Unix Toolbox Hardware | Statistics | Users | Limits | Runlevels | root password | Compile kernel | Repair grub | Misc Running kernel and system information # uname -a # Get the kernel version (and BSD version) # lsb_release -a # Full release info of any LSB distribution # cat /etc/SuSE-release # Get SuSE version # cat /etc/debian_version # Get Debian version Use /etc/DISTR-release with DISTR= lsb (Ubuntu), redhat, gentoo, mandrake, sun (Solaris), and so on. See also /etc/issue. # uptime # Show how long the system has been running + load # hostname # system's host name # hostname -i # Display the IP address of the host. Hardware Informations Kernel detected hardware # dmesg # Detected hardware and boot messages # lsdev # information about installed hardware # dd if=/dev/mem bs=1k skip=768 count=256 2>/dev/null | strings -n 8 # Read BIOS Linux FreeBSD Load, statistics and messages The following commands are useful to find out what is going on on the system. Users Limits Per shell/script Per user/process System wide
Fingerprint GUI : “Fingerprint readers integration” team Packages for Fingerprint GUI ( for Ubuntu 12.04, 12.10, 13.10, 14.04 and any distribution based thereupon Supported readers (run command lsusb to find out the ID of your reader) ============ 045e:00bb 08ff:1683 08ff:2580 08ff:268d 045e:00bc 08ff:1684 08ff:2660 08ff:268e 045e:00bd 08ff:1685 08ff:2680 08ff:268f 045e:00ca 08ff:1686 08ff:2681 08ff:2691 0483:2015 08ff:1687 08ff:2682 08ff:2810 0483:2016 08ff:1688 08ff:2683 08ff:5501 05ba:0007 08ff:1689 08ff:2684 08ff:5731 05ba:0008 08ff:168a 08ff:2685 138a:0001 05ba:000a 08ff:168b 08ff:2686 138a:0005 061a:0110 08ff:168c 08ff:2687 138a:0008 08ff:1600 08ff:168d 08ff:2688 147e:1000 08ff:1660 08ff:168e 08ff:2689 147e:2016 08ff:1680 08ff:168f 08ff:268a 147e:2020 08ff:1681 08ff:2500 08ff:268b 147e:3001 08ff:1682 08ff:2550 08ff:268c 1c7a:0603 and 0483:2015 147e:1003 147e:3000 0483:2016 147e:2015 147e:3001 147e:1000 147e:2016 147e:5002 147e:1001 147e:2020 147e:5003 147e:1002 Installation ========= 0. 1. 2.
Switching From Windows to Nix or a Newbie to Linux - 20 Useful Commands for Linux Newbies So you are planning to switch from Windows to Linux, or have just switched to Linux? Oops!!! what I am asking! For what else reason would you have been here. From my past experience when I was new to Nux, commands and terminal really scared me, I was worried about the commands, as to what extent I have to remember and memorise them to get myself fully functional with Linux. 1. The command “ls” stands for (List Directory Contents), List the contents of the folder, be it file or folder, from which it runs. root@tecmint:~# ls Android-Games Music Pictures Public Desktop Tecmint.com Documents TecMint-Sync Downloads Templates The command “ls -l” list the content of folder, in long listing fashion. Command “ls -a“, list the content of folder, including hidden files starting with ‘.’. Note: In Linux file name starting with ‘.‘ is hidden. For more “ls” command examples read 15 ‘ls’ Command Examples in Linux. 2. The “lsblk -l” command list block devices in ‘list‘ structure (not tree like fashion). 3.
Readers Digest Most Amazing Walks iPhone App – Initial Look : whitespider1066.com Here is a post for my fellow iPhone owning readers. I noticed on the app store this morning a new app from the Readers Digest called Most Amazing Walks, and is currently being sold at the introductory price of 59p. The app boasts nearly 200 walks of varying difficulty. The app and walks ar based on the Readers Digest book of the same name which is available for £14.99. The app breaks the country up into the following regions: Central England, Northern England, Scotland, Southeast England, Southwest England and Wales. Once you chose your county you then get the list of walks available for that county. The grading for the walks is on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being the easiest. Scrolling the page up reveals summary details of the walk. I like this little addition a lot. Clicking the begin walk button then takes you on to the next bit that really shows how guide books should be going on the iPhone and smart phones. I have to say my initial look at the app has impressed me.
Howto Turn your old webcam into a motion-detecting security camera in Linux If you have an old cam that you are not using, you can use it as a security cam. Control Motion is a program that monitors the video signal from one or more cameras and is able to detect if a significant part of the picture has changed; in other words, it can detect motion. The program is written in C and is made for the Linux operating system (using the video4linux interface). What motion can do? Watch some examples here Install Motion - For ubuntu / LinuxMint and other debian based systems, you can install motion from terminal using the command: sudo apt-get install motion - For Fedora : RPM for Fedora 12/13/rawhide on x86/x86-64 – Available on RPM Fusion, build without DB support. yum install motion -For other linux distributions download and install the tar package. ntar and uncompress the file to the place you want the program installed. cd /usr/localtar -xvzf /path/to/motion-3.2.X.tar.gz Before to start compiling be sure to have build essential installed: ln -s motion-3.2.X motion . make
11 Beautiful Home Interior Design Styles Decorating styles have evolved over the centuries in response to the changing tastes of various groups of people. Every style has benefits to the people who will enjoy the home for many years to come. Many styles were born out of previous styles and have evolved into a distinct type of decorating for a certain feel. Each of the following designs expresses personality and taste specific to an era. 1. Shabby Chic British look that incorporates all-white interior walls, floors, and ceilings accented with vintage items resting on distressed furniture. 2. An eclectic look is created through a trendy approach called maximalism, which means to make the most of a small space. 3. Noticeable design features include solid colours with contrasting properties against a blank slate of walls and floor. 4. Softer colour contrasts highlight the art on the walls as the visual emphasis. 5. Bulky, comfortable chairs set against the stark lines of tables with metal legs. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.
64 bit - How can I get flash working on Kubuntu 11.04 64bit Working in Costa Rica. Work Laws and requirements legally working in Costa Rica as a foreigner. Often people want to come to Costa Rica to live but also want (or need) to either work here or at least hold some form of part-time job to supplement their income. Some are retirees while other are younger who just want to work and live in another country. For the most part, but with a couple of exceptions, you cannot work at all in Costa Rica unless you have gained Permanent Residency or are a citizen of Costa Rica.. Laws here, as in many countries (including the USA) are designed to protect workers here from foreigners who would take jobs that would otherwise be filled by a Costa Rican. The only exceptions to this rule is an annual work permit or two specific types of residency. If you are highly skilled in an area where that job cannot be filled by a Costa Rican, the employer can apply for a work permit for one year. In order to work here, you must either be a citizen of Costa Rica or have legal Permanent Residency. OK...So who can work here? Need More Residency Information?
Connect to a wireless network via command line I know, the first thing you are asking is "Why would I want to have to connect to a wireless network from the command line?" To that question I can give you a simple answer...What if you want to create a script to run that will bring up your wireless network as soon as your desktop is loaded? You could get really complex and create a start up script to load a desktop based on what wireless access point you needed to join. But I am getting too far ahead of myself. ifconfig: Enable your wireless device.iwlist: List the available wireless access points.iwconfig: Configure your wireless connection.dhclient: Get your IP address via dhcp. The first command you need to use is ifconfig. ifconfig wlan0 up You won't see any feedback unless there is a problem. The next step is to scan for your wireless network to make sure it is available. iwlist wlan0 scan With this command you will see output like the following: So you know this network is available. Now it's time to configure your connection. #!
Demo | jQuery.popeye 2.0 | an inline lightbox alternative x Note: To see the full potential of CSS3 styling (shadows, gradients, rounded corners, alpha transparency), please view this page in a modern webkit or mozilla browser (Firefox 3.5+, Safari 4, Opera 10.50, Chrome 4). Other browsers will degrade gracefully. Example 1 The first popeye-box uses the standard options: it floats to the left and opens to the right, its navigation and caption show on mouseover. By placing the navigation inside the stage area (where the image is displayed), we can get it to hover above the image. No need to read this, just dummy text ;-) Vivamus ut nisi id libero interdum pretium. View HTML code used in this example Example 2 The second popeye-box has the following user-defined options: direction: 'left' - open to the left. caption: false - do not display captions (even though the images have alt tags with text). navigation: 'permanent' - the navigation is always visible. The navigation stays fixed to the right of the image. View HTML code used in this example Donate
Floating Bed The versatile Floating Bed can be used indoors or outside as a play house, tree house, or an extra bedroom. It’s simple to use both inside and outside: just install a ceiling ring, and you can move it in or out any time you like, to use as a bed or sofa. Visit The Floating Bed Co. website for more information! Check out other articles by Rachel here! How to Build a Hardwood Floor This Weekend If the room is carpeted, remove the old carpeting and padding to expose the plywood subfloor. If the room has a sound wood or vinyl floor, you can install the floating floor right on top. Floating floors also can be laid over a concrete slab. However, if the slab is below grade, such as in a basement, be sure the flooring is engineered for this situation. A quick word about baseboard molding: I removed the molding, laid the flooring, then installed new baseboard and quarter-round shoe molding. Start by vacuuming the subfloor.
Create a realistic folded paper text in Photoshop Today we will learn how to realize a folded paper text effect from scratch in Photoshop. We will firstly create the background using a couple of patterns, then we will work on the type treatment with the help of the pen tool, layer masks and other useful techniques related to dodge,burn and the transform tool. This tutorial is very simple to follow, so I suggest to everyone to give a try. Preview: Click to enlarge Become a Premium Member and get unlimited access to source files and premium resources for only 7$/month. Step 1 Create a new document in Photoshop. *note for Mac users: ctrl=cmd, alt=option Step 2 Fill the background with a dark green (#41514c). Step 3 To create the textured effect of the background, I’ve used 2 of our soft grunge patterns created by Piervincenzo. Select the pattern2_380_hard and press ok to fill the background. Finally set the layer to overlay with opacity 50%. Step 4 Create another layer, this time fill it with pattern_9_380_hard. Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Step 9 Step 10