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Java Tutorial

Java מההתחלה - דף ראשי Java מההתחלה אודות Java מההתחלה הוא אתר שנבנה כחלק מהסדנא לפרוייקטים במחלקה למתמטיקה ומדעי המחשב, אוניברסיטת בר אילן, על ידי נועם גילעדי, גדי הולצמן ואיתן הרטמן, ובהנחייתם האדיבה של מר אודי הלר, וד"ר אריאל פרנק. האתר מיועד לסטודנטים, בעלי רקע בסיסי ב ++C, אשר מעוניינים להתחיל ולתכנת בג'אווה. מפת האתר

The Phlegmatic Personality: Everybody Needs To Know One - New Mexico News and Views | New Mexico News and Views We’re here . . . we’re HERE . . . WE’RE HERE!!! These are the unforgettable pleas from the “Who” in the heart-warming story of Horton Hears a Who, by Dr. Suess. No one but the kind-hearted and stalwart elephant, Horton, notices the almost imperceptible cries from the people living on a speck of dust. Fortunately, the sometimes easy-to-miss phlegmatic personality is not threatened in real life by Sour Kangaroo and the Wickersham bothers like the tiny Who. Of all the four personality types, phlegmatic people are the most difficult to identify. Phlegmatic personalities are generally well liked because they are low-keyed, good listeners, and they make everyone feel comfortable. As a phlegmatic personality, I grew up watching others occupy the spotlight. My friend and I fidgeted in front of our project as we prepared to bask in the “oohs and aahs” of our adoring fans as they paraded by our display. As an adult, I still don’t seek the spotlight. ©2011 Shona Neff

Your First Program - Learneroo Now we will do the same simple problem by coding it. You are again given two variables a and b. You will need to add them together again, but you will also have to return their sum. To return something, just type return. return a; return 5 - 3; return b + 11; Instructions Complete the code below so it returns the sum of a and b. The Code In each programming challenge, you will be given a task. public static int doStuff(int a, int b){ } (int a, int b) means you are given two integers a and b as input. Note: In Java, ordinary lines of code need to end with a semi-colon ; so remember to put one at the end of your line of code. Input/Output Details In these programming challenge, your code will automatically run on different "test cases" or sets of numbers. You can view some of the input and correct output in the table below, and you can compare your results with the correct ones. Note: You need to return the sum of a and b, which can contain any values.

Colorfull Cover Java Tutorial -- 4: A Bit More About Objects A Bit More About Objects In the last lesson we learned what an Object is. In this lesson we will explore how Objects are used. Object communication and interaction It is through interactions among objects that programmers get the behavior their programs were designed for. Calling an instance method: Object A calls a method implemented by object B to have it to perform some behavior or return some value. Sometimes the called object's method needs additional information in order to perform its task. There are three parts to calling a method: The object you are calling that implements the method (e.g., the CD app object) The name of the method to perform (e.g., play) Any arguments needed by the called object (e.g., the CD track #) The syntax for making a method call is to list the object to be called, followed by a period, then the method name. A line of Java code to have the cdApp object play track 3 might look like:; or more commonly, play(3); Accessing an instance variable: or

The Phlegmatic Personality Type Whether you’re at work, in the local community, or at home, you won’t be misunderstood especially if you know that you have the Phlegmatic personality. It’s very important that other people understand your behavior and personality in order to foster effective communication. Among the emotions that you constantly display are relaxed, easy going, consistent, kind, sympathetic, witty, and quiet, collected, cool, and calm. However, you also should be aware that negative emotions can also dominate you like being unenthusiastic, worried, fearful, indecisive, selfish, avoids responsibility, reticent, too shy, too compromising, and self righteous. Once you have a family of your own, you can be a good parent. As a person with this kind of personality, you are steady and competent in the workplace. Since you’re pleasant, enjoyable, and inoffensive, you can make a lot of friends in a short time. Like other personalities, a Phlegmatic person has strengths and weaknesses.

Hello, World! - Learn Java - Free Interactive Java Tutorial Java is an object oriented language (OOP). Objects in Java are called "classes". Let's go over the Hello world program, which simply prints "Hello, World!" to the screen. public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Hello, World!"); } } Execute Code The first line defines a class called Main. public class Main { In Java, every line of code that can actually run needs to be inside a class. Notice that when we declare a public class, we must declare it inside a file with the same name (, otherwise we'll get an error when compiling. When running the examples on the site, we will not use the public keyword, since we write all our code in one file. The next line is: public static void main(String[] args) { This is the entry point of our Java program. the main method has to have this exact signature in order to be able to run our program. The arguments we get inside the method are the arguments that we will get when running the program with parameters.

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