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21 Coolest Alcove Beds

21 Coolest Alcove Beds

Decoração oriental Há pouco mais de um mês nós publicamos uma matéria sobre organização da casa com a participação da personal organizer Claudia Moura, estão lembrados? Nessa mesma época um dos leitores do Casa de Valentina nos enviou um email com dúvidas sobre como resolver a decoração e organizar o seu quarto, que fica em um república de faculdade. Essa feliz coincidência nos deu uma ideia: fazer uma matéria estilo “Dúvida do Leitor” com as dicas da Claudia. Então aí vai... Primeiro vejam o email que recebemos do Mateus do Nascimento sobre o espaço: “Sou estudante e no momento estou morando praticamente em uma república, porém sempre confiro suas postagens para me inspirar. Agora confira as dicas que a Claudia sugere para o Mateus: "Olá Mateus, O pilar da organização é que todas as coisas (TODAS) tenham o seu lugar. De acordo com o seu e-mail você precisa organizar neste ambiente: roupas, sapatos, roupas de cama e banho, livros, televisão, frigobar e computador, certo?

Why Hide Your Cables And Cords When You Can Turn Them Into Beautiful Wall Art... Home » DIY Projects » Why Hide Your Cables And Cords When You Can Turn Them Into Beautiful Wall Art… All the cables and the cords from things like the computer, the lamps, the TV, etc are seen as an inconvenience and we often try to hide them. There are even lots of accessories to help us do that and we’re also showed you plenty of DIY projects designed to help you do the same thing. But why hide the cables when you can turn them into wall art? Take a look at the photos and you’ll understand exactly what we mean by that. You can come up with all sorts of ideas for this type of wall art. Take a look at this interesting mantel. You can’t hide all the cables so have fun with them. Try something simple for the cables in your bedroom. Very long cables are usually tied in a role and hidden out of sight but with a little bit of imagination you can leave them in plain sight and even turn them into wall art. This interesting sketch was created using a long black cable and a light bulb.

Loft in NY Amazing industrial loft in New York with grunge concrete walls, industrial style lightings and modern furniture. Enjoy ;) Published 2 years ago by Mat Watts in Interior. You might also like Comments Interior del día | Casa Haus Interior del día Posted on 04 June 2012 by Rocio Hace mucho no me pasaba que una foto de interior me enloqueciera de esta manera. Un dormitorio relativamente sencillo, ¡pero qué dormitorio, señores! It had been a while since I had felt such an excitement for a single interior picture, like today. imagen: Clayton Hauck para Builder Like this: Like Loading... What to Watch on Netflix High Res version here Source <img src=" width="840"><p><a href="

20 Stunning Barn Conversions That Will Inspire You to Go Off the Grid! The daily grind getting you down? Well hold your horses: This post is going to inspire you even more to pack up and go country! We first showed you how to make a barn for your dog. But now we’ve got barns just for you! Here are 20 gorgeous barn conversions that will stop you in your tracks! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Ready for the barn life? Refined Vintage Furniture Items Made Out of Old Trunks Furniture can be born in a variety of ways, some more crazy and unusual than others. For today we would like to share this creative collection found on Restoration Hardware, a company that has quite a few interesting items on display. Richard’s Trunks represents a series of furniture items made up of old trunks. “A vintage English steamer trunk, once belonging to a traveler named Tom Richards, inspired our exactingly reproduced trunks, tables, desks and bookcase”- stated the manufacturer. The collection looks amazing and each of the units comes with integrated storage space.

Pet owner builds tiny ninja house for hamster, escape panels and hidden doors galore With dozens of websites dedicated to videos of their cute antics, there’s no denying that the Japanese love their pets. But when a pet owner also happens to be a rather talented craftsman, you can be sure that when their skills and love for their pet come together, the results will be terrific. Check out this miniature ninja house that YouTuber heibonkinoko made for his pet hamster, which comes complete with hidden doors, fake walls and escape tunnels. It’s positively epic in tiny proportions. “He was a little confused at first,” writes the hamster owner beneath his video, “but once he got his head around how everything worked, he was completely absorbed, running around and around the house for hours.” Designed to look like a traditional Japanese-style house, the detail here is incredible. ▼ Heading upstairs, the little guy knows exactly where to go. ▼ The tatami mats and chabudai table are fantastic touches. ▼ He’s heading towards an ordinary-looking wall, but then… ▼ Ninja vanish!!!

Vertical Gardens Patrick Blanc ist von Beruf Botaniker und kreiert Gärten der etwas anderen Art. Mit seinen ‘Vertical Gardens’ verleiht er der grauen, urbanen Landschaft der Städte ein neues, grünes Gesicht. Er überzieht Hauswände und Mauern mit Farnen, Moosen, Gräsern und Büschen und integriert Natur so auf eine neue Art in unseren Alltag. Während seiner Reisen durch Thailand fiel dem damaligen Studenten auf, dass Pflanzen an jedem erdenklichen Ort wachsen können, wenn sie nur genügend Wasser und Licht bekommen. All images © Patrick Blanc Fieldstone Hill Design » Blog Archive » objects :: still suzani Suzani has been a decor trend for quite some time now. But I am still loving Suzani. “Suzani is a type of embroidered and decorative tribal textile made in Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and other Central Asian countries. Suzanis usually have a cotton (sometimes silk) fabric base, which is embroidered in silk or cotton thread. Popular design motifs include sun and moon disks, flowers (especially tulips, carnations, and irises), leaves and vines, fruits (especially pomegranates), and occasional fish and birds.” – {see wikipedia for more} For me, Suzani is not so much a trend as it is a way of bringing beautiful, hand-embroidered, world influenced flair into your home. Here are some beautiful uses of this timeless fabric: Dongia fabric is used on the chairs. The same Dongia fabric is used here in a fantastic way. Here a Suzani fabric that is simply draped over a desk/vanity. Similarly, this Suzani is draped on a dining room table, adding detailed earthy-ness to a very elegant space.
