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What Is Content Curation: Definition

What Is Content Curation: Definition

Seek Sense Share Note: my blog is where I hammer out ideas, so you may be finding some of these posts a bit repetitive. Sorry about that My working definition of personal knowledge management: PKM: a set of processes, individually constructed, to help each of us make sense of our world, work more effectively and contribute to society. PKM is also an enabling process for wirearchy: ” a dynamic two-way flow of power and authority based on knowledge, trust, credibility and a focus on results enabled by interconnected people and technology” Some Observations: PKM is part of the social learning contract. Explaining PKM: I have looked at the PKM process as: Sort-Categorize-Make Explicit-Retrieve Connect-Contribute-Exchange Aggregate-Filter-Connect. Currently, this makes the most sense to me: Seek-Sense-Share

A Comprehensive Guide to Content Curation Depending on your point of view, content on the internet can be a vast collection of treasures, a cesspool swimming in filth, or a big pile of gold specks mixed in with an even bigger pile of dirt. My guess is that most people lean towards the last one, giving rise to content curation, the process of finding the gold among the dirt, as a very popular online activity. At its most basic, content curation is the process of finding, organizing, and presenting content from the flood of information and media that inundate the web by the second. Content curation isn’t about creating new content, just like a museum creator has no hand in creating the artifacts she decides to put on display. It’s not about indiscriminately collecting content (that’s aggregation, like what an RSS reader does), either, just as a museum curator doesn’t simply point to any object in a warehouse when deciding which artifacts will be included for a particular show. There are many ways content curation happens online.

The Complete Guide To Twitter Hashtags In Education What is a hashtag? A word or phrase preceded by a “#.” How do hashtags work? Twitter can be a busy place with lots of tweets–and thus lots of “noise.” A #hashtag is a way to aggregate tweets that are appended with a hashtag. Who can use hashtags? Anyone. What else do I need to know? Don’t hashtag spam–if your tweet doesn’t add to that hashtag’s topic, discussion, or user base, don’t add the hashtag.Use more than one hashtag if it applies to more than one topic, but choose wisely. Meeting Times Many of the hashtags have “meeting times” where educators agree to “meet and tweet”–that is, send out messages on a topic at a certain time on a certain day. If you do participate at the agreed upon time, you’ll see the tweets stream in live and participate in said conversation (via twitter) in what is nearly real-time. Note, this list of hashtags will be updated periodically, including reorganization, functional linking on all hashtags, and the addition of meeting times and focus areas. Popular Hashtags

About the DCC Many research teams are aware of data curation and its numerous benefits, but few have so far managed to address the issues practically and effectively in a working environment. The Digital Curation Centre is committed to bridging this gap by sharing our knowledge and experience with the higher education sector. To do this, the DCC has embarked upon a fresh, new, three-year programme of work, which began in March 2010. Our help isn’t just limited to expert advice. We are a gateway to the technical solutions, curation tools and learning resources that can help data custodians like you to build capacity for digital curation. The value of digital curation Such is the potential for digital curation to add value at every stage of the research lifecycle, the practice is fast becoming a requirement of successful funding bids. DCC Charter Find out more about our vision and our values, read the DCC Charter and Statement of Principles.

Teaching with Content Curation Content curation is “…the process of collecting, organizing and displaying information relevant to a particular topic. Teacher content curation can be used by students and students can be asked to show expertise with examples of curation.” In my 8th grade ICT class we will be completing webquests on content curation as a teach method of introducing students to “Content Curation.” Storify: create stories or timelines using social media such as Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Flipboard: Update: Flipboard is NOW web-based!!!! Build engaged audiences through publishing by curation.Think of it as a way to build content.You can bookmark and share your sources.Can be used to increase your authority on a topic. Automatically find, publish & promote engaging articles, photos and videos from across the webDisplay Content Marketing Information. Introduction into Content Curation What is Content Curation? Updated ==> Content Curation Lesson Step One: Step Two: Step 3: Curation Websites

Educators Guide to the use of Pinterest in Education Some educational Pinners to follow This is the editor of the famous blog cool cat teacher. It has over 69 boards all with more than 600 pins. Some of her best boards include "Teaching Ideas and App", Collaborative Writing", and " Global Collaboration in Education ". This guy is one of our favourite educational writers. Karen is a great educator with a huge presence online. This is an ICT specialist. Shannon has a great Pinterest page that includes some awesome boards on educational technology essentials. Shelly has one of the resourceful boards on Pinterest. Useful Pinterest Tutorials : 1- How to start using Pinterest 2- How to save Time Using Pinterest 3- How to Pin a Quote and Text to Pinterest 4- Everything you Need to Know about Pinterest

My daily PKM routine (practices and toolset) Harold Jarche is a leading authority on Personal Knowledge Management, which he describes as a set of processes, individually constructed, to help each of us make sense of our world, and work more effectively. He has developed a popular Seek-Sense-Share framework which identifies the 3 key elements of PKM (see diagram on the right) Harold writes about PKM continuously in his blog, and has also helped thousands of people worldwide use this framework in his very popular online workshops, which he runs privately for organisations or publically. I have talked and written a lot about the use of social media for professional learning, and in particular how social tools have transformed the way I work and learn. I was recently asked how my own use of social media fits onto Harold’s PKM framework. Although I search for (ie seek) stuff regularly during the day on Google, most of what I find out comes from the continuous flow of information from my professional network.

Franco Torcellan: Quando la ricerca online diventa prodotto ... dai diamanti non nasce niente dal letame nascono i fior ... La ricerca in rete presenta non poche difficoltà: internet è rappresentabile anche come una grande biblioteca caotica dove materiali di grande qualità sono mescolati a documenti ben poco attendibili, di scarsa fattura ed anche totalmente errati e fasulli. Anche se sono state elaborate metodologie e prassi per la valutazione della qualità delle informazioni reperite in rete (PDF, Kb 524), qualcuno è molto scettico su tutto questo e tende a rifiutare le nuove modalità e forme della conoscenza. David Weinberger afferma, invece, che "La conoscenza in rete è meno certa, ma più umana. Del resto gli stessi filtri sono contenuti: Google, ad esempio, ordina i risultati tenendo conto soprattutto di chi linka che cosa. La nuova conoscenza è dunque ampia, senza confini, populista, accreditata dagli altri, irrisolta. Weinberger dice ancora che "... per quanti metadati espliciti si forniscano, non saranno mai suficienti. ... ...... ...

Top 11 Educational Pinners on Pinterest Pinterest is such a powerful new addition to the online social media fabric. It is not long since its official launch and it has already hosted thousands and thousands of pinners and is gaining in popularity day after day. Part of this huge success is due to the visual element that Pinterest depends on. The idea of social bookmarking is not new at all but Pinterest has revitalized it in such a creative way allowing people to use images from websites and blogs they like and assemble them into some visually appealing boards. As is the case with other social media tools, Pinterest has brought about some great pluses for educators and teachers. Here are some of the ways you can use Pinterest in education. 1- Create a classroom board Go ahead and create a board for your classroom on Pinterest. 2- Enhance Teamwork and Collaboration 3- Lesson Planning Pinterest boards can be a great help for storing visual representations of your lesson planning. 4- Book Readings 1- Lisa Johnson 2- Suzy Brooks

Trend: content curation | Pim on social business Een trend die ik nu zie zijn de sites die zogenaamd content curation verzorgen: een manier om interessante internet artikelen te bundelen en aan te bieden aan de lezer met je eigen mening. Een mooie visualisatie kun je hier zien: Evolutie social bookmarking Zoals ik content curation zie is dit een evolutie van social bookmarking. Social bookmarking is bookmarks centraal opslaan en inzichtelijk voor anderen. Daarnaast biedt de software van content curation een mooie pagina waar deze links mooi getoond worden als kleine artikelen. Tools Over tools waarmee je dit kunt doen kun je hier lezen, wellicht komt je bekend voor. Benieuwd naar hoe het eruit ziet? Like this: Like Loading...

AulaBlog The 30 Best Web 2.0 Tools For Teachers (2012 Edition) Looking for the best cloud computing software for your school? What about a way to remotely store homework and other assignments? It’s time to figure out which web 2.0 tool is right for you! The following presentation contains dozens of the most popular tools being used in classrooms right now. See Also: The 100 Best Web 2.0 Classroom Tools Chosen By You Each slide in the below presentation by Rafael Scapin contains the name, description, link, and screenshot of what each tool looks like and does. Edudemic’s Recommendations If you’re looking to try out some of these tools, here are the top 5 tools we recommend you try out (if you haven’t already). Slideshare - Get the credit and audience you deserve for your presentations! - A stellar social bookmarking service that is being used by a ton of teachers right now. PlanBoard - It’s an online lesson planner made for teachers. Evernote - Featured in Edudemic Magazine numerous times, we love all things Evernote.
