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Very Funny Ads | tefltecher I love using adverts in my teaching. If you ignore the fact that they’re trying to flog you something and focus on their narrative structure, they can provide you with an endless supply of mini-stories for “retelling” activities. The best ads are those with unexpected or amusing twists at the end. Go to and select about 8 adverts you think are suitable for retelling. veryfunnyads To save you a bit of time here are a few that have worked well for me: Once in class, put your students in pairs (Student A | Student B).Ask Student B to cover their eyes or look out of the window while you show Student A the first advert.Ask Student B to explain to their partner what they think happens in the advert based on what they have heard (possible language focus: it sounded like … / it sounded as if ...)Now, get Student A to explain to B what actually happens. Like this: Like Loading... Related

Documentaries, Watch Documentary Films Online 15 Foods That Can Be Regrown From Scraps I love gardening. Well, not actually the work behind the gardening so much – it’s the harvesting that I really look forward to. There is nothing like fresh veggies from your own personal garden! I actually just planted a bunch of things in my vegetable garden, and may have gone a little plant happy at the feed & seed store. Oops. Obviously, we all know about the normal ways to grow plants – from seeds. Let’s count them out – from 1 to 15… 1, 2, 3, & 4. These are the ones I regrow the very most, I always have a mason jar of green onions regrowing above my kitchen sink. 5. You can regrow lemongrass the same way you regrow the green onions. 6. Plant a small chunk off of your piece of ginger in potting soil with the newest buds facing up. 7. Pick a potato that has a lot of good formed eyes, and cut it into 2-3 inch pieces, taking care to be sure that each piece has at least 1-2 eyes on it. 8. You will need sweet potatoes with good formed eyes, just as you would want with a regular potato.

Opensource Textbooks : Free Texts by Aldous Huxley favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite ( 1 reviews ) Topics: dystopia, social criticism, classic, english language, fiction, science fiction, novel, english by Roger H. Hermanson; Michael W. favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite ( 2 reviews ) Topics: accounting, financial, business Source: Topics: computer-science, php, programming, computer science by L. Topics: statistical physics, ideal gas, thermodynamics, fermi, gibbs distribution, bose, physics, classical... by E. Topics: colonialism, novel, social criticism, classic, english literature, india, fiction, english Topics: physics, dynamics, statics, classical mechanics favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite ( 4 reviews ) Topics: english, religion, classics, facsimile, christianity by B. Topics: chemistry, college, physical, physical chemistry Source: favoritefavoritefavorite ( 1 reviews ) Topics: accounting, financial, business Source: by Leonard I. by Herman Hesse by Chrispin Kowenje by L.D.

10 Open Courses on Human Happiness Our constitution guarantees us the right to pursue it, countless TV shows and books claim to offer the secret to it, and yet true happiness (and the means to attain it) remains elusive to many of us. This quest is nothing new. Since the dawn of time, humans have been curious about happiness, from what it is, how to get it, and even how our brains understand it. While our scientific and philosophical knowledge may have expanded, we're no closer to having a formula for a happy life than people were thousands of years ago, perhaps because happiness is such a subjective and often inconstant feeling. While college courses can't grant you the secrets to a happy life, they can help to educate you on what happiness is or what it means from a psychological, sociological, and philosophical perspective, offering insights into issues like morality, justice, motivation, and even choice. Ethics, Capilano University: Will doing the right thing make you happy?

Film Study Lesson Plans |Film as Genre| | Movies by Title | Analyzing Motion Pictures This 1-page teacher guide offers questions for students who are analyzing movies. From the U. Camera Angles How are a three-shot, a canted angle shot, and a dolly shot different from one another? City of Cranes This lesson in perspective includes both activities and the 14-minute video City of Cranes , available to watch online. Film Canon Project A list of titles appropriate for the classroom, organized by grade level, by type, and by release date. Film in the Classroom Resources, and more. Greatest Films Interpretive, descriptive review commentary and historical background for hundreds of classic Hollywood and other American films in the last century, a wealth of film reference material of all kinds, a famous film quotations quiz, a complete Academy Awards (Oscars) History and detailed Film History - by decade, and hundreds of colorful, vintage film poster reproductions.

Watch Documentaries Online. | Promote Documentary Films. Promote Consciousness. Promote Humanity. | Online Film Festival NTIS - National Technical Information Service Reference SQ3R - Learning Skills from MindTools Studying More Effectively "Mind Map" is a trademark of the Buzan Organization (see We have no association with the Buzan Organization. There are better ways to retain information! © iStockphoto/Cimmerian Nowadays, it's easy to access new reading material. However, it's not so easy to remember everything that you've read. SQ3R helps you do this. As such, it makes your reading both more efficient and more effective. In this article, we'll look at how to use SQ3R, and we'll see how you can make it a routine part of the way you learn. Overview Francis Pleasant Robinson developed SQ3R, and published it in his 1946 book, "Effective Study." SQ3R is an acronym that stands for five steps that you should use when reading something that you want to remember. Survey. Applying the Tool To use SQ3R, follow the five steps below. Step 1: Survey Start by skimming through the material you've identified, to decide if it will be useful and to get an overview of the topic. Step 2: Question Tip:

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