English Speaking and conversation practice and activities for ESL students and teachers ESLgold.com provides thousands of free resources and information for both students and teachers. All materials are organized by skill level for quick and easy access, Just click on a link to get started. ESL Students learn how to use greetings in English in this ESLgold.com video. ESLgold.com - Explanations, Examples & Exercises - English as a Second Language free materials for teaching and study JOIN THE ESLgold COMMUNITY We will enter you into the drawing for the iPod on Dec 31st and add you to our monthly newsletter. Welcome! Skills Speaking Listening Reading Writing Grammar Vocabulary Business English Pronunciation Idioms Levels Low Beginning High Beginning Low Intermediate High Intermediate Advanced
Learn Basic English When you learn basic English, you have opened a door on the world. Believe it or not, English is actually the dominant international language that is used for business, communications, science, and even diplomatic relations. While it is definitely important for people to develop and master a broad English vocabulary, it is equally important to make sure that you learn standard English grammar. Although it may seem like a daunting task to try to learn English, there are a variety of online aids that can make the process a whole lot easier for you. Understanding the Basics First of all, it is important that you understand what is meant when we talk about learning the “basics” of the English language. If you are to learn basic English, you are first of all going to have the memorize the English alphabet. Written or Oral – Which Way is Best? If you are going to learn basic English, you will have the opportunity to learn orally or by doing written work. How Long Will it Take to Learn English?
Conversation Worksheets - Society The ESL worksheets and teacher's notes on this page are in PDF format. You are free to download, print and photocopy them unmodified for classroom use. Healthcare | Teacher's NotesA lesson on a universally relevant topic which will really generate discussion! Vocabulary in the form of phrasal verbs and expressions is practised in a gap-fill exercise. Shopping | Teacher's NotesA topic that is not only popular but relevant and useful too. Is Football a Waste of Time? The Naked Truth | Teacher's NotesA fun lesson which works as an antidote to lessons on clothes! A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing | Teacher's NotesA very useful worksheet on a popular topic which ties in with many mainstream course books. Genes and Genius | Teacher's NotesAn informative and interesting worksheet about genetics (GM food, genetic engineering, cloning, genetic fingerprinting, etc) which deals with topic-related vocabulary through mix-and-match exercises before moving on to discussion questions (e.g.
Online English Course - Index Page Course 2 - Elementary Unit 15 - Quantifiers: Some / Any Unit 16 - Quantifiers: Much / Many / A Lot of Unit 17 - Quantifiers: A Few / A Little Unit 18 - Possessives Unit 19 - Modal Verbs - Can / Can't Unit 20 - Have / Have got Unit 21 - Conjunctions Unit 22 - Imperatives Unit 23 - Present Continuous Unit 24 - Adverbs of Frequency Unit 25 - Comparatives / Superlatives classroom Bookmarks - segnalibri Cut every bookmark and colour 8 Ways to Welcome Students I try to make students feel welcome as soon as they step into my classroom. I believe the most important part of the first day is helping students feel comfortable and enthusiastic about attending school. Here is my 8-step plan for starting off right from day one. 1. Setting the Right Tone I open the morning by reading First Day Jitters. 2. At the end of the first day, students receive a treat bag with meaningful items to set the tone of the class for the year. an eraser — mistakes are opportunities for learning Smarties candies — we all have different kinds of “smarts” a pencil — "Because I know that you are sharp!" 3. On the first day of school students have a shape taped under their chairs (apple, rocket, etc.). 4. I pass out cards that have facts about me on them. 5. Students walk around the room with clipboards and a questionnaire asking students different questions. 6. 7. Since we're in room 16, my class adopts the name "TEAM 16" for the year. 8.
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Banque de dépannage linguistique Vous écrivez dans les réseaux sociaux? Vous vous souciez de la qualité de vos communications? Le nouveau sous-thème de la BDL vous plaira! La banque vous propose des nouveautés portant sur la rédaction dans les réseaux sociaux. Qu’il s’agisse de balises pour la rédaction de mots-clics, de l’intégration d’hyperliens ou même de suggestions pour la présentation de l’information, les articles fournissent des repères pour adopter de bonnes pratiques rédactionnelles dans les communications numériques. La multiplication des plateformes de réseaux sociaux ainsi que leur popularité foudroyante ont également engendré un foisonnement de termes en usage dans le domaine. Vous avez des commentaires à nous soumettre? L’équipe de la BDL
Phonétique - CSDM FrancisationPhonétique ** I M P O R T A N T ** Veuillez prendre note qu'une nouvelle version du site existe à cette adresse : www.phonetique.ca Nous fermerons cette adresse en automne 2016. Merci de mettre à jour vos favoris. Les voyelles orales et nasales (Présentation) Les voyelles et leurs graphies (Présentation) Les consonnes et leurs graphies (Présentation) Comparaison des voyelles de quelques langues (Présentation) Équivalents des phonèmes français dans d’autres langues (PDF) À propos du test de discrimination auditive Exercices de discrimination auditive Démonstration du trapèze vocaliquepar Sophie Lapierre (à venir) Notes Ces pages utilisent la technologie Flash et ne conviennent pas aux appareils mobiles.Le temps d'attente des vidéos de la production des sons dépend de la vitesse de votre connexion Internet. Corrections ?