Shiny UI Kit PSD Shiny UI Kit PSD Derek KohnApr 16th 2012Tags: rating, shiny, tag, toggle, uikit This PSD contains a few different UI elements along a stylish, “shiny” theme. These include a red and green on/off toggle switch, a star rating element, and a simple tag. PIXELS • DAILY is a collection of free and commercial resources for designers. How it Works It's pretty simple. Search 5 Infographics on Web Accessibility for Designers When you are designing a site you have a hundred little details to keep in mind. But it isn’t all about concept design and launch. It is also about making sure whatever you create has the maximum web accessibility possible for your users. Which is a whole other set of guidelines you have to follow, apart from the design process itself. Don’t get caught making common pitfalls. Web Accessibility for Designers View Larger WebAim is a Utah State University based organization dedicated to creating an accessible online world for people with disabilities. Accessibility Challenges In Email Design View Larger Addressing a challenge often skirted over by design blogs, this typographic uses a retro infromation pamphlet look to talk about the different kinds of disability you will encounter (Visual, Physical and Cognitive/Neurological), and provide helpful statistics on each. What Is Web Accessibility? Anatomy Of Effective Web Design Color Contrast View Larger
Top 50+ Tools for Creating Infographics Telling your story in visual form through the use of infographics has been one of the hottest trends in recent times. Given the tremendous information available online, people are now more interested to get information through colorful and interesting graphics, instead of words and numbers. Creating infographics, however, requires tremendous analytical and creative skills plus the ability to convert these data and information into interesting visuals. The good news is, there are available resources online that you can use to help you create infographics. If you want to view some excellent examples of a well-designed infographics, then checkout our previous post on the following topics: These are online applications that you can use to generate charts, graphs and tables. 01-AmCharts A set of free JavaScript/HTML5-based chart tools that can cover most of your needs, whether designing static infographics or developing embeddable “live” dynamic charts. 49-Number of You ask, we count.
22 free tools for data visualization and analysis You may not think you've got much in common with an investigative journalist or an academic medical researcher. But if you're trying to extract useful information from an ever-increasing inflow of data, you'll likely find visualization useful -- whether it's to show patterns or trends with graphics instead of mountains of numbers, or to try to explain complex issues to a nontechnical audience. There are many tools around to help turn data into graphics, but they can carry hefty price tags. The cost can make sense for professionals whose primary job is to find meaning in mountains of information, but you might not be able to justify such an expense if you or your users only need a graphics application from time to time, or if your budget for new tools is somewhat limited. If one of the higher-priced options is out of your reach, there are a surprising number of highly robust tools for data visualization and analysis that are available at no charge. Data cleaning
Shiny UI Kit by Derek Kohn on Friday 30th November 2012 This PSD contains a few different UI elements along a stylish, “shiny” theme. These include a red and green on/off toggle switch, a star rating element, and a simple tag. Perfect for incorporating into your own design or tweaking to fit your own style and colour scheme. Curio I occasionally have a look at the keywords people have entered in Google that lead them to this site, and so I notice that someone searched for a comparison between Curio and Circus Ponies Notebook. Not knowing Curio, I had a short look at the program. The Pros Visual Metaphor with a lot of helpful features Curio is a little bit like Tinderbox — you manage your ideas visually in a free form format. And Curio really nailed working visually — the objects look beautiful, the styles are nice and it is fun to work with. This combination is really nice, especially if you have a graphic tablet, because the drawing pens are really great and fast to use. Excellent integration with other programs As far as I can see it, the integration with other programs is really well done. Project Management Features One of the additional meta-features of working visually are project management features. Dossiers Another meta-feature is a dossier you can create for each project. Many more nice details and features
Information Design Watch | March 7, 2012, 3:42 pm The Scientists Sketch By Henry Woodbury Data visualization consultant Lee De Cola has assembled a neat cross section of sketches by famous scientists. Sadly, many of the images are small, or culled of context. Comments (2) | Filed under: Art, Charts and Graphs, Diagrams, Illustration, Information Design, Maps, Scholarly Publishing, Visual Explanation December 27, 2011, 10:57 am The Infographic Dump I’ve been meaning to write about a spate of bad infographics I’ve been seeing recently in blog posts and social media feeds, but Megan McArdle beat me to it: If you look at these lovely, lying infographics, you will notice that they tend to have a few things in common:They are made by random sites without particularly obvious connection to the subject matter. As summarized in point 3 above, McArdle goes into some detail on the misuse of data. These graphs suffer from more than misappropriated data. p.s. December 25, 2011, 8:58 pm World Map Abstracted December 12, 2011, 10:05 pm
40+ Visualization Tools for dashboards and social business There is so much data that it is an incredible task to actually comprehend it. Like looking at a TV screen full of static… trying to rationalize if one pixel means something. In order to make the data actionable we need to really focus on tools to clarify what we are looking at. We need to think about the process of tuning into a specific channelof segmenting dataof communicating the significance of that dataof doing SOMETHING with the data To that end I’ve collected another list of tools that specifically help with visualizing different types of information. Keep in mind that some of these tools just need ‘some play time’ where you trial and test different types of data until they begin to make sense to you, your audience, and your business. You should always keep in mind If you have a visualization tool we’d love to check it out. “Easy to Use” Visualization Tools Social Media Oriented Tools Google+ RipplesThis is a hidden gem, often overlooked by many. Charting Oriented Tools Word Based Tools
A Comprehensive Collection of Free UI Kits & Templates User interface design involves a lot of creativity, inspiration, testing and motivation along with the skills necessary to communicate effectively with clients. A good UI is consistent and can make a website easier to understand and use. Having a set of editable UI elements is essential for every web designer to make quick layouts and prototypes for their projects. Today, we have a comprehensive collection of Free UI Kits and templates for you. All of the UI kits are editable, in .psd format and all are perfect for creating web mockups. Sharp UI Kit Pizza UI Kit iTunes Inspired UI Kit Pandora UI Pack Heavenly Assorted UI Kit The Bricks UI Pack Light Grey UI Kit Dark Chart UI Kit Clean UI Kit Transparent UI Kit Sticky Butterscotch UI Kit #F57a59 UI Kit Dark UI Kit Minimize Simple UI Kit Dark Web Apps UI Kit Wood UI Kit Fresh UI Kit Futurico UI Pack Minty UI Kit UI Kit Impressionist UI Pack Fresh UI Pack Milky UI Kit 10 Comments
Curio - Mind Mapping, Brainstorming, and Project Management Software for Mac OS X The Real World You have work projects and home projects, school classes to manage and book reports to research, vacations to plan and novels to write, web sites to design and lab results to organize. You currently use a collection of notebooks, your office whiteboard, scraps of sticky notes, oodles of browser bookmarks, and multiple documents scattered around your hard disk. You’re juggling it all, but organizing this information should be easier. A Better World! In Curio, create a project to represent your real-world project, then fill it with everything related to that project including notes, images, documents, web links, and much, much more. Anything placed into Curio can be associated with tags, flags, checkboxes, priorities, ratings, and start/due dates and durations, for fast and easy searching and task management. The best part is you are in complete control over your idea spaces. Thousands of customers around the world use Curio in a surprisingly diverse range of occupations.
ONLINE GRAPHS AND CHARTS | create and design your own graphs and charts online | INDEX The Best Tools for Visualization Visualization is a technique to graphically represent sets of data. When data is large or abstract, visualization can help make the data easier to read or understand. There are visualization tools for search, music, networks, online communities, and almost anything else you can think of. Whether you want a desktop application or a web-based tool, there are many specific tools are available on the web that let you visualize all kinds of data. Here are some of the best: Visualize Social Networks Last.Forward: Thanks to's new widget gallery, you can now explore a wide selection of extras to extend your experience. Last Forward Friends Sociomap: Friends Sociomap is another tools that generates a map of the music compatibility between you and your friends. Fidg't:Fidg't is a desktop application that gives you a way to view your networks tagging habits. Fidg't The Digg Tools: One more: Digg Radar . YouTube: Visualize Music Musicovery music visual tools: Amazon Data
Linecons Free - Vector Icons Pack Linecons Free is a set of remarkable free vector icons. The set contains 48 fully scalable vector icons with outline styles. You can use these icons when creating web and mobile interfaces. They will suit any site themes and any design. Each icon is thoroughly pressed in its specific and new style. Each icon is available in following formats: Webfont (HTML/CSS)PDFAI (Adobe Illustrator)PSD (Adobe Photoshop)PNG (Original size and 512×512 px)SVG (Universal Vector File) Icons include: Cloud, Heart, Star, TV, Sound, Video, Trash, User, Key, Search, Settings, Camera, Tag, Lock, Bulb, Pen, Diamond, Display, Location, Eye, Bubble, Cup, Phone, News, Mail, Like, Stack, Photo, Note, Clock, Paper plane, Params, Banknote, Data, Music, Megaphone, Study, Food, Lab, T-shirt, Fire, Clip, Shop, Calendar, Wallet, Vinyl, Truck, World. Linecons Free and Polaris UI Free was specially made by Designmodo for Smashing Magazine. Download Linecons Free