Giving More Than Money Live notes from the "Giving More Than Money" session at the Awesome Summit, by Rahul Bhargava, Ethan Zuckerman and Willow Brugh. Matt Stempeck (@mstem) comes to the Center for Civic Media from the Washington activism world. The organizations he worked with always lacked money. When it became time to run a campaign, organizations always wanted to figure out what to ask for... and the obvious question is to ask for money. But people don't like to be asked for money. Now, more people do their jobs over the Internet - can we structure organizations so we can benefit from people's skills, not just from their ability to write checks. Jeremy Liu thinks about professional skill matching in the Bay Area. Jeremy Liu Jeremy Liu starts by asking us how many of us have heard of community development corporations - only a few hands go up. Emilie Dubois - Connected Learning Research Network She's been participating in the time-bank by copyediting, carrying out photography assignments and walking dogs.
Stephen King: Tax Me, for F@%&’s Sake! The iconic writer scolds the superrich (including himself—and Mitt Romney) for not giving back, and warns of a Kingsian apocalyptic scenario if inequality is not addressed in America. Chris Christie may be fat, but he ain’t Santa Claus. In fact, he seems unable to decide if he is New Jersey’s governor or its caporegime, and it may be a comment on the coarsening of American discourse that his brash rudeness is often taken for charm. Lobbyist Grover Norquist responds to King and begs to differ, 'for f@%&’s sake!' Heard it all before. Cut a check and shut up, they said. If you want to pay more, pay more, they said. Tired of hearing about it, they said. Tough shit for you guys, because I’m not tired of talking about it. What charitable 1 percenters can’t do is assume responsibility—America’s national responsibilities: the care of its sick and its poor, the education of its young, the repair of its failing infrastructure, the repayment of its staggering war debts. Thank You!
LA REVUE DE PRESSE INTERNATIONALE DE PIERRE JOVANOVIC 2008 - 2014 LA VRAIE INFORMATION REND LIBRE (LE MONDE A VOLONTAIREMENT IGNORÉ L'ASSASSINAT DE D. ROSSI) cliquez sur l'image pour mon reportage NOTE: le reportage d'ARTE n'a même pas osé dire que David Rossi a été battu et que sa montre est tombée bien après sa chute... Incroyable mais habituelle lâcheté des journalistes de télévision. De notre lecteur Willy " voici la base de données LE MONDE - DECODEX LIEN ICI (à sa sortie... elle évoluera par la suite sans doute). C'est assez intéressant de la parcourir d'un bloc, plutôt que de le faire site par site... vous comprendrez pourquoi... Avec quelques lignes de code, un programmeur un peu expérimenté arrivera à la mettre en forme... De notre lecteur Sacha: " comme en France (Le Monde), en Allemagne la guerre contre le " Fake News " (la vérité) a debuté. - 925.000 euro de Brost-Stiftung => fondation très près de FUNKE-Mediengruppe (groupe Media) - - 114.000 euro de Stiftung Adessium => fondation Néerlandaise, connue pour être aux alentour de Mr. LoL M.
Transform Military Space to Civic Space Architecture for Humanity asks for your support to showcase Finalists from this year's design competition, “[UN]Restricted Access”, at the 2012 Venice Architecture Biennale. By broadening the conversation around the future of ex-military bases through forums like the Biennale, we increase the chance of making these projects a reality. Finalist Designs: Transforming Military Space to Civic Space [OCO - Ocean Conservatory & Observatory] near Lisbon, Portugal. Paicho Huts near Gulu, Uganda The Store - Pillbox Conversion in rural New Zealand Alter Your Native Belfast // Alternative Belfast in Belfast, Northern Island PLUG-In HEBRON - People Liberated Urban Gaps In Hebron in Old City of Hebron, Israeli Occupied Palestinian West Bank Magazine Hill: A weathered continuum, in Pretoria, South Africa Humboldthain Food Cooperative in Berlin, Germany To read more about the Finalists, check out this recent feature on [UN]Restricted Access in Wired Online. The cost of the Palazzo Bembo installation includes:
Education: Money is made of Nothing (Republished from I.P.C.O. Education) 200bc. Rome Rome was having trouble with the money changers. 2 early Roman Emperors were assassinated because of their attempts to diminish the power of the money changers by reforming Usury laws and limiting land ownership to 500 acres. 48bc. Julius Caesar took back the power to coin money from the money changers and minted coins for the benefit of all, building great public works projects and making money plentiful which won him the love of the common man. With the of death of Caesar came the demise of plentiful money in Rome. 1100ad. King Henry 1st finally resolved to take the power away from the gold smiths and introduced the ‘Tally Stick System’ (accepted for the payment of taxes1100ad -1826ad.) 1500's King Henry 8th King Henry 8th finally relaxed the laws of Usury. 1553 Queen Mary 1st Queen Mary 1st took the throne and tightened the Usury Laws again, the money changers renewed the hording of gold and silver coins forcing the economy to plummet.
Your iPhone Was Built, In Part, By 13 Year-Olds Working 16 Hours A Day For 70 Cents An Hour 'Mass suicide' protest at Apple manufacturer Foxconn factory Foxconn, which manufactures gadgets for the likes of Apple, Sony, Nintendo and HP, among many others, has had a grim history of suicides at its factories. A suicide cluster in 2010 saw 18 workers throw themselves from the tops of the company's buildings, with 14 deaths. "We were put to work without any training, and paid piecemeal," said one of the protesting workers, who asked not to be named. Several reports from inside Foxconn factories have suggested that while the company is more advanced than many of its competitors, it is run in a "military" fashion that many workers cannot cope with. "Because we could not cope, we went on strike," said the worker. The worker said that Foxconn initially refused to negotiate, but that the workers were treated reasonably by the local police and fire service. He added that 45 Foxconn employees had chosen to resign and the remainder had returned to work.
Full-Blown Civil War Erupts On Wall Street - Financial Elite Start Turning On Each Other Reality Finally Hits The Financial Elite As They Start Turning On Each Other 6th September 2011 By David DeGraw - ampedstatus.org Finally, after trillions in fraudulent activity, trillions in bailouts, trillions in printed money, billions in political bribing and billions in bonuses, the criminal cartel members on Wall Street are beginning to get what they deserve. As the Eurozone is coming apart at the seams and as the US economy grinds to a halt, the financial elite are starting to turn on each other. Time to put your Big Bank shorts on! Well, well… here’s your Shock & Awe: First up, this shockingly huge $196 billion lawsuit just filed against 17 major banks on behalf of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. FHA Files a $196 Billion Lawsuit Against 17 Banks The Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA), as conservator for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (the Enterprises), today filed lawsuits against 17 financial institutions, certain of their officers and various unaffiliated lead underwriters. 1. 1. 2.
For the Love of Money Photo IN my last year on Wall Street my bonus was $3.6 million — and I was angry because it wasn’t big enough. I was 30 years old, had no children to raise, no debts to pay, no philanthropic goal in mind. I wanted more money for exactly the same reason an alcoholic needs another drink: I was addicted. Eight years earlier, I’d walked onto the trading floor at Credit Suisse First Boston to begin my summer internship. I already knew I wanted to be rich, but when I started out I had a different idea about what wealth meant. I’d learned about the importance of being rich from my dad. Dad believed money would solve all his problems. IT was a miracle I’d made it to Wall Street at all. Three weeks into my internship she wisely dumped me. She helped me see that I was using alcohol and drugs to blunt the powerlessness I felt as a kid and suggested I give them up. Over the next few years I worked like a maniac and began to move up the Wall Street ladder. I felt so important. I was lucky.