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A Spiritual Odyssey: Diary of an Ordinary Catholic (9781856075121): Brian O'Hare Limnetica publicacion cientifica semestral de la Asociacion Iberica de Limnologia A Slice of Life: Lesson in Knives from Chef Kate Adamick Photos by Christina Holmes What makes a woman sexy? Intelligence. Confidence. Beauty. And the ability to use a knife. Chef Kate Adamick; Photo by Christina Holmes Chef Kate Adamick is an impressive and inspiring woman. I didn’t grow up exposed to any fancy knife cutting. Mickey Sanzone (right); Sanzone's Market,West Haven, CT,circa 1950. When my grandfather came home from a hunting trip with a deer (a rare occurrence), Mickey would wear his white coat and butcher it in his son Mike’s barn. I have often thought about those afternoons watching Mickey Sanzone work. After I (unintentionally) macerated an onion beyond recognition last month, I knew the time was right to begin my tutelage. She gave me strict instructions. Kate’s Wusthof Classic 8-inch chef’s knife has been her constant companion for over 20 years. Her first and most essential lesson was simple: Safety. Your cutting surface must be firm. A sharp knife sharp is a safe knife. Honing re-aligns the blade. We began with celery.

UK 4 Reasons Why Curiosity is Important and How to Develop It The important thing is not to stop questioning… Never lose a holy curiosity. Albert Einstein Curiosity is an important trait of a genius. I don’t think you can find an intellectual giant who is not a curious person. Thomas Edison, Leonardo da Vinci, Albert Einstein, Richard Feynman, they are all curious characters. Richard Feynman was especially known for his adventures which came from his curiosity. But why is curiosity so important? It makes your mind active instead of passiveCurious people always ask questions and search for answers in their minds. Now, knowing the importance of curiosity, here are some tips to develop it: 1. This is essential if you are to have a curious mind. 2. If you just accept the world as it is without trying to dig deeper, you will certainly lose the ‘holy curiosity’. 3. A sure way to dig deeper beneath the surface is asking questions: What is that? 4. Whenever you label something as boring, you close one more door of possibilities. 5. 6.

EU Blog Archive » The Web’s third frontier Everyone realizes that the web is entering a new phase in its development. One indication of this transition is the proliferation of attempts to explain the changes that are occurring. Functional explanations emphasize the real time web, collaborative systems and location-based services. Technical explanations argue that the interconnectivity of data is the most significant current development. They consider the web’s new frontiers to be closely related to the semantic web or the “web of things”. Although these explanations are both pertinent and intriguing, none of them offers an analytical matrix for assessing the developments that are now underway. In contrast, other explanations are far too broad to serve any useful purpose. How can the web’s development be understood? The web represents a compendium of technical resources, functionalities and usage practices, and it cannot be reduced to just one of these dimensions. The founding principles The two initial phases of growth

Canada La Cantine Depuis quelques années, la vidéo bouleverse nos modes de communication, de formation, de vente... On assiste aujourd'hui à une démultiplication des services web liés à ce média. Pourtant la complexité et le coût des systèmes actuels empêchent la démocratisation de la vidéo. L'enjeu sur ce média est donc de rendre sa production et son partage accessible au plus grand nombre. Le 16 mars à La Cantine, site pilote d'UbiCast depuis plus d'un an Incarnez différents rôles, du réalisateur (utilisation technologie UbiCast) à l'acteur (production de votre propre webinar) tout en participant activement à des ateliers (pas de spectateurs) : Mettez-vous en scène, et créez votre propre webinar* (que ce soit CV vidéo / micro-formation / elevator pitch /...). Dans une dynamique de partage et de contribution, initiez les thématiques des ateliers autour de la tryptique technologie, usages, et perspectives de la vidéo sur Internet. Venez échanger vos cartes de visite autour d'un café et d'un croissant.

Australia Google Public Data Explorer Turns Boring Statistics into Amazing Google Tools has just launched the Public Data Explorer. Now a host of important stats can be turned into impressive videos for your digestion. Type “unemployment rate California” into Google and you’ll notice a little graph pops up in the search results. The amount of data you’ll be expected to manage has already expanded, and it’s likely to continue to grow exponentially. Google PDE is based on the Public Data tool we’ve seen before: Additional sources of data have now been included to expand the range of what Google can show you in a nifty graph. There are also more traditional line and bar graphs. You can manipulate either of these graphs on your own. Considering all the data now on tap, Google PDE can still feel a little limited. The ability to craft your own graphs based on reliable public data, then link to or embed them, is a boon for people who love statistics. [screen capture and video credits: Google] [source: Google Blog, Google Tools, Google Labs]
