Nest Weather in Aast (Aquitaine), France - Weather Forecast - Sun Apr 27Very stable ~1 l/m2 34% 27 / 41 km/h Sun Apr 27 Mon Apr 28Stable ~7 l/m2 69% Tue Apr 29Stable ~10 l/m2 72% Thu May 1Stable ~1 l/m2 33% Fri May 2Stable ~10 l/m2 66% Sat May 3Stable ~7 l/m2 61% 27 Apr will be with moderate temperatures and the weather will be very stable. 35% high clouds (above 6,000 meters: Cirrus, Cirrus uncinus, Cirrostratus, Cirrocumulus) 43% middle clouds (from 2,000 to 6,000 meters: Altostratus, Altocumulus) 33% low clouds (below 2,000 meters: Cumulus, Stratocumulus, Stratus, Fractostratus) 14% convective clouds (Cumulonimbus) The highest temperature will reach 12 degrees Celsius, while the the lowest temperature will drop to 10 degrees Celsius. Sunday Weather23:00 Very stable Precipitation mm probability Showers (% of Precipitation) Temperature °C Felt temperature °C Temperature low | high °C Wind speed Wind gusts Atmospheric pressure Relative humidity Isotherm 0°C Boundary Layer Heat index 27 km/h 41 km/h 1015 mb 1,744 m 1,638 m Sun Apr 27 17:00 @ Very stable 19 km/h 39 km/h 1017 mb 1,683 m 1,163 m
Dommage The Ultimate Startup Intelligence Tools List 2013 It used to be hard to find information about early stage startups. Team members (and their background), funding to date, metrics (not just the vanity metrics shared by management) – all of these nuggets on private companies were behind a paywall of services like VentureSource, available only to those who could fork the annual subscription fees. But things have changed. VC Cafe’s Startup Intelligence Tools List 2013 This is a comprehensive list of tools and companies who provide intelligence data on tech startups from pre-seed (alpha) to mature startups pre-acquisition. (Note: If you plan to copy or share this list, please attribute credit to the source. Corporate (Paid) subscription Services Analytics/ Market Research/ Statistics Directories (paid) Freemium Models/Reports Beta Lists/ Reviews B2B APP Marketplaces User Generated/Wiki/ Startup Directories and insights Government data/ Official records of companies Startup Videos/ Product Demos/ Startup pitches Startup Social Networks Europe Israel
IGG Software, Inc. | Mac finance software, personal money management and small business applications for OS X Le thermostat intelligent Nest pourrait bientôt arriver en France De nombreuses adaptations ont retardé l’arrivée du thermostat intelligent de Nest en Europe. Mais il fait enfin son apparition en Grande-Bretagne, bientôt la France ? Le fameux thermostat de la société Nest dont nous entendons désormais parler depuis plusieurs années se rapproche un peu plus de la France. Jusqu’à maintenant, il n’était disponible qu’aux États-Unis et au Canada, les anglais pourront bientôt se l’offrir. Tout d’abord, qu’est-ce que ce thermostat intelligent ? Le Heat Link Pourquoi ce thermostat intelligent arrive-t-il en Grande-Bretagne seulement maintenant ? Première étape : le Grande-Bretagne Car il faut savoir que ce thermostat coûtera, en Grande-Bretagne, la modique somme de 179 £, soit environ 216 €. Nest Store (source)
Weather Station - Meteoplug Wiki From Meteoplug Wiki Here you define which weather station is connected to your Meteoplug client. Available Devices This section lists devices which are momentarily connected to the client. USB serial lists devices that are connected via USB but have a serial-to-USB converter included. Select Weather Station Weather stations can be added by selecting one from the drop-down list at the bottom. Select Device When you have a weather station selected that is connected via "serial" or "USB serial" you have to enter the name of the Linux device being used to connect. When you have a "TCP/IP" connection selected please type in IP address or symbolic name of the weather station followed by the port number, separated by a colon. Additional Parameters Hold Time specifies how long data delivered by a sensor should be regarded being actual. Special "Stations" System These energy monitoring devices from ELV and Conrad can also be logged by Meteoplug.
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