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Sofia Project

6 Companies Aiming to Digitize the Textbook Industry The world's readers purchased an estimated $966 million of ebooks in 2010, and Amazon has been selling more ebooks than paper books since January. But students have yet to catch on to the digital book revolution with the same fervor. A 2010 study by OnCampus Research found that 74% of college students surveyed still prefer to use a printed textbook. Where some see non-adopters, others see untapped markets, and thus large and small players alike have long been targeting the digital textbook niche. Here are some of the ways they're looking to get students to trade their print for pixels. 1. CourseSmart was launched in 2007 as a joint venture with five publishers, including McGraw-Hill and Pearson. The CourseSmart approach is pretty standard (as the products of huge companies tend to be). 2. Follett-owned CafeScribe sells books with built-in study networks. 3. VitalSource is a combination between CourseSmart and CafeScribe. 4. enTourage Systems 5. 6.

Courses List Producing Films for Social Change This is an intensive, hands-on editorial and production course in which students pitch their ideas and then research, report, produce, shoot, write, and edit their own short documentary films on social issues affecting the local community, the U.S., or the world. Readings and discussions focus on current news, media ethics, media literacy, the declining credibility of the press, journalists' responsibilities to the public, social justice issues, First Amendment principles, corporate media ownership, media images of women and people of color, and the powerful role of media (TV news, documentaries, new media, digital storytelling) as tools for civic engagement and positive social change.

The Early History of Nupedia and Wikipedia, Part II Why Wikipedia started working This is a good place to explain why Wikipedia actually got started and why it worked (and still does work, at least as well as it does). The explanation involves a combination of quite a few factors, some borrowed from the open source movement, some borrowed from wiki software and culture, and some more idiosyncratic: Open content license. We promised contributors that their work would always remain free for others to read. This, as is well known, motivates people to work for the good of the world--and for the many people who would like to teach the whole world, that's a pretty strong motivation. That's pretty much it. Probably, all or nearly all other project rules were either optional, or straightforward applications of these principles. So the basic principles that explain why Wikipedia could start working--and still does work--are relatively simple, few in number, and above all general. A series of controversies The project continued to grow.

AcademicPub Opens Custom Textbook-Building to Faculty E-Textbooks | News AcademicPub Opens Custom Textbook-Building to Faculty By Dian Schaffhauser04/26/11 A company with technology for creating digital-to-print books is getting into the textbook market. AcademicPub, a division of SharedBook, has introduced a service that enables instructors to create digital and print texts by compiling materials from multiple sources: copyrighted works, faculty-created material, and resources the company has in its own library. The service also enables the instructor to collect royalties on the materials he or she personally provides in the textbooks. Permission to use copyrighted information from outside the library is provided by the Copyright Clearance Center. AcademicPub offers a searchable library that includes content from multiple publishers, including EBSCO, Foreign Affairs, and the American Institute of Physics.

Courses Bienvenue — Cause Commune Cause commune : l’information entre bien commun et propriété vient d’être réédité en livre numérique chez avec une préface originale. L’édition papier a paru aux Editions Fayard dans la collection Transversales (février 2005). Pour des informations sur les traductions choisissez la langue correspondante dans les menus de bas de page. Achetez le livre numérique : chez Achetez le livre papier : Achetez le chez votre libraire préféré, ou si ce n’est pas possible en ligne (Alapage, Amazon, Decitre, FNAC) … et / ou téléchargez le La version PDF du livre Cause commune : l’information entre bien commun et propriété est mise à disposition sous un contrat Creative Commons Télécharger (format PDF) Quatrième de couverture L’information et ses technologies refaçonnent notre univers technique, social et éthique, mais ces bouleversements se font dans deux directions opposées selon que l’on choisit d’en encourager l’appropriation privée ou d’en faire des biens communs. Revue de presse

Inkling 12 западных ресурсов для образования Бесплатные лекции и курсы по различным тематикам и специальностям от ведущих университетов мира. Здесь вы можете найти лекции преподавателей MIT, Гарварда, Беркли, Уэлсли и многих других университетов. Проект оптимизирован для использования в образовательных целях именно с помощью веба. MIT Open Courseware По мнению основателя Pruffi Алены Владимирской, этот онлайн проект фактически лучшее, что есть на рынке онлайн-образования. Khan Academy Один из наиболее известных во всем мире проектов онлайн-обучения. Coursera Наряду с Khan Academy является лидером и наиболее известным проектом онлайн-обучения. Отличный проект для всех интересующихся наукой. Отдельный пункт мы решили отвести образовательным проектам отдельных университетов. UC Berkeley, Carnegie Mellon's Open Learning Initiative, Tufts OpenCourseWare, Openlearn, Sophia, University of Washington Computer Science & Engineering. Degreed Интереснейший образовательный проект. Сodecademy Oxford Handbooks Online

EduResources Weblog--Higher Education Resources Online One of the issues discussed at the UNESCO Conference is what constitutes an Open Educational Resource (OER). John Petroff of the Professional Education Organization International put forth one set of criteria. ________JH Greetings to all, In my opinion, there is fundamental problem with almost all OER now available: it is not fully open. Don't get me wrong. What is needed for an OER to be complete is that a course - has no strings or conditions attached, - requires nothing to buy, - contains an entire body of knowledge on a particular subject, comparable a textbook, - has sufficient assignments, examples, exercises, readings, proper citations and references, - provides for adequate (non-trivial) knowledge assessment, - does not rely of methods of delivery that require advanced technology or extensive bandwidth. An OER that is not complete is like the picture of a big mac, but not the real thing. A different economic model for OER production is needed. John Petroff PEOI

About Exploratree & Enquiring Minds About Exploratree Exploratree is a free web resource where you can access a library of ready-made interactive thinking guides, print them, edit them or make your own. You can share them and work on them in groups too. The Exploratree web resource has been developed by Futurelab and emerged out of our work on the Enquiring Minds project. It provides a series of ready-made interactive 'thinking guides' or 'frameworks' which can support students' projects and research. Thinking guides support the thinking or working through of an issue, topic or question and help to shape, define and focus an idea and also support the planning required to investigate it further. With Exploratree you can: Use our ready-made thinking guides Make a new thinking guide from scratch Use it to set class projects Print them out (they can go as big as A0) Change and customise thinking guides, you can add or change text, shapes, images etc. The Exploratree idea came from observing the process of classroom enquiry. - PageD'Accueil - RoCoCo Kings and Queens Come to Life: Retelling History Through Apps How do you visualize your thoughts? Are your dreams more like a sit-com or a documentary? English historian David Starkey thinks his thoughts and work are best represented through mobile applications after seeing his book, Crown and Country, turned into a rich media app. The goal of Starkey's app -- Kings and Queens -- is to bring his book, and history, to life. "It's a case of the technology catching up with what I wanted to do," Starkey said in an interview with The Guardian's Apps blog. Starkey told The Guardian that the app, created by Trade Mobile, "reflects the creative processes of a writer." "All those things you've had to level out to make the line of narrative ... you can put back in," Starkey told the Guardian. Kings and Queens is interactive history at its best.
