Executive PayWatch 2010 I came to the United States from Mexico in 2006, driven by a dream we all share: a better life for my family. What I found, however, is suffering. Fernando is not my real name; I am an undocumented worker and, therefore, I have to protect my identity. I have six children and a wife to support, so I harvest tobacco. Another illness associated with tobacco harvesting is green tobacco sickness. As a farmworker in the supply chain for tobacco, I think it should be an obligation from the boss to pay our wages even when we are ill—when one has been helping him throughout the season. I don’t earn enough to cover major medical expenses. All the boss is interested in is that we work fast.
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CORI: Contracting and Organization Research Institute The CORI K-Base is made available for educational, academic and public use. Researchers that use contracts from the collection should acknowledge CORI in their papers. A notice of publication or copy of papers using contracts from the collection would be appreciated. Continued use of the CORI K-Base Search engines constitutes acceptance of these use conditions. Available collections in the CORI Contracts Library The CORI K-Base - Digital Contracts Library CORI's digital contracts library contains over 690,000 contracts. Disclaimer The information contained in this web site is provided as a service to the Internet community and does not constitute legal advice. NOTE: You must have Adobe Acrobat PDF Viewer v3.0 or greater installed in order to view or print the PDFdocuments in the CORI Contract Library. We recommend the use of the FireFox web browser from Mozilla as a fast and safe alternative browser.