Aliens ,UFO, MARS, Pole Shift, ASCENSION, HAARP, 2012, CERN Bobby Hemmit Love Fund | Medical Expenses - YouCaring Peace and Greetings, As many of you may be aware, our Beloved Elder and Master Teacher Brother Bobby Hemmitt has recently suffered a stroke. We thank everyone for sending their prayers and positive healing energies as he goes through his recovery process. As we all know, medical expenses can be very burdensome on families. Brother Hemmitt has spent the greater part of his life giving freely to others and asking little in return. We are asking everyone at this time to make a donation that they are comfortable with to assist with medical and living expenses for Brother Hemmitt and his family. We thank you in advance for your love, support and contributions. “It's not how much we give but how much love we put into giving.”
The Disclosure Project Enorme explosion enregistrée sur Mars ! L’info vient de Benjamin FulfordBENJAMIN FULFORD : 27 janvier 2014 . Lire la suite ... » et elle est accompagnée d’un enregistrement vidéo ! Une énorme explosionExplosion nucléaire en Iran.. Lire la suite ... » a eu lieu sur MarsAlerternatives 1, 2 et 3 - La petite fille du président Eisenhower témoigne.. Lire la suite ... », au début les astronautes filmaient une comète quiQui est Cobra ?. Regardez cette vidéo c’est incroyable la puissance de cette explosion ! Ça bouge, ça bouge Namasté Laurent La vérité nous libérera aussi de cet esclavage financier, mais pour le moment nous sommes obligés de faire appel à votre soutien (la publicité rapporte trés peu).
UFO Casebook, UFO Case files, UFO Photos, UFO Video, Aliens, UFO News, Magazine La bataille pour la planète Terre a atteint un point culminant Publié par Benjamin le 28 octobre 2014 (traduction Estelle pour La bataille dans le processus psychologique à décider de l’avenir de l’humanité a atteint un point culminant. L’évolution la plus spectaculaire est sans doute le fait que la campagne dite ISISBenjamin Fulford: Le Califat Islamique au Moyen-Orient est-il une blague ?. Lire la suite ... » prend la forme d’une guerreUne étude scientifique démontre que la méditation transcendantale peut amener la paix mondiale. En outre, l’ancienne cabaleHillary Clinton révèle : DAECH a été créé par l’administration américaine !. Pour leur part, les 188 pays de l’alliance BRICSBenjamin Fulford: 22/07/2014. Les membres de l’alliance BRICS feront en sorte que le monde ne se trouvera pas à juste interchanger l’hégémonie unipolaire USAGoodbye dollar !. Si ce quiQui est Cobra ?. est «annulé» (Cancelado).
The Allies of Humanity - Revealing the Extraterrestrial Intervention Eliminate Head Lice with This Simple, Safe and Natural Remedy - Healthy Holistic LivingHealthy Holistic Living by Christina Snider – Staff Writer For many parents, the head louse is literally the bane of their existence. This tiny, wingless insect lives on human hairs and feeds on tiny amounts of blood taken from the scalp. Even though this might sound absolutely disgusting, lice tend to be a common issue amongst school children. Sure, lice won’t spread a bunch of diseases around, and they aren’t dangerous, but that doesn’t mean you want them hanging around your home. If you are tired of spending hundreds of dollars on lice shampoo, and not getting the results you desire, there is an alternative. After spending hours dealing with treatments, combing and checking their hair, we decided there had to be something better out there to treat the dreaded pest. Gather the following supplies: Listerine mouthwash (off-brands work just fine as well)White vinegarShower cap or plastic bags from the grocery storeA couple towelsShampooLice comb Simple how-to instructions: Did you enjoy this article?
Jeff Rense Program