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Polimedia - a different GUI for Opencast Matterhorn? | Opencast
Community The Opencast community is a collaboration of individuals, higher education institutions and organizations working together to explore, develop, define and document best practices and technologies for the management of audiovisual content in academia. The community shares experiences with existing technologies and practices as well as identifying future approaches and requirements. The community seeks broad participation in this important and dynamic domain, to allow community members to share expertise and experience and collaborate in related projects. Projects The Opencast community also supports community-driven projects to solve common issues in management of academic audiovisual content as identified by the community. Today, the prime example is the Opencast Matterhorn project, an open source software development project to develop video capture and management technologies that are of primary importance to the Opencast community’s mission.
How Open Educational Resources Can Increase Opportunites for Everyone
Richard Rowe Let me begin by suggesting a different question than “ Do Open Educational Resources actually increase the digital divide? ” Instead, let me ask: How can OERs be used to reduce the digital divide? Or more importantly, how can OERs be used to increase the opportunities for everyone to maximize their potential? To me, that is the underlying criterion we should use to determine which innovations for learning are desirable, and which ones are not. Let’s begin by stipulating that the deep divides that are increasing today throughout the world, between the “have’s and have not’s”, create dangerous instabilities that impact all of us. However OERs require a delivery system and an environment that enables people to take advantage of them. To be effective, an educational system must involve a comprehensive, systemic approach. Let’s look at these three parts. 1. Just in Time (JIT) materials, on the other hand, are scarce. 2. 3. And it is not simply a matter of providing the hardware.
Does creativity come with a price
I am interested in creativity and creative learning, and so it would be interesting to understand how these would be associated with creative people and how we could provide education to nurture one’s creativity. In this post on Creativity – Does Creativity come with a price, it was found that writers were more likely to suffer from mental disorders: Writers were a whopping 121% more likely to suffer from bipolar disorder than the general population. Moreover, Simon Kyaga, the study’s lead researcher, says that authors had a “statistically significant increase” in anxiety disorders–38% to be exact. Rates of alcoholism, drug addiction, and suicide also increased among writers. Researches relating creativity and mental illnesses found that “genius may occur in appreciably introverted persons – Newton, for instance – and Einstein, Bertrand Russell, and James Joyce are all said to have had near relatives with schizophrenia. What are the characteristics of Creative people? Like this:
Is MOOMIS the answer?
Moodle does a lot of things great, but site wide reporting and bulk user management are definitely not included in those great things. If you are a Moodle administrator for an organization I am sure you know the pain of having to go into each course site to produce grade reports for multiple courses. In my case, I have to send out a weekly report listing every users grades in every course they have taken on Moodle. What is MOOMIS? Communication - Moodle already has messaging and email capabilities but it's nothing special. Before diving in and installing MOOMIS so that I could take it for a spin I thought it was going to be the answer to all my problems. In the end, MOOMIS isn't the answer to my issues at this time but I am happy to hear that they will be continuing to make enhancements and are actually coming out with a new release in January. Resources: Related Posts:
Models of Mobile Learning
In incorporating mobile learning into everyday teaching and learning, one first must think of a workable model to frame the discussion and the implementation. Here are four resources that provide models and/or ideas for models of mobile learning. 1) Models of Mobile Learning – Mobl21: A Web model vs App model vs. Cellular model discussion 2) 7 Learning Models of Mobile Learning – Mobl21: a look at 7 different ways mobile devices can be incorporated into everyday teaching and learning 3) A Proposed Theoretical Model for M-Learning Adoption in Developing Countries - An 11 page article for the University of South Africa. 4) Towards a Theory of Mobile Learning – A nine page paper (PDF) from the University of Birmingham looking at the design of mobile learning systems. Like this: Like Loading...
#CFHE12 #Oped12 A reflection of MOOCs Part 4:The number one challenge in education – Cheating
I was appalled by what this post tells us about – stories of cheating. Test taking by others is a cheating scandal that would damage education’s reputation. Cheating in research is also on the rise. In this post on MOOC cheating: Frankly, why anyone who do this in a course that focuses on learning and offers no credentials, beats me. Cheating could be the number one biggest problem for MOOCs as I have shared in my posts here and here. I reckon there aren’t many formal researches (at or above PhD level) done on this cheating and plagiarism as yet, as it could be both sensitive and overly “destructive” for educators and institutions to realize. However, if this cheating is allowed in MOOCs, then how could we be confident in giving credits to those who have done the MOOCs? Isn’t cheating and plagiarism a WICKED PROBLEM? What do you think about cheating and plagiarism? What are some of your suggestions and solutions to these problems? Postscript: A good reference paper here. Like this:
Piracy Jog
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