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Unify Community Wiki

Unify Community Wiki

Making an Inventory (Basics) Whoa, the examples I see for inventories around here are very confusing! I was reading through the Unity reference site about Gui basics, but got lost on grids. I understand making a Gui box, and making grids in general, but how do I make PAGES of different grids for one gui (inventory)? Basically, here are my goals- have a small box to display the current inventory Gui when clicked (a bag icon button)if you click this, a new page pops up showing a box with a grid in it(or set up in a grid like fashion) for the inventoryif a player finds/nears an item (assigned with a specific texture) and presses a button, the grid squares are assigned the items texture the item in the scene is destroyed if you click the texture(item) in the inventory, you instantiate that item, and the texture in the inventory dissapears. Also, in general, how do you go about putting a number on a button that starts at zero and is added/subtracted to when you do collect/withdraw the same thing multiple times?

Unity Noobs Unity 3D – France Game Asset Website List (Free and Paid) (Textures, Models, Packs, etc) Welcome to Unity Answers The best place to ask and answer questions about development with Unity. To help users navigate the site we have posted a site navigation guide. If you are a new user to Unity Answers, check out our FAQ for more information. Make sure to check out our Knowledge Base for commonly asked Unity questions. If you are a moderator, see our Moderator Guidelines page. We are making improvements to UA, see the list of changes. virtualPlayground | 3d technology, walkthroughs, presentations, games MOOC Réalisez votre premier jeu vidéo avec Unity Semaine 1 : Apprivoiser Unity Commençons par le commencement : vous allez installer Unity sur votre ordinateur ! Ne vous en faites pas, la version gratuite suffira pour suivre ce cours. Nous allons aussi nous intéresser à ce qu’est un jeu vidéo, et au type de jeu vidéo que vous allez pouvoir bientôt créer. Nous aborderons aussi ce qu’est un moteur de jeu, nous examinerons les spécificités d’Unity et nous manipulerons un premier jeu : Angry bots. 16 juin 2014 - À venir Semaine 2 : Créer un monde 3D virtuel L’interface d’Unity fait un peu peur au départ… Mais c’est en fait assez simple ! 23 juin 2014 - À venir Semaine 3 : Comprendre Unity et son moteur physique Dans cette partie, il va d’abord falloir comprendre ce qu’est un moteur physique et à quoi cela sert dans la création de jeux vidéo. 30 juin 2014 - À venir Semaine 4 : Utiliser des effets visuels dans Unity 7 juillet 2014 - À venir Semaine 5 : Déployer le jeu 14 juillet 2014 - À venir Vous avez suivi et réussi le MOOC. En partenariat avec :

Programmer's Ranch: Unity3D: Moving an Object with Keyboard Input Hi! :) Today we're going to take a first look at the Unity3D game development engine. The first thing you will need to do is to download and install Unity from their website. Once you have installed it and gone through the initial registration screens (you should normally opt to use the free version if you're just learning), you will be asked to open or create a new project: In the "Create New Project" tab, select a folder where your project will be created. You are then taken to the Unity interface, and shown a welcome screen. Next, from the GameObject menu, select Create Other -> Cube to place a cube into the game world. The cube will now be listed in the Hierarchy section - this section shows you a list of objects in your game world. The Inspector shows information about the game object, such as its position in the game world. Underneath the Hierarchy section, you have a Project section. The script appears under Assets. In the Update() method, add the following code: Great!

How can I start learning Unity fast? ( List Of Tutorials ) The most recent version of this list can be found at I just compiled a list of Unity resources for a different purpose (hence my subjective comments and a shameless copy&paste). Some of the resources have already been mentioned here and some of it is only Unity-related and not strictly for learning Unity itself. Download the free version of Unity to get started: If you have no previous experience with Unity, start with these six video tutorials which give a quick overview of the Unity interface and some important features Continue with a more in-depth text-based walk through of very basic Unity functionality and work flow To get you started with scripting, have a look at the following PDF document. Unity features three scripting languages; JavaScript, C#, and Boo. Official Unity Tech.
