Manuka honey effectively destroys superbugs Sun. Dec. 8, 2013 by Michelle Marks, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) Superbugs and antibiotic-resistance are a major concern in modern medicine. While the danger of superbugs and vulnerability to untreatable infections are on the rise, a recent study from the University of Technology Sydney (UTS) comes as a huge relief. According to Professor Liz Harry, of UTS, ”Manuka honey should be used as a first resort for wound treatment, rather than the last resort, as it so often is.” Manuka honey is obtained from bushes of the manuka tree. Table honey contain highly-processed, simple sugars and hydrogen peroxide – the common component in all honey. Manuka honey is particularly rich in methylglyoxal (MG), while it is present in low amounts in other types of honey. Many studies have confirmed the rapid wound healing effects of manuka honey especially as a topical applicant and in treating leg ulcers. Not all manuka honeys are the same. Looking for natural health solutions? References:1.
Job Descriptions for Library of the Future won’t include the word “Librarian” One recruiting task we often get asked to do is to create job descriptions for library staff positions. Increasingly hiring managers, especially from law firms and other private sector organizations, are saying they don’t want a librarian! Really what they don’t want is the outdated image of a librarian handling paper books and other reading materials. They want people who can “handle” digital information stored in virtual libraries. A quick search of the current Library & Information job listings we have for our clients does result in positions for what I would call “conventional” librarian roles, yet these opportunities remain mostly in a public or academic library setting. Otherwise, a sampling of positions available in the Library & Information Management category includes the following: In other words, not too much in the way of locating books on shelves. As for the qualifications for these jobs? The Job Description for the Future Librarian
Professori lyttää D-vitamiinisuositukset - "annoskokoa pitäisi lisätä" Nykyiset D-vitamiinin viralliset saantisuositukset Pohjoismaissa ovat 7,5 mikrogrammaa 2 - 60-vuotiaille ja yli 60-vuotiaille 10 mikrogrammaa päivässä. Helsingin yliopiston professorilla, lääketieteen tohtori Ilari Paakkarilla on selvä käsitys suositusten tehosta. - Ne ovat liian matalat. Kaikista parhaiten osoitettu hyöty D-vitamiinista on luuston terveyshyöty eli murtumien ja osteoporoosin estyminen, ja nykyisillä annoksilla sitä ei saada aikaan. Hän huomauttaa myös odottavien äitien D-vitamiinin tarpeesta eli 10 mikrogrammasta vuorokaudessa. - Yhdysvalloissa äskettäin ilmestynyt, odottavia äitejä hoitavien lääkäreiden oma julkaisu kertoo, että odottavan äidin pitäisi saada 100 mikrogrammaa päivässä, jotta lapsella olisi jo kohdussa D-vitamiinia veressä. 10 mikrogrammalla ei ole mitään vaikutusta, toteaa professori Paakkari. "Viralliset suositukset johtavat harhaan" Professori Paakkari haluaisi laittaa nykyiset D-vitamiinisuositukset remonttiin. Tiedekentällä vellovat eri mielipiteet
Santé Nature Innovation - Les nouveaux traitements naturels validés par la recherche scientifique The detoxifying health benefits of bentonite clay (NaturalNews) Life in the 21st century is full of stress and environmental toxicity. We have over 80,000 toxic chemicals in our surrounding environment that we interact with regularly. A lifestyle of daily detoxifying strategies and periodic cleansing periods is essential to health in the modern world. Bentonite clay is a perfect detoxifying agent with remarkable health benefits. A healthy cell must be able to excrete waste material on a consistent basis. Clay and dirt are substances that have been used for thousands of years by indigenous people around the world, including our ancient ancestors. Every animal eats dirt and clay on a regular basis. Bentonite clay provides a great medium as a detoxification treatment, because it is safe and highly effective. Clay is a grouping of super charged minerals that are lying inert. Clay has a magnetic affinity for heavy metals, viruses and intestinal parasites among other things. Do not use clay with any pharmaceutical or homeopathic therapies.
MotherMaryMediatrixHealing D-vitamiini D-vitamiinin eri muodot Tärkein D-vitamiini on D3-vitamiini (kolekalsiferoli), jota kesällä syntyy runsaasti ihossa auringon ultraviolettisäteilyn (UVB-säteily) vaikutuksesta. Luonnollisissa elintarvikkeissa D3-vitamiinia on merkittäviä määriä vain kalassa. D2-vitamiinia (ergokalsiferolia) esiintyy kasvikunnasta peräisin olevissa ravintoaineissa, mutta vain niin vähän, että täysin kasvisruokavaliota noudattavien tulee käyttää D-vitamiinivalmisteita pimeänä talviaikana. D-vitamiinin varastomuoto on kalsidioli, jota maksa valmistaa D3-vitamiinista. D-vitamiinin varastomuoto muuttuu munuaisissa kalsitrioliksi, joka on D-vitamiinin aktiivinen muoto. Mikä on D-vitamiinin sopiva veripitoisuus? Suomessa kalsidiolin viitearvot eivät ole osoitus normaalisuudesta tai terveydestä, vaan ne kertovat siitä, että pimeä talvi aiheuttaa D-vitamiinin puutoksen suurelle osalle väestöstä. 1) Päiväntasaajan lähellä luonnonvaraisesti elävillä kansoilla kalsidioli on ympäri vuoden yli 100 nmol/l;
More Scientists Recommend Vitamin D from Sun to Prevent Heart Disease Heather CallaghanActivist Post It is almost impossible to get necessary amounts of vitamin D from our daily diet; a lot of people use megadoses of supplements. UV-B radiation in sunshine is the most important factor in production of vitamin D - which is why so many people experience Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) in winter months and possibly, more cold viruses. There are already established health connections to vitamin D and help with diabetes, autoimmune diseases, cancer, mood and much more. But evidence is mounting that vitamin D could be one of the most important factors in preventing heart disease, the number one killer in the U.S. The trick is, there's a very important reason it must come from the sun, not just supplements. More scientists are discovering the underlying mechanism of how sun-produced vitamin D is needed for all heart issues - blood pressure, circulation, hardened arteries and more. Andrukhova explains: Institute board Professor Reinhold Erben states:
The Pieta Prayer Booklet ThePietaPrayer BookletAndThe 15 St. Bridget Prayers To the ReaderThis booklet on prayer is an effort to apply the scientific method to the Truths of our Roman Catholic Faith, to obtain more grace to better serve God, drawing particularly on that gigantic source of God’s Infinite Goodness and Mercy - a source virtually untapped – PROPHETIC REVELATIONS. “When it’s a question of prophetic revelations the Pope is the SOLE judge!” DedicationThe Blessed Virgin said: “You love Me and make others love Me.” PurposeScripture says: “Pray without ceasing.” May this Pieta Prayer Booklet serve as a spiritual tool for souls who wish to increase their daily prayer life. Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us.Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us. TheFifteen PrayersRevealed by Our Lord toSaint Bridget of Sweden In the Church of St. Are published under sanction of the Decree of November 18, 1966, published in the Acta Apostolicae Sedis, Vol. 58, No. 16 of December 29, 1966. As St. Promises Conclusion
Parhaat D-vitamiini tuotteet, mistä D-vitamiini halvalla? D-vitamiini suositus Omat kokemukset D-vitamiini tuotteiden käytöstä noin 3 vuoden ajalta, mitkä ovat parhaat D-vitamiini tuotteet? D-vitamiini käyttökokemuksia. iHerb D-vitamiini suosituksia. Asutko Hawaijilla, Thaimaassa tai vastaavassa ja otat lähes päivittäin klo 12-14 aikaan noin puolituntia aurinkoa ilman aurinkorasvaa? Jos asut ja teet näin niin sitten et tarvitse D-vitamiinilisää. Mutta meillä muilla on on vain muutama vaihtoehto sen oikean D-vitamiinin saantiin. Noin 90% maailman populaatiosta elää D-vitamiini vajeessa. Riittävä D-vitamiinitaso vaatii auringonottoa ja lisäravinteita, tällä hetkellä sitä ei pysty saamaan lähimainkaan riittävästi nykyisestä ravinnostamme. Dr. Miksi D-vitamiinia? "Lääkäri Antti Heikkilä: Kaikkien suomalaisten pitäisi syödä D-vitamiinia purkista." "Lääkäri Antti Heikkilä kertoo, että riittävä määrä D-vitamiinia ehkäisee flunssia, allergioita, syöpiä, osteoporoosia, verisuonitauteja sekä masennusta." "Hyvin monet sairaudet ovat yhteydessä liian matalaan D-vitamiinitasoon.
Astaxanthin found to reduce oxidation, DNA damage and liver cancer formation (NaturalNews) Scientific evidence continues to mount showing that astaxanthin is one of the most potent antioxidants yet discovered. A study conducted by researchers from India's National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research found that astaxanthin not only can reduce oxidation of the liver but can actually prevent DNA damage and the early stages of liver cancer development. In the study, published in the journal Mutation Research in 2010, researchers used cyclophosphamide to induce oxidative stress in the livers of rats. "The present study confirms that astaxanthin is a potent antioxidant and attenuates oxidative stress, DNA damage, cell death as well as induction of early hepatocarcinogenesis," the researchers wrote. A unique antioxidant Astaxanthin is a yellow-orange pigment in the family known as xanthophylls, which in turn are a subclass of the carotenoids. In addition, astaxanthin does not oxidize after removing free radicals, enabling it to continue working.
tinyurl-traditional textbooks Frank Schembari loves books — printed books. He loves how they smell. He loves scribbling in the margins, underlining interesting sentences, folding a page corner to mark his place. Schembari is not a retiree who sips tea at Politics and Prose or some other bookstore. He is 20, a junior at American University, and paging through a thick history of Israel between classes, he is evidence of a peculiar irony of the Internet age: Digital natives prefer reading in print. “I like the feeling of it,” Schembari said, reading under natural light in a campus atrium, his smartphone next to him. Textbook makers, bookstore owners and college student surveys all say millennials still strongly prefer print for pleasure and learning, a bias that surprises reading experts given the same group’s proclivity to consume most other content digitally. “These are people who aren’t supposed to remember what it’s like to even smell books,” said Naomi S. “I don’t absorb as much,” one student told Baron.
D-vitamiini saantisuositus 2013 - Aamutohtori Jukka Pekka Kouri D-vitamiini suositus Oletko kuullut pysäyttävän väitteen D-vitamiinista? Katso asialliset D-vitamiini suositukset aamutohtori Jukka Pekka Kouri jakaa hyvää informaatiota D:stä. D-vitamiinista kannattaa lukea viimeisimät uutiset Suomen mediassa:PYSÄYTTÄVÄ VÄITE D-vitamiinista - yllättävä riskiryhmäD-vitamiinin puutos usean sairauden taustalla Suosittelen kaikkia katsomaan alla olevan videon, erittäin asiallinen d-vitamiini saantisuositus ja hyvää infoa d-vitamiinin yllättävistä hyödyistä. Aamutohtorin aiheena d-vitamiini. Fysiatrian erikoislääkäri Jukka Pekka Kouri vastaa katsojien kysymyksiin ja antaa uudet d-vitamiini saantisuositus infot vuodella 2013. D-vitamiini saantisuositus Tämän hetken "viralliset" D-vitamiinivalmisteiden käyttösuositukset: -Alle 2-vuotiaat: 10 mikrogrammaa päivässä ympäri vuoden -2-18-vuotiaat: 7,5 mikrogrammaa päivässä ympäri vuoden -Raskaana olevat ja imettävät naiset: 10 mikrogrammaa päivässä ympäri vuoden -Yli 60-vuotiaat: 20 mikrogrammaa päivässä ympäri vuoden (Lähde: THL)
Leo Galland, M.D.: Can Supplements Reduce Damage From Radiation? The fallout from radioactive steam released by damaged nuclear reactors in Japan has raised concerns about radiation exposure in Asia, the Pacific and North America. The disaster at Chernobyl in the Ukraine in 1986 provides an alarming example of how radiation can spread over long distances and in unsuspected ways. Risk of Radiation Entering the Food Supply For people outside of Japan, the most likely risk comes from ingestion of foods contaminated with radioactive isotopes of minerals like iodine, strontium and cesium. Scientists note: "millions of people were exposed to radioactive isotopes in the fallout from the Chernobyl accident, within the first 20 years there was a large increase in thyroid carcinoma incidence and a possible radiation-related increase in breast cancer..." [1] Following Chernobyl studies found an increase in the incidence of thyroid cancer and childhood leukemia that extended as far as Scotland and Wales in the United Kingdom. [2,3] Now I'd like to hear from you...