense of well-being while engaging in any life activity. Meditation may involve generating an emotional state for the purpose of analyzing that state—such as anger, hatred, etc. Etymology[edit] The English meditation is derived from the Latin meditatio, from a verb meditari, meaning "to think, contemplate, devise, ponder".[13] History[edit] Man Meditating in a Garden Setting
Méditation Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Une posture du nom de Jie Yin, caractéristique de la méditation orientale (ici, la méditation du Falun Gong). La méditation est au cœur de la pratique du bouddhisme, de l'hindouisme, du jaïnisme, du sikhisme, du taoïsme, du yoga, de l'islam, de la chrétienté ainsi que d'autres formes plus récentes de spiritualité mais également médicale. C'est une pratique visant à produire la paix intérieure, la vacuité de l'esprit, des états de conscience modifiés ou l'apaisement progressif du mental voire une simple relaxation, obtenus en se « familiarisant » avec un objet d'observation : qu'il soit extérieur (comme un objet réel ou un symbole) ou intérieur (comme l'esprit ou un concept, voire l'absence de concept, ou bien les sensations). Lexique[modifier | modifier le code] Le penseur Psychologie : Action de penser avec une grande concentration d'esprit pour approfondir sa réflexion. Principes généraux[modifier | modifier le code] Méditation Jaïn
Méditer - Comment méditer - Dossier S’immobiliser. Se taire. Etre témoin de ce qui se passe en soi. Pour beaucoup d’entre nous, cela ressemble à un défi. Nous avons été encouragés à multiplier les activités, à nous nourrir du "bruit et de la fureur" du monde, à considérer le silence comme stérile. Voilà ce qu’enseignent, depuis des siècles, les techniques orientales de méditation. A voir aussi : les 10 cours de méditation en vidéo de Fabrice Midal Some Benefits of Meditation The aim of Yoga, of union, is to unite the thinking mind with its source in pure awareness. In modern terms, “pure awareness” means quantum space, the silent, empty void that is the womb of all matter and energy. Pure awareness exists in the gap between thoughts; it is the unchanging background against which all mental activity takes place. We would not ordinarily suspect that such a state exists because our minds are so preoccupied with the stream of thoughts, wishes, dreams, fantasies, and sensations that fill waking consciousness. Sitting in meditation with the eyes closed induces the nervous system to enter a state of “restful alertness” – i.e., the mind remains awake while the body goes into a deeply relaxed state. Sleep is a hypometabolic state in which oxygen consumption decreases, heartbeat slows, and consciousness blanks out. While remaining alert enough to feel the experience of pure awareness, people go into a state of rest twice as deep as sleep.
You as an Infinite Being The possibility that each person is an infinite being is becoming more real now. Gifted with total flexibility in our nervous systems, we all have the choice to build boundaries or tear them down. Every person is continually manufacturing an infinite array of thoughts, memories, desire, objects, and so on. These impulses, rippling through the ocean of consciousness, become your reality. The twist the rishis gave was to infuse this activity with freedom, raising it to a level that transcends the petty thoughts and desires of the isolated ego. The ego finds the world a dangerous, hostile place, because everything that exists is separate from “I.” If duality is an illusion, then unity will not be established. Adapted from Quantum Healing: Exploring the Frontiers of Mind/Body Medicine, by Deepak Chopra (Bantam Books, 1990).
Basic Breathing Meditation Our minds are constantly active, always jumping from thought to thought, emotion to emotion. Getting in touch with the nonlocal intelligence, the universal soul that lies within us and is part of us all, requires finding a way past the fog of distracting thoughts that typically hide it from us. We cannot fight our way through a real fog. If we are quiet, we encounter moments of pure silence, and through these gaps we can glimpse the deeper level of the soul. Controlling the flood of thoughts is very difficult for most people. A common way to begin meditation is to gently focus on one thing so that it becomes more difficult for stray thoughts to enter your mind. To begin a breathing mediation, find a comfortable position. You may find that your breathing spontaneously gets faster or slower, deeper or shallower, and may even pause for a time. Adapted from The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire, by Deepak Chopra (Three Rivers Press).
Yoga Research: 5 Proven Facts that Make Yoga Awesome How many times have you tried to tell your friends about the energy body but you just can’t seem to convince it’s real? How many times have said friends stopped talking to you altogether, or at the very least mentally categorized you as the cuckoo? Yoga teachers are famous for saying funny things that don’t make sense to non-practitioners. It’s hard to put into words the things we feel sometimes, especially words that everyone can understand. But those days might soon come to pass. Here are five enlightening facts to help you understand what is happening in the body on a physiological level, plus practical applications to integrate into your daily practice (good news: you probably do these things already!) Yoga works for everyone: When you look at an overview of the accepted, reliable research to date, you’ll find conflicting results. The more relaxed you are, the healthier you’ll be: If you take care of your nervous system, the rest of your body will function at optimal levels.
How Yoga Can Transform Lives Yoga changes lives. We see it again and again. People suffering from illness, struggling with self-esteem or weight or imbalance, looking for purpose and avenues to change the world… Every story in its distinct way reflects the transformative power of yoga. And, of course, human beings’ own capacity to change and thrive. It is this very power we aim to capture on our new show, Urban Yogis, launching October 8 on The Chopra Well. Beautifully shot, inspiring, and heartfelt – the series delves into the lives of cancer survivors, inner-city youth dealing with violence in their communities, recovering addicts, artists, youth in detention facilities, and more. Over 20 million people in the United States have practiced yoga. Check out the above trailer for Urban Yogis; we hope it inspires you.