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Homemade Mod Podge

Homemade Mod Podge
Don't forget to vote for us daily! Just click on this button and that's all! Thanks! A few months ago I found a recipe for Homemade Mod Podge and wanted to know if it was worth the mess to make it. YES it is, with no mess! A pint size jar cost me $2 to make while at stores a size like this is around $8. Put a strip of masking/packing tape directly on your jar so that you can take it off later easier. Stick the sticker label on the tape. Tape over the label so that it will be semi-waterproof. Mod Podge in a Pint Jar (matte) Fill jar half way up with white glue (like Elmers) Then fill jar up with water. Shake Well. This is a 50-50 mixture glue/water. It will have a Matte finish. If you would like a Glossy finish, add 1 TBS of clear varnish. Shake it! If you have tried it with the varnish, we would love to hear how it went. See it for yourself how it works.

Creating Stunning Character Arcs, Pt. 1: Can You Structure Characters? What if there were a sure-fire secret to creating stunning character arcs? Would you be interested in discovering it? If you care about connecting with readers, grabbing hold of their emotions, and creating stories that will resonate with them on a level deeper than mere entertainment, then the answer has to be a resounding yes! But here’s the thing about character arcs: they’re way too easy to take for granted. On the surface, character arcs seem to boil down to nothing more than a simple three-step process: 1. Craft: Valentine's Day Wall Art I loved how my Valentine's Day garland and wreath looked so I decided to make another Valentine's Day decoration. In our living room we have a big blank wall that is patiently waiting for us to finish the wall art we plan on hanging. I decided to use that space and try to make a simple, cheap wall art. Supplies: Card stock, pattern to print (I did sheet music), scissors, tapeCost: $0 (I already had all of the supplies) I started off by printing off sheet music. I printed two pages on each 8 1/2'' x 11'' sheet of paper.

Melted Crayon Canvas Art Bless me Internet, for I have sinned. It's really long time since I've blogged. Back in May, my son caught pink eye. Not a big deal, as lots of kids get pink eye and live to tell the tale. The problem occurred when he passed it on to me. Thus began my tale of woe and misery. How to Knit: The Basics Illustrations by Caitlin Keegan. Photo by Maxwell Tielman. If you haven’t attempted knitting, it can seem pretty terrifying. You might have watched friends or family members do it — their pointy needles swinging at lightning speed through a tangled mass of yarn — and worried deeply for their eyes and internal organs.

5 Tips on How to Write From the Opposite Gender | Miss Literati Do you have male characters in your novel? Do you find it hard to really connect with them? They play video games, go outside, do sports, eat constantly, sleep all the time, and are major pranksters! Except not every guy is like that, just like not every girl likes dressing up, going shopping, doing her hair, and reading the latest teen magazine. So how can you, a girl, really establish a believable character from the opposite gender?

the little lovebirds happy wednesday. i thought i'd share a little project on the blog today. i don't share {or do} a lot of diy's, thanks to my busy schedule. however, yesterday i was feeling awfully crafty- and the leisure summertime allowed me to create something fun. i totally stole this idea from one of my best friends, Bottles Full of Light The other day, I wrote about attempting to drill through glass and I finished up the project this weekend. I think it turned out beautifully — I love the idea of bottled light! These would be pretty by a wintery window or under an entry table. I like the way the gold paint makes the bottom of the bottles look misty and glow-y, even during the daytime. I’ve got a ton of images and DIY instructions below if you’d like to try this too. For tools and supplies, I started at my local True Value.

6 Ways to Make Sure Your Reader’s Brain Syncs with Your Protagonist’s Brain photo by Andres Musta via Flickr Because here’s the thing: it’s not fiction. It’s fact. DIY Canvas Prints I LOVE the look of canvas prints…but, I haven’t been able to persuade my frugal little self to actually pay for them. Then, along came this idea. It was inspired by my super crafty sister in law.

Reusable Lunch Containers This photo originally appeared in FamilyFun Magazine Say buh-bye to those little plastic bags. With just a few snips, you can create a set of cool, eco-friendly, reusable snack and sandwich containers from juice cartons and milk jugs. They're food-safe, easy to rinse clean, and absolutely free, so it's no biggie if they get tossed accidentally. Let your kids decorate the boxes with stickers and permanent markers for an even more personalized look. The Inner Struggle: Guides for Using Inner Conflict That Make Sense By Janice Hardy, @Janice_Hardy I sat in on an amazing workshop while I was at RWA that made something typically vague very clear and applicable. Michael Hague's Using Inner Conflict to Create Powerful Love Stories.

Fancy Up Your Sterlite Drawers A while ago I saw the most ingenious idea on Pinterest: use scrapbook paper to fancy up clear Sterlite drawers. I have several sets of Sterlite drawers in my classroom and I got a head start on my summer bucket list by lining ALL of them. Like so many of you, my love of bright colors has merged with a polka dot romance and I just HAD to incorporate brightly-colored polka dots in my fancy Sterlite drawers. I walked into the scrapbooking section of many crafting stores before I finally found the perfect paper for my classroom. Hobby Lobby carries a fabulous set of scrapbook paper featuring many designs in a bright color scheme, and it includes polka-dot paper! This particular set of paper features 3 sheets of each design shown in the borders of the pack and I truly cannot say enough good things.

Tutorial: Homemade Bubble Jet Set *Edited with new recipe* *Edited using inks* I made this bag last night (the pictures show each side of the bag - the pictures are of my gorgeous boys!!!) using a homemade bubble jet set recipe I have been experimenting with. I was so excited that it worked, I want to share it with all you gorgeous craftsters: I also made this cosmetic bag using the same process: ****Now been edited to change the recipe - the new one is better!!****
