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Make A Year's Worth of Laundry Soap for $30.00!

Make A Year's Worth of Laundry Soap for $30.00!
Regular readers of this blog will know that I am completely sold on the No-Grate Laundry Detergent that I posted back in February of this year. But, like I’ve said many times on this website, I am always open to new ideas! And I really liked this idea that someone posted as a comment awhile back. A YEARS worth of Laundry Soap!?!? Here is the recipe that Anonymous posted (the text in red are my notes): Anonymous said… I make a dry version which works better for my family. To grate the bars of soap I decided to make it easier on myself and use my ancient Hamilton Beach food processor. My only other tip for this recipe has to do with the “mixing”. Since we are over the “family of four” limit, and I tend to think we have more dirty laundry than your AVERAGE family…I’m not expecting this to last a full year….but based on my initial use of this (2 Tablespoons per load)….it’s going to last us a GOOD, LONG time!

Olive Oil Benefits &150; Olive Oil Uses &150; Olive Oils Olive oil is more than a cartoon character, historic symbol of peace and glory or food staple of the much-vaunted Mediterranean diet. It is actually tremendously useful stuff, finding applications in personal care, home improvement, green cleaning, natural remedies and other areas. It's long been reported that there are a number of health benefits of olive oil. These days there are an increasing array of organic and boutique olive oils offered for sale, some of them quite pricey. To help protect the fragile environments of the Mediterranean and elsewhere, it's a good idea to buy organic olive oil when you can. It's true that you won't be consuming the olive oil in a number of the uses below, and part of the point of this post is to help you save money by suggesting alternative uses to things you already have, so you don't have to make a trip to the store and buy some additional products to get the job done. 1. People have used olive oil for centuries for personal care. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

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