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Siberian princess reveals her 2,500 year old tattoos

Siberian princess reveals her 2,500 year old tattoos
She is to be kept in a special mausoleum at the Republican National Museum in capital Gorno-Altaisk, where eventually she will be displayed in a glass sarcophagus to tourists. For the past 19 years, since her discovery, she was kept mainly at a scientific institute in Novosibirsk, apart from a period in Moscow when her remains were treated by the same scientists who preserve the body of Soviet founder Vladimir Lenin. To mark the move 'home', The Siberian Times has obtained intricate drawings of her remarkable tattoos, and those of two men, possibly warriors, buried near her on the remote Ukok Plateau, now a UNESCO world cultural and natural heritage site, some 2,500 metres up in the Altai Mountains in a border region close to frontiers of Russia with Mongolia, China and Kazakhstan. To many observers, it is startling how similar they are to modern-day tattoos. Reconstruction of Princess Ukok's tattoos, made by Siberian scientists 'It is a phenomenal level of tattoo art. Related:  unaverse88

The State Hermitage Museum: Collection Highlights This rich and fascinating collection from the Altai mountains dates to the Scythian-Sakae period (6th–4th centuries BC) and embraces over 5,000 items. At its heart lie the unique articles found during excavation of the burial mounds of Pazyryk in the Eastern part of the High Altai, at a height of 1,600 metres above sea level. Large Altaic burial mounds were intended for those who occupied high positions in early nomadic society, such as chiefs, elders and priests. According to custom, the chief's wife or concubine was also buried with him and all the dead bodies were embalmed. Local climactic conditions proved to be ideal for the preservation of these tombs, as water and moisture gradually seeped down between the stones and turned to ice in the winter, never thawing during the summer, thus freezing and preserving items of wood, felt, leather, fur, silk and other perishable materials. Of great interest is the body of the chief from Burial Mound No. 2 at Pazyryk.

Notre poison quotidien (Documentaire) The little book on authenticity | The Cartooning Psychologist Have you spent most of your life fitting in? Are you unsure about who you are? Who you should be? Welcome to a fresh look at authenticity from cartooning psychologist Dr Nina Burrowes. Find out why being authentic is much more interesting that simply revealing who you are; why fitting in is so tempting to do; and why being authentic is the only doorway to your self. (All images are © Nina Burrowes 2014) To read the rest you need to buy the book… Pazyryk burials Coordinates: Horseman, Pazyryk felt artifact, c.300 BC. For another felt artifact, see here. The Pazyryk (Russian: Пазырык) burials are a number of Iron Age tombs found in the Pazyryk Valley of the Ukok plateau in the Altai Mountains, Siberia, south of the modern city of Novosibirsk, Russia; the site is close to the borders with China, Kazakhstan and Mongolia.[1] Numerous comparable burials have been found in neighboring western Mongolia. The tombs are Scythian-type kurgans, barrow-like tomb mounds containing wooden chambers covered over by large cairns of boulders and stones, dated to the 4th - 3rd centuries BCE.[2] The spectacular burials at Pazyryk are responsible for the introduction of the term kurgan, a Russian word of Turkic origin, into general usage to describe these tombs. Discoveries[edit] A gilded wooden figurine of a deer from the Pazyryk burials, fifth century BC The first tomb at Pazyryk, barrow 1, was excavated by the archaeologist M. Pazyryk chief[edit] Ice Maiden[edit] S.I.

Ruche qui dit Oui de Meyras 20 Beautiful Private and Personal Libraries Here at Flavorpill, we can’t really get enough of gazing lovingly at photographs of books. We know it’s what’s inside that counts, but one simple fact just can’t be avoided: books are beautiful, and they sure do warm up a room — or, in some cases, an entire building. Plus, at the risk of being totally sentimental, we think that the best books are often the most beautiful: even if their spines are shabby, the exude a kind of well-loved glow, beautiful from the inside out. American entrepreneur Jay Walker’s private library — so important (and massive) that his house was designed and built around it.

Pazyryk culture The Pazyryk culture is an Iron Age archaeological culture (c. 6th to 3rd centuries BC) identified by excavated artifacts and mummified humans found in the Siberian permafrost in the Altay Mountains and nearby Mongolia. The mummies are buried in long barrows (or kurgans) similar to the tomb mounds of western Scythian culture in modern Ukraine. The type site are the Pazyryk burials of the Ukok Plateau.(NOVA 2007) Many artifacts and human remains have been found at this location, including the Siberian Ice Princess, indicating a flourishing culture at this location that benefited from the many trade routes and caravans of merchants passing through the area. Other kurgan cemeteries associated with the culture include those of Bashadar, Tuekta, Ulandryk, Polosmak and Berel. Genetic composition[edit] The gene pool of the inhabitants of the Mongolian Altai site during the Iron Age was similar to that of western Iron Age Altaians (Russia and Kazakhstan). See also[edit] Pazyryk burials Notes[edit]

extincteur maison Pour bien choisir son extincteur quelques remarques et conseils. Il existe 3 catégories de performances des extincteurs. 1) Grand publique, plus ou moins efficace suivant la marque fabriquant. 2) Tertiaires, efficace suivant la marque fabriquant. 3) Industrie très efficace suivant la marque fabriquant surtout avec une bonne formation. Exemple :Dans l’industrie chimique avec des risques élevés un extincteur grand publique ne feras pas l’affaire Rappel de base La Classe des feux Classe A : Feu sec, papier, carton, bois,les solides à formation de braise Classe B : Feu de liquides ,essence pétrole, alcools ….. Classe A :Extincteur à eau pulvérisé, extincteur à poudre polyvalent( à proscrire à l’intérieur des locaux.) Pour les extincteurs à poudre choisir 10Kg avec le contrôle de débit sur la soufflette. Pour les extincteurs neige carbonique Co2 choisir un modèle avec flexible ce qui permet de l’utiliser en toutes positions. Eviter les extincteurs à pression permanente, ( sauf le Co2)

My Life All in One Place Pazyryk Tattoo Meaning | Although the tattooed Scythians of 2,500 years ago may seem impossibly distant from most tattooed westerners in terms of geography, culture, and time, their bold tattoo symbols still hold some sway among modern devotees. Seemingly inscrutable and yet tantalizing familiar, their images draw our curiosity back to a time and place that may help us to interpret them. The Ukok Plateau of the Golden Mountains of Altai, UNESCO World Heritage Site. It was amid the high plateaus of the modern day steppes of Siberian Russia, near the border with China and Kazakstan, that the Pazyryk people once roamed and flourished. Horseman from a Pazyryk felt artifact, c. 300 BCE. A less well known mummy from Khakasia, c. 0 CE, whose tattoo only recently came to light at the State Hermitage Museum. Drawing of the above tattoo, a feline animal on the shoulder. The burial of the Ice Maiden, excavated by Natalia Polosmak in 1993. Tattoo on the shoulder of the Ice Maiden. Pazyryk Tattoo

Vivre sans argent en France, pas si difficile que ça Après avoir passé trois ans sur le continent américain à « vivre sans argent », c’est-à-dire sans salaire, me voici de retour en France. Ce choix de vie fonctionnait plutôt bien outre-Atlantique et j’étais curieux de voir comment la France et les Français réagiraient à ce genre d’initiatives. Making of Depuis que Benjamin Lesage a ouvert son porte-monnaie de voyageur sans argent à Rue89, nous avons gardé contact. Le jeune couple a un projet fou : monter une communauté sans argent, dans le sud de la France. Cet été, ils sont partis sur les routes – toujours sans le sou – pour visiter des éco-lieux et essayer de trouver l'endroit idéal pour démarrer leur projet, Eotopia. Dans Eotopia, éco-lieu végétalien, « tout sera gratuit, dénué d’échanges commerciaux ». J’étais à Belfort lorsque la douleur surgit et je me mis immédiatement en quête d’un dentiste. Elle me fixa un autre rendez-vous pour que nous parlions de ce que je pouvais faire pour elle mais, « a priori, il n’y a pas de problèmes ».

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