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Why Did NASA Kill Cassini? On September 15, 2017 NASA destroyed Cassini—on purpose. Why kill a multibillion-dollar spacecraft? Sep 20, 2017 Death Dive to Saturn Follow Cassini's final days as it skims the cloud tops before plunging into the planet. Commentary: Unsolicited and Unwelcome, Climate Denial Comes to Schools In mid-March of 2017, I saw the first indications of trouble. From Education Blog | Sep 19, 2017 Cassini's Search For Life Is there life beyond Earth? Sep 15, 2017 Amazing Discoveries from Cassini Relive Cassini's greatest hits from its 13 years studying Saturn. Saying Goodbye to Cassini Cassini, a brave explorer that was dispatched to study a distant ringed world, has died. What Saturn Can Tell Us About Earth—and Beyond After Friday’s crash landing into Saturn, NASA scientists are reflecting on the lessons Cassini has imparted.

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50 Really Cool Online Tools for Science Teachers A 21st-century education revolves around the Internet for everything from collaboration, tools, lessons, and even earning degrees online. If you are looking for ways to integrate online learning into your science class or science degree programs, then take a look at these cool online tools that are just perfect for both teachers and students. Science Tools to Use with Students Atlantic Puffins, Atlantic Puffin Pictures, Atlantic Puffin Facts ... Atlantic puffins have penguin-like coloring but they sport a colorful beak that has led some to dub them the "sea parrot." The beak fades to a drab gray during the winter and blooms with color again in the spring—suggesting that it may be attractive to potential mates. These birds live most of their lives at sea, resting on the waves when not swimming. They are excellent swimmers that use their wings to stroke underwater with a flying motion. They steer with rudderlike webbed feet and can dive to depths of 200 feet (61 meters), though they usually stay underwater for only 20 or 30 seconds.

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Microscope Imaging Station. Neurons: A Fish-Eye View of the Brain Speed-dating neurons make connections Researchers in the Smith lab have also been able to watch the development of single neurons as they grow and connect to each other to complete the optical system. What they’ve seen helps explain how the brain's enormous complexity emerges. Superpower: Immortality video Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection Homo Sapien Evolution An infinite amount of birthdays seems incomprehensible. Infinity is a tough concept! Using the fundamentals of set theory, explore the mind-bending concept of the "infinity of infinities" -- and how it led mathematicians to conclude that math itself contains unanswerable questions. Fråga jourhavande geolog Jourhavande geolog svara också på frågor om Sveriges berggrund och geologiska utveckling, om jordklotets uppbyggnad och utveckling, plattektonik, kontinentaldrift, vulkaner, jordbävningar och bergskedjebildning. Har jag hittat en meteorit? Museet får varje år in många frågor om och bilder på förmodade meteoriter från allmänheten. Riktiga meteoriter är dock väldigt sällsynta, och hittills har ingen av dessa många misstänkta fynd visat sig vara en riktig meteorit, inte ens när någon påstås ha observerat hur den föll ned. Det hindrar inte att man kan höra av sig via e-post till Jourhavande geolog om man har en misstänkt meteorit, den kan ju faktiskt vara äkta.

Visitors to the site will immediately notice the "Watch, Interact, Explore" section, which allows interested parties to access short video clips and interactive features culled from NOVA program webpages. The materials here are all tied to state educational standards, and visitors can browse the subject headings, which include anthropology, forensic science, and space science. by macopa Aug 28
