Steps for Research Anchor Chart (Sarah T.)
Cooperative Learning Strategies
Global rating average: 0.0 out of Read articles that define and explain how to use cooperative learning strategies in the classroom. Includes cooperative learning lesson plans for a variety of subjects and grade levels. There are links to eThemes Resources Teaching Tips: Cooperative Learning for High School, Teaching Tips: Cooperative Problem Solving Tasks, and Teaching Tips: Team Building Activities for Elementary Students. Grades Links A Guide to Cooperative Learning Learn about the basic elements of cooperative learning, helpful tips, and the structure of cooperative learning activities such as: think-pair-share, three-step interview, roundtable, numbered heads together, pairs check, send a problem and jigsaw. Education Standards Request State Standards
Anchor Charts 101: Why and How to Use Them, Plus 100s of Ideas (Jenna M.)
Spend any time browsing teacher pages on Pinterest and Instagram, and you’ll run across hundreds of ideas for classroom anchor charts. But you may have lingering questions about what they are, what purpose they serve, how to get started, and when to use them. Have no fear! WeAreTeachers has created this primer to inform you, and we’ve also included a huge list of resources to get you started. We have a feeling that once you get started, anchor charts are going to your new favorite thing. What is an anchor chart? SOURCE: Teaching With Simplicity An anchor chart is a tool that is used to support instruction (i.e. How do I create anchor charts? The first thing you need to know about creating them is that you do not need any special materials or artistic skills—just chart paper and a colorful assortment of markers. As you model a lesson or learning strategy and interact with your students through discussion, you fill in the blank spaces of the anchor chart. SOURCE: The Thinker Builder
186 Videos that will make you go Huh, Whoa, Wow, Ahhh, and Ha-Ha
Follow @paulbogush An updated version of this post is here 286 Videos Four years ago I wrote a post simply called 99 Videos that will make you go Huh, Whoa, Wow, Ahhh, and Ha-Ha. I decided to reincarnate that post because many of the videos are no longer on the internet, some of the sites have gone under, and I have always wanted to get to an even 100. Videos play an important role in my class (well not so much this year, because of something I can’t write about here, but they will continue again next year They serve as much more than a time filler (ok maybe sometimes), they are played for more than just cheap laughs (although I am a big fan of cheap laughs), and they all usually have some point to them (maybe the snoring dog video has no point). Yes conversations can bond people, yes sharing personal stories can create a common bond between people…but so can video if used carefully and purposely. While many might say staring off class with a random video is a waste of time (no way!)
Fiction and Non-Fiction Anchor Chart by The Book Fairy Goddess
Teaching the difference between Fiction books and Non-Fiction books is an important skill, especially in the younger grades. In the past, I’ve always created a poster on chart paper with the information along with the students. Sometimes, in my rush, my poster had mistakes or was not the neatest as I must have missed the day they handed out the “teacher handwriting gene”! That always bugged me, because I would refer back to the poster for several weeks. So, here’s what I plan to do: 1. I’ll use the pieces to BUILD the poster with the students on the empty clipboard poster (page 4). I hope you find this useful!
Reciprocal Teaching
From Emerging Perspectives on Learning, Teaching and Technology Elizabeth Foster and Becky Rotoloni The University of Georgia Review of Reciprocal Teaching Introduction Mrs. Mrs. What is Reciprocal Teaching? Reciprocal teaching is a cooperative learning instructional method in which natural dialogue models and reveals learners' thinking processes about a shared learning experience. Reciprocal teaching is based on Vygotsky's theory of the fundamental role of social interaction (dialogue) in the development of cognition. Effective reciprocal teaching lessons include scaffolding, thinking aloud, using cooperative learning, and facilitating metacognition with each step. Whole class introduction or reinforcement of reciprocal teaching is appropriate, but this should serve as opening and closing activity. Palincsar, Brown, and Campione (1989) define reciprocal teaching as a dialogue between teacher and student. Mrs. Predicting Vignette Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. We think that: Ms. Mrs. The students in Mrs.
edutopia (Christina Williams)
Begin With Guided Inquiry Teacher-guided inquiry can build background knowledge of the topic before letting students take the reins in developing their own inquiry. With guided inquiry: Teachers start with an overall guiding question. Teachers know what they want their students to understand beforehand. Students know what the outcome of the inquiry will be. "Guided inquiry is like a typical science lesson," explains Anne DiCola, Ralston Elementary's instructional coach. Ralston teachers build toward student-driven inquiry throughout the course of the unit. Teach Students How to Question Explore and Model Different Types of Deeper-Level Questions An important aspect of inquiry-based learning is teaching students how to ask deeper questions. According to Principal Dawn Odean, the following two tips helped Ralston teachers: Across grade levels, reflect on how you model questioning from kindergarten and up. "We’re really looking at students being creative problem solvers," explains Odean. D.J.
Reciprocal Teaching: A Reading Comprehension Package
The intervention package teaches students to use reading comprehension strategies independently, including text prediction, summarization,question generation, and clarification of unknown or unclear content. For effective-teaching tips to use when introducing this strategy, consult the guidelines presented introducing Academic Strategies to Students: A Direct-Instruction Approach. Materials: Overhead transparencies of practice reading passages, transparency markers Student copies of Be a Careful Reader! Preparation: Prepare overheads of sample passages. Step 1: Set aside at least four successive instructional days to introduce students to each of the following comprehension strategies: Day 1: Prediction,Day 2: Summarization ("list main ideas"),Day 3: Question Generation,Day 4: Clarifying. Step 2: After students have been introduced to the key strategies, the group is now ready to apply all four strategies from the Reciprocal Teaching package to a sample reading passage. Jim's Hints
RACE Writing Strategy Response Poster (Jill)
***Check out this product that includes MORE posters, bookmarks, and a writing response sheet for both RACE and RACES - only $2.00 more!***RACE and RACES BUNDLE This poster is a useful tool for students learning the RACE acronym for writing constructed responses and short answers. Why use RACE? Understanding (and memorizing!) Students learn not only to write complete responses, but to read CLOSELY...because they know they will have to "prove" their answer. Beyond tests (and isn't that what it's all about!?) We are teaching students to think critically and support their opinions! Includes a printer-friendly black and white version, too! ***Check out my other RACE Products:***
Tomlinson - Differentiation Central
Analyzing Firsthand and Secondhand Accounts (Ben)
Compare and contrast a firsthand and secondhand account of the same event or topic; describe the differences in focus and the information provided. I'm not going to lie. This was a scary standard for me to tackle. It's one of those that you Google, and almost nothing comes up. I started by using a few passages that I have used for years--even before Common Core. I read these aloud to them while they read along. What would a lesson be without something in their interactive notebooks!? I LOVE using task cards in interactive notebooks. Complete several of the cards together, first. The students can then glue one of the task cards into their notebook and answer the guiding questions using the individual student question prompt sheet. You can find these Analyzing Firsthand and Secondhand Accounts for Comparing and Contrasting Multiple Accounts of the same event in my Teachers Pay Teachers store HERE. Do you have any other ideas for teaching this tough skill?