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Permaculture Research Institute - Permaculture Forums, Courses, Information & News

Permaculture Research Institute - Permaculture Forums, Courses, Information & News
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Permaculture Magazine - Inspiration for Sustainable Living | Permaculture Magazine Permaculture University Costa Rica Permaculture eXchange | FAQ - Iceweasel Q: Is permaculture just gardening? In short, no. Permaculture is a design system for sustainability, which includes gardening in terms of food production, but it also includes other life systems such as energy-efficiency, water, recycling, and land stewardship. In it’s full form, it encompasses economic and social structures that support the evolution and development of more permanent communities. Q: Is permaculture just theory? Permaculture as a design science is theory, but there are many practical applications that have been put in place since it’s inception in the 1970′s. Many of the appropriate technologies advocated by permaculturists are well known and used in our every day lives, including solar and wind power, composting toilets, solar greenhouses, energy efficient housing, and solar food cooking and drying. Permaculture places a heavy emphasis on perennial food systems, polyculture and multi-cropping to ensure sustainability is built into systems.

Permaculture urbaine Durant 5 jours, à travers des espaces symboliques de la capitale ou de la région, qui parfois focalisent l’attention, actions concrètes, débats, moments festifs et réflexions rythmeront ce festival. Au delà de l’évènement il s’agira d’enclencher une action permanente, vertueuse et participative. La nécessité de produire en circuits courts des aliments sains, sans produits chimiques, fait de plus en plus consensus mais les solutions divergent, de même que les priorités. Les terres agricoles représentent près de la moitié des terres en île de France mais seule une très faible partie de la production est consommée localement. Elles disparaissent en moyenne au rythme de 1650 ha par an dans la région, effacées par des projets souvent hors d’échelles, qui se cachent derrière des toitures ou des murs végétalisés et panneaux solaires. Jeudi 2 mai 19h : Rencontre / Débat. Vendredi 3 mai 14h-19h : l’Apiculture en pratique. avec Miel de quartier. Vendredi 3 mai 19h : des abeilles aux fruits.

Punta Mona PDC Permaculture Design Course & Practical Optional Application January 8-22, 2014 June 15-28, 2014 Living sustainability, integrating health, practical design, communication and community development. Inquire with your university/professor about receiving internship credits! Explore all aspects of sustainable practices by learning from those in the field. Program Includes: ~ 72 hour Permaculture Design Course & Certificate upon completion ~ Discussions in: Triple Bottom Line Business, Education Alternatives, Slow Food, Economics in Agriculture, Green Building, Alternative Energies, Community Development and more... ~ Hands on Projects (more focus for hands on activities during the practical) ~ Daily Yoga ~ Sea Kayaking, Mud Bathing & Snorkeling ~ Optional 7 Day Field Practical: Apply what you learned during the first two weeks in water systems, garden projects, green house work and green building. * all projects determined based on group interest 7 Day practical: ~ Chocolate Making Name: Age: Gender:

Permaculture Now! Bill Mollison - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Iceweasel Bruce Charles 'Bill' Mollison (born 1928 in Stanley, Tasmania, Australia) is a researcher, author, scientist, teacher and Biologist. He is considered to be the 'father of permaculture',[1] however Joseph Russell Smith, was the first to write about a system of Permanent Agriculture in a book entitled Tree Crops, published in 1929.[2] Permaculture is an integrated system of design, Mollison co-developed with David Holmgren, that encompasses not only agriculture, horticulture, architecture and ecology, but also economic systems, land access strategies and legal systems for businesses and communities. In 1978, Mollison collaborated with David Holmgren, and they wrote a book called Permaculture One. He received the Right Livelihood Award in 1981 with Patrick van Rensburg. Bibliography[edit] Articles Mollison, Bill (15–21 September 1978). See also[edit] References[edit] External links[edit] Interviews[edit] Video interviews/features[edit]

arbre Identification des végétaux APA 1500 - Identification des végétaux - Professeur: Bruno GADRAT Racine pivotante La racine pivotante ou pivot se forme au moment de la germination de la graine. Racines et radicelles Les racines ont trois rôles. L'essentiel du système racinaire (ensemble des racines principales, secondaires et des radicelles) se situe dans le premier mètre sous la surface du sol (image ci-contre mesure a). Les radicelles sont les jeunes racines. Racine principale Les racines principales sont les racines les plus âgées. Drageon Un drageon est une branche vigoureuse qui développe un nouveau système aérien de l'arbre à partir d'une racine. Tronc C'est l'axe principal qui s'est développé et a grossi en circonférence au fur et à mesure des années. Branche principale ou charpentière C'est une branche qui part du tronc. Gourmand C'est une branche vigoureuse qui développe un nouveau système aérien de l'arbre à partir d'une branche adulte. Branche secondaire Rameaux et brindilles Bruno Gadrat

Quail Springs Permaculture Design Course The Quail Springs Permaculture Design Course (PDC) is a 14-day course which includes the 72-hr Permaculture Certification through Permaculture Research Institute… and much more. Immerse yourself in permaculture in action with this 14-day learning journey! Share in the joy of community learning together and changing the world. Take home the ability to design and apply natural principles to create stable and resilient systems that provide food, water, shelter and energy needs while regenerating ecology, community and economy. Permaculture Design Certification Course (PDC) is sponsored by Quail Springs Permaculture, an internationally recognized permaculture education organization. The grassroots Permaculture movement promotes effective methodologies for attaining sustainability worldwide. Permaculture is a conscious integrated design system based on ecology and sustainability principles to create resource efficient and productive human environments and reduce our footprint on the earth.

Permaculture With its system of applied education, research and citizen- led design permaculture has grown a popular web of global networks and developed into a global social movement[citation needed]. The term permaculture was developed and coined by David Holmgren, then a graduate student at the Tasmanian College of Advanced Education's Department of Environmental Design, and Bill Mollison, senior lecturer in Environmental Psychology at University of Tasmania, in 1978. [1] The word permaculture originally referred to "permanent agriculture",[3] but was expanded to stand also for "permanent culture", as it was understood that social aspects were integral to a truly sustainable system as inspired by Masanobu Fukuoka’s natural farming philosophy. It has many branches that include, but are not limited to, ecological design, ecological engineering, regenerative design, environmental design, and construction. History[edit] Several individuals revolutionized the branch of permaculture. In Australian P.A.

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