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Lamp Hack: How to Make Any Lamp Cordless - * View Along the Way *

Lamp Hack: How to Make Any Lamp Cordless - * View Along the Way *
There’s a common problem in interior design that no one talks about. It’s all very hush-hush, you see. It’s the problem of the lamp cord. (Yeah, I said it.) Everyone always wants to pretend like it’s not an issue. Designed by Armonia Decors Like their lamps don’t even come with cords. But let’s talk reality. You get to face the door of the room from where you sit at your desk, which easily earns you an A-plus from the feng shui overlords. But there’s one problem. And that lamp is going to come with a pesky cord which is a trip hazard and most importantly – of course – an eyesore. But if you’re not willing to compromise the room layout you want (and you want to appease the feng shui geeks), you can have your lamp and light it too… without the cord. This is how we took our sad little rescue lamp, the $1 yard sale find that we fixed up in this post: …and hacked it up to remove the cord so it can sit on the desk we have centered in the middle of our office… without that pesky golden cord. 1.

diy: Anthropolgie Inspired Lamp | thepintopony When I was about 6 months pregnant I spotted a lampshade online at Anthropologie and had to have it. Being the instant gratification person that I am, I didn’t order it and went to the local Anthro to pick it up. Once I saw it in person I realized it would be a really easy diy! It was my first project for the babe’s room and I love how it turned out. All the fabric “puffs” make it put off a nice soft light. I started with a basic lamp shade and base from Target. Now for the star of the show, the lamp shade. Cut those strips into 4″ squares. Cut the squares into circles. Take your glue gun and put a ring shape of glue about half way in the circle. Take the fabric circle and gather it at the middle to create the little puff. After the glue has cooled, cut the base of the puff off so you’re working with a flat surface to glue to the lampshade. Add a little hot glue to the base of the puff and stick it to the lampshade. You could do so many variations of this. Happy diy-ing! Like this:

How to Make Liquid Magnets - Synthesize Ferrofluid A liquid magnet or ferrofluid is a colloidal mixture of magnetic particles (~10 nm in diameter) in a liquid carrier. The carrier contains a surfactant to prevent the particles from sticking together. Ferrofluids can be suspended in water or in an organic fluid. A typical ferrofluid is about 5% magnetic solids, 10% surfactant, and 85% carrier, by volume. One type of ferrofluid you can make uses magnetite for the magnetic particles, oleic acid as the surfactant, and kerosene as the carrier fluid to suspend the particles. Several people have asked me if they can make substitutions for the oleic acid and the kerosene. When no external magnetic field is present the fluid is not magnetic and the orientation of the magnetite particles is random. You can find ferrofluids in high-end speakers and in the laser heads of some CD and DVD players. Next Step: Gather Your MaterialsLiquid Magnets Video

Amazing DIY & Crafts Ideas Cupcake pin cushion via (dollarstorecrafts) Magazine rolled up bowl Mosaic Ornaments from CDs Pallet – just stain and take out some slats. Write out your favorite song lyrics or favorite chapter of a book. Dipped pinecone placecard holder Painted vases Puzzle shelf Spoon ornaments could ad a unique twist to a Christmas tree. Turn a Bookshelf into a Shoe Rack! Ferrofluid

joel zimmerman - 99 Life Hacks to make your life easier! [How To] Watch LOVEFiLM, Redbox Instant or Netflix on Ubuntu LOVEFiLM running in Ubuntu 12.10 ‘They’ are a handful of the world’s most popular on-demand video services, whilst ‘it’ is the third largest desktop operating system around. Between them they boast tens of – if not hundreds of – millions of users. In theory they should love one another, right? Sadly ‘technolotics’ ( ‘technology politics’) chose to intervene in this otherwise fated relationship… VoD Services Netflix, LOVEFiLM and Redbox Instant don’t officially work on Ubuntu. But saying ‘no’ to the Linux crowd is like waving a red flag to a bull, or a backstage pass for a One Direction concert in the face of a tween horde – one side will get what they want, pain or no pain. The ‘Silverlight’ Issue “Microsoft have refused to provide Linux users with a native version of Silverlight.” To be fair to Netflix, Amazon and Verizon/Redbox, it’s only partly their fault that they don’t support Linux. “Linux developers are used to being told ‘no’. The ‘-olitics‘ comes into play because of Microsoft.

Como construir en Superadobe paso a paso Email Cuando se trata de construcción natural, ¿qué mejor que ver ejemplos y experiencias concretas y reales para incentivar la autoconstrucción? En esta nota vamos a ver el paso a paso de una construcción realizada con SuperAdobe, cortesía de Leo Torsello. “Hace 2 años empecé a constuir mi con la técnica del superadobe, yo no tenia de , simplemente me anime a hacerme mi casa” Les resumimos el proceso con y comentarios del proyecto, tanto de la casa que construyó como de una pequeña cabaña, ambas con la misma técnica. 1 Realización de cimientos Una vez marcado el suelo se cavó una zanja de unos 50cm de profundidad por 40 de ancho. Zanja, piedras y cemento. 2 – Se llenaron las bolsas, poniendo alambre de púas entre los apoyos de cada fila de bolsas. La mezcla llevó TIERRA + 5% de CEMENTO y agua. Este es el rollo de bolsa de polipropileno que se llena con la mezcla de tierra. Para llenar las bolsas hay varios métodos. 3 - Colocación de aberturas en la medida que se van apilando las bolsas.

¿Cómo hacer tus propias tizas? POR Romina MacGibbon - 6 agosto, 2013 Si hay un proyecto fácil de hacer, y en el que pueden participar los chicos, es este. Con muy pocos elementos, y a bajo precio podes armarte unas mega tizas para decorar las calles o las entradas de garage. Pero tranquilos, que con un poco de agua, sale todo. undefined Vas a poder reciclar los tubos de papel higiénico, o los de film transparente o papel aluminio. Ingredientes: - Rollos de cartón - Separadores de freezer o papel manteca - Tempera de colores primarios (rojo, azul, amarillo) - Yeso (se consigue en las casas de plástica) - Cinta, bolsitas de plástico y potecitos para mezclar. Como hacerlo: - En primer lugar, cortá los rollos de cartón de aproximadamente 10 cm. - Forrá el interior del tubo con el separador de freezer, o el papel manteca. - Ahora viene la parte divertida. - Una vez que tengas tu mezcla lista, ponela en una bolsita tipo ziploc o una de plástico común, cortale apenas una punta y colocá la mezcla adentro de tu tubo. comenta aqui
