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ALA JobLIST 61 Non-Librarian Jobs for LIS Grads Note: I wrote this post in mid-December, and based it on current job openings. Some jobs may have already been filled and many postings have been taken down, so you may find some broken links. If you know of new links for these jobs or ones like them, please feel free to post them in the comments area. ~Mia At the beginning of the semester, way back in September 2011 when I’d only been in library school for a few weeks, I blogged about job opportunities for library and information science grads. I was pleasantly surprised by the options available to those with a master’s degree in library and information science (MLIS). A full semester later, I’m deep into my MLIS coursework and still excited about the myriad career opportunities that await me and my fellow students. I’ve come up with a list of 61 jobs for librarians. There are also jobs for more tech-minded and students among us. curation, and digitization of information. So, here’s the list in no particular order. Mia Breitkopf

Nailing the Library Interview | Mr. Library Dude Getting that librarian position can be a daunting process. First, you write your cover letter and resume. You wait. Maybe you wait some more? Then comes a telephone interview, followed by the all important on-site interview. This page spotlights: I created this resource after cleaning out an old file cabinet in my office where I came across interview questions from my first librarian job search in 2002. Since my first library job, I’ve served on a number of search committees and have formulated my own questions that I like to ask potential librarians as well. Like this: Like Loading... Home Oregon Library Association | Jobs HOWTO:Apply for a library job If you're new to the profession or haven't searched for a library position in a while, this guide is designed for you. It contains some checklists, guidelines, tips and tricks for how to get a library job. Questions candidates should ask are also listed. [edit] Find Job Listings Here's where you can benefit from the nature of the profession. Perhaps the most comprehensive list of job postings is I Need a Library Job's Daily Digest. E-Mail discussion groups are a good source for job postings. Another place to check is the major library trade publications, such as Library Journal and ALA JobLIST, which is affiliated with ALA's American Libraries magazine and ACRL's C&RL News magazine. If you're targeting a specific institution or geographic area, take a look at individual sites. Lastly, if you are a library school student, be sure to check out the career resources your school offers. [edit] Prepare Your Application [edit] Practice Interview Questions [edit] Preparing for Interviews R.

LIBGIG Finding Jobs in Museum and Cultural Heritage Informatics | Richard J. Urban, PhD Richard J. Urban, PhD Assistant Professor – Florida State University – College of Communication and Information – School of Information Finding Jobs in Museum and Cultural Heritage Informatics Home › For Students › Finding Jobs in Museum and Cultural Heritage Informatics Finding Jobs in Museum and Cultural Heritage Informatics Posted on July 5, 2012 by Richard — No Comments ↓ This page provides links to resources that post positions for museum and cultural heritage information professionals. Professional Organizations Regional Organizations Vendors Social Media Listservs Leave a Reply You must be logged in to post a comment. Pages Recent Posts Library Discovery Layers (February 21) © 2015 Richard J. Responsive Theme powered by WordPress
